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Funny / What Tomorrow Brings

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  • Elfangor isn't sure how much human slang has changed since the Ellimist took him away from Earth, but he's certain that this note will make him sound "high as a kite":
    To the owner of this vehicle:
    Sorry for taking your car, dude. It was a total emergency, and I’m just a teen bro without my own wheels. I know, crime is so gnarly. Not to worry, my man. Within twenty-four hours of you receiving this note, I’ll drop off this sick joyride to the authorities, so totally contact them in your area of residence.
    Hang loose!
  • Mertil apparently thinks that Cheetos are a perfectly acceptable diet for humans.
  • Gafinilan describing his human morph's cover identity brings to mind Ax's "I am a juvenile delinquent" moment.
    Gafinilan: I am assuming the persona of a laid-back ‘surfer dude.’ I probably have no job and frequently indulge in off-label use of controlled substances such as Cannabis sativa and protein powder.
    Rachel: [Whispering] Oh, my god.
    Tobias: You’ve gotta go with him. You’ve gotta help him.
    Rachel: He’s like Ax on steroids! What am I supposed to - ?
    Gafinilan: Are you ready to go, human?
    Elfangor: [Groans] <Humans don’t view protein powder as a controlled substance.>
    Mertil: <They don’t?>
    Elfangor: <No.>
    Mertil: <But Prince Elfangor - !>
    Elfangor: <No.>
  • After Tom and Marco escape from the basement as ants:
    Tom: This is the shittiest superpower in the world. You know that, right?
    Marco: Welcome to the club. Let’s get the fuck out of here, now that you don’t smell quite so sexy.
    Tom: ....Let’s never speak of this again.
  • When Charlton-as-Temrash-as-Tom tells Iniss 226 to keep Jake-as-a-tiger talking, Iniss asks him if he's as stupid as the dumb jock he's infesting.
  • When Mertil kidnaps Tom, he tries to make himself look deferential in Andalite body language. A few chapters later, we see what this looks like from an outsider's perspective when he meets Elfangor.
    <What are you doing?> I asked him, baffled.
    He froze, one hand higher than the other, his head kind of waving around in the air, one foot pointed forward. “Um...being deferential in Andalite body language so you don’t kill me?”
    <You look like you’re in a play,> Gafinilan said, amused.
    <He looks weird,> Mertil said, frowning.
    <No, no, that’s what the Vrasoon bow would look like, with two eyes and two legs. Don’t you think?>
    <Oh, wait, I can sort of see it! Do it again, human! Gafinilan, it’s like in Dawn at Skytide, isn’t it?>
    Slowly, the human Tom lowered his hands. His face was red, and there was a dark, annoyed anger in his eyes. “No one does that, do they?”
    <Not for about three hundred years,> I confirmed. And because he looked so upset, I added, <But it was a very good try. I promise I won’t kill you.>
  • Immediately afterwards, Tom asks how they're going to save Jake.
    Marco: By doing something stupidly dangerous and probably dying, of course. Welcome to the Animorphs.
  • Elfangor's plan to infiltrate the Dapsen Lumber Company involves Marco acting like a whiny brat to distract a guard. He even asks if he can drive his car!
  • While he's stuck on the Pool Ship, Tom is annoyed that he doesn't know a voluntary host's name and decides to call him "Tim".
  • After Visser One dies, reality goes out for lunch. Jake waves at a chunk of Africa as it flies off into space because it seemed sensible at the time.
