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Funny / Turbo

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  • The "abilities" (other than Super-Speed) that Turbo acquires. Headlights, signalisation lights, radio...
  • White Shadow's entrance.
    White Shadow: They call me... THE WHITE SHADOW! 'Cause I'm so fast, all you see is my shadow.
    (Dramatic music, followed by a beat)
    Turbo: I don't get it.
    White Shadow: I'm FAST! Like a SHADOW!
    (Dramatic music)
    Turbo: Yeah... but shadows, they're not inherently fast...
    White Shadow: (slithers back into the shadows) WHITE SHADOOOOOOOOW...
    Turbo: I can still see you.
  • The famous line...
    Whiplash: Listen, garden snail, you clearly got the skills to pay the bills. If snails had to pay bills, that is.
    • When Turbo takes that metaphor and runs with it, Whiplash is not impressed:
      Whiplash: Your trash-talk is needlessly complicated!
  • Whiplash prepping Turbo for a race.
    Turbo: Are you crazy?!
    (Whiplash smacks him)
    Whiplash: Yeah, I'm crazy! What made you think I was sane?!
  • "Tacoman and his sidekick, THE CHURRO?! Now THAT was OFF-THE-HOOK crazy!"
  • Tito thinking Turbo and Chet are a couple. Chet's angry and deadpan glare really makes it work.
    • Turbo really cannot help himself but just snicker through the whole thing, making it even funnier.
  • Angelo's response of Theo's idea to enter Turbo in the race.
    Tito: Actually, I've been doing a lot of research, and there's nothing in the rules that says a snail can't enter the race.
    Angelo: Yeah, well, there's nothing that says this sponge can't enter the race either, but that doesn't mean it's ever gonna happen!
  • The whole sequence of the snails diverting and stranding the tourist bus in the strip mall. Chet's terrified screams and Whiplash's crazy laughter as the bus closes in on them is what sells it.
  • Burn's Stalker with a Crush moment on the way to Indianapolis, and Chet's baffled reaction.
    Burn: Hey, Chet! You're gonna be my boyfriend! I'm gonna call you "boo!"
    Chet: ...What does that even mean?
    • Made funnier by the fact that Burn is clinging to the windscreen wipers as they swing by.
  • The "Turbo Racing Team" uniforms are just plain white shirts with "Turbo" written on them. Being that they have a snail racing for them, this doesn't help them to be taken seriously.
