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Funny / Urusei Yatsura Only You

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  • When the alien mailman delivers the invitation to Mendou, his soldiers march out, take it, jump on a motorbike to deliver it... And, starting in the early morning, arrive to Mendou at sundown.
    • Meta: the sequence was eliminated by the theatrical cut because it was too long.
  • The opening, showing the mailman deliver the invitations and the various reactions.
  • When people make an effort to find out who Elle is:
  • Ataru swooning over the ship captain believing she was Elle… And then mistaking Elle’s old caretaker for her and reacting just as you expect.
  • After Elle's ship leaves, Sakura mentally snarks, "The universe is truly vast. To think there'd be someone who could compete with Lum's bad taste in men."
  • Lum was being stalked by one of Elle's soldiers, and when Benten intervenes the soldier disappears after a curtain of rose petals… And then, while Lum and Benten talk, we see her straining to hide behind a clock and hoping they'll leave soon.
  • Benten renting an armed bus… And sending the bill to Elle’s caretaker, before running a check at the restaurant and kept Rei from eating there.
  • The dinner at the Moroboshi has to be seen to be believed.
  • For some reason, Benten's list of guest to Lum and Ataru's wedding includes the mutant monster Lum had assembled out of unrelated fossils and brought to life, a stray cat and a stray dog. Oh, and she basically kidnaps them too. The only ones who weren't kidnapped were Rei (because even he knows better than going against Benten), Oyuki, Kurama (who is there just to make sure Ataru won't come after her again) and Ran... Who hadn't actually been invited but was told of the wedding by Oyuki.
