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Funny / Unforgiven

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

  • Munny (after shooting Little Bill and nearly every deputy): "Any man don't wanna get killed better clear on out the back." (Everyone that can run does.)
    • The subsequent ultimatum also counts for how over the top it goes:
    "Alright, I'm comin' out. Any man I see out there, I'm gonna kill em! Any sumbitch takes a shot at me, I'm not only gonna kill him, I'm gonna kill his wife, all his friends, (and) burn his damn house down!"
  • Right after that he goes to take a swig of liquor, and there is a sign right in front of him which says "No firearms on premises".
  • The Running Gag whenever Beauchamp tries to describe his job as a writer: "What, letters?"
    • The American Old West had many people who were what today is called functionally illiterate. There were people who made money by writing letters (mail correspondence) for other people who could not read or write. So letter writers was considered a decent profession.
  • The scene of the nervous deputies arming themselves as English Bob rides into town, as they argue over the merits of dying on a hot day or cold day as well as how bad a carpenter Little Bill is.
  • Little Bill's reaction to Beauchamp telling him he should hang the carpenter who built his house.
  • "Been talking 'bout the Queen again?"
    • Pretty much the polite banter between old foes English Bob and Little Bill:
    Little Bill: It's been a long time, Bob. You run out of Chinamen?
    English Bob: (stunned): Little Bill, well I thought you was, well I thought that you were dead. (waves his hat) I see you've shaved your chin whiskers off.
    Little Bill: I was tasting the soup two hours after I ate it.
    English Bob: Well, actually, what I heard was that you fell off your horse — drunk, of course — and that you... aheh, broke your bloody neck.
    Little Bill: I heard that one myself, Bob. Hell, I even thought I was dead... 'til I found out it was just that I was in Nebraska.
  • Little Bill tells his deputy to "not get wet" while he searches W.W. Beauchamp, as the biographer has had a fear-induced accident due to having guns pointed at him, and has created a little pond of pee.
  • On their second night out riding to Big Whiskey:
    Logan: I sure do miss my bed.
    Munny: You said that last night.
    Logan: No, last night I said I missed my wife, tonight I just miss my damn bed.
  • The target practice scene. Munny missing the can repeatedly with the Starr revolver, then blasting it into next week with the shotgun.
  • Immediately after the above, Munny struggling to mount his horse.
  • "The Duck of Death"
    Beauchamp: "It says 'Duke' of Death."
    Little Bill: "'Duck,' I says."
  • English Bob being railroaded out of town after Little Bill is done with him. He's good enough to give Bob his revolver back... with the barrel bent to the point of uselessness.
  • How can anyone forget the scene where Ned asks our Celibate Anti-Hero if he masturbates?
  • The Gossip Evolution regarding Delilah:
    The Kid: (to Munny) I'm gonna kill a couple of no-good cowboys...for cuttin' up a lady. They cut up her face, cut her eyes out, cut her ears off, hell, they even cut her teats...
    Munny: (to Ned) Yeah, they cut up her face, cut her eyes out, cut her fingers off, cut her tits, everything but her cunty, I suppose.
  • "But a president.. why not shoot a president?"
