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Funny / Undead Darlings

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Arc Scenes

  • During Kairi's second Arc Scene in Yuurei High School, she and Reggie are messing around in a classroom, and the former throws a chalkboard eraser at him. He tries to dodge by moving his head, but accidently moves it into the path of the eraser. Kairi apologizes, saying she wasn't expecting to hit him with her aim being off from only having one working eye.
Narration:"Kairi suddenly chucks the eraser at you! Using your animal instincts, you juke your head to the side in order to avoid it. Except you move your head directly into the eraser's path, instead."
Kairi:"Ah! I'm so sorry! I had no idea you would move into my wildly inaccurate throwing trajectory."

Sub Events

  • One subevent in Beastmooreland Hospital has Cici convincing Pearl to do a Headbutt Thermometer to Reggie. If the right choice is picked, she does so, but accidently closes her eyes and headbutts him too hard.
  • Another subevent at the hospital has Cici roleplaying a nurse with Reggie as the patient, jokingly pretending to be about to give him a prostate exam before Kairi butts in and tells her to stop fooling around. After walking off, Cici comes back, wearing a large doctor coat to make it seem like she's naked underneath, and pretends to flash Kairi and Reggie, surprising both of them. This time, Reggie tells her to 'stop horsing around', to which she replies Neigh, I say!, and the text says she 'galloped away' before the subevent ends.


  • Reggie’s description of Buck’s laughter after Mainman Mall:
"Oddly enough, Buck begins to burst out in laughter. It sounds like a mob of emus banding together for an a cappela concert."
  • When discussing what one kind of classroom in Yuurei High School is, picking the option about 'ex-body spray' causes this conversation:
    Reggie:"This must be where they make Ex-Body Spray."
    Summer:"Now you too can smell like a toilet brush!"
  • Beastmooreland Hospital:
    • At one point, Reggie accidently(?) messes up saying Kairi’s last name as 'Fukijinzuke' instead of 'Fujisaki', prompting her to get mad at him and say:
Kairi:"Fujisaki! Do not mar my family name by calling me pickled vegetables, you pickled human!"
  • Reggie and the others convince Kairi to join the ‘Pen 15 club’ by writing that on the back of her hand, with her slowly realizing what it actually means, and getting mad and embarrassed over it.
  • Reggie describes a time his father sent him on a scavenger hunt, and that he was good at hiding stuff, with Pearl saying that he had snuck a packet of chocolate-covered raisins into her drawers that Reggie never found, falling out of a bra(he also hid stuff in his wife's drawers for Reggie to find). Jordan also mentions accidently using an unwrapped block of white chocolate that his dad replaced her soap with, Pearl saying she "smelled so good that day".
