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Funny / Tremors 2: Aftershocks

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  • "I feel I was denied... CRITICAL. NEED TO KNOW. INFORMATION!"
  • The epic thinky-face Earl has right before he has the gang spray him with a fire extinguisher.
    • Earlier in that same scene, Earl and Grady get into an argument on who should be the one to get Burt’s explosives from his truck, in which they play rock, paper, scissors on it. Grady finally wins with paper covers rock. Earl’s response?
      Earl: No! Rock rips through paper!
      Grady: Huh?
      Earl: I go
    • Minutes later, there's Grady's realization that he's been had.
      Grady: Wait a minute... paper wraps rock, doesn't it?
      Burt: Paper always wraps rock.
      Grady: Damn!
    • It's Burt's annoyed, "You dumbass!" tone of voice in his response that makes that one hilarious.
  • As Grady and Earl get ready to settle in for the night.
    *coyote howls in the darkness*
    "That a coyote?"
    "Man, he'd better keep quiet."
  • The group's reaction to Burt coming. Their seismic radar starts reacting to some huge tremors, making the heroes think a giant Graboid or some such is heading their way, and grab their guns for protection. Then they see that it's Burt's fully-stocked truck of ballistics.
    Earl: It's no graboid. It's somethin' more dangerous!
  • Burt testing out an alternative of killing Graboids with explosives - modified from the first film's timed-cannon-fuse-in-pipe-bomb trick - by sticking C4 on to a remote controlled toy tank. After he hits the detonator...
    *massive explosion, sending dirt and guts flying and raining onto Burt*
    "Memo: Four pounds of C4 may be a little..." *some pebbles rain down on his helmet* "...excessive."
    • ...followed by a shot of Earl and Grady picking Graboid Gibs off of their truck, a mile or more away.
  • Earl and Grady's first attempt at Graboid hunting, after triggering the explosive Earl casually opens a pink parasol to shield him from the rain of graboid guts.
  • Earl's truck is pulled across the field by a Graboid via a chain it accidentally swallowed. The chain breaks when it goes under some boulders, but Earl looks back on their Graboid monitor and sees nearly a dozen Graboids converging on their location.
  • Grady feeling sorry for the Graboid when it is on the verge of metamorphosis
    Grady: Poor thing, I mean don't you just feel a little sorry for him?
    Earl: No
  • After crashing their truck Earl and Grady wait for help. Eventually they see Pedro's tow truck in the distance, but it stops suddenly.
    Grady: (it's a star-lit night, both are standing up) You think he's taking a leak?
    Scene fades into a shot of Earl and Grady now sitting and still waiting for Pedro.
    Earl: That's a long leak!
  • The reveal of the first shrieker. Earl and Grady hear strange noises coming from behind a building and ready their rifles. With each new sound they aim their rifles higher and higher, thinking whatever's coming is going to be some huge monster... only for a small, somewhat cute looking, creature to come hopping out.
  • Burt tries out a very powerful rifle on one of the Shriekers, and it basically explodes, and he's all proud of himself... until they find out the bullet punched through the bastard, a stone wall, a metal shed, several barrels, and straight into the engine of their would-be escape vehicle:
    Burt: I didn't know! How could I have known!? We were supposed to be hunting Graboids, I wanted maximum penetration!
    Earl: Well, you got it.
  • A fun little reveal: As Burt is in his rec room talking to Earl, the camera pans around and reveals the head of the Graboid stuffed and mounted on the wall.
  • While Graboid hunting, Earl and Grady are listening to music when a Graboid eats the radio.
    Earl: You left the radio on the ground?
    • That same Graboid comes after them. How do we know it's the same one? You can hear the radio.
    • Later, Burt detonates it and Grady is angered that he stole their kill.
      Grady: Burt, you skunk! That one was ours!
      Burt: Oh yeah, son!? I didn't see your name on it!
  • Earl checking out Kate's butt as she's leaning over a table, then Kate checking out his when he leans over the same table two seconds later.
  • When the heroes learn that the shriekers automatically attack anything hot, including car engines and radio equipment.
    Grady: You mean they've been acting so smart because they're so stupid?
  • After Earl tells Burt he just tossed a batch of timed explosives into Burt's truck:
    Burt: You WHAT?! That's two and a half tons of high explosives, Earl!
    Earl: You mean that's not enough? Oh, Burt, don't tell me it's not enough!
    Burt: Not enou- Never mind. Just run! RUN!
    • Even better, when the rest of the group takes cover behind a nearby building, he runs right past them.
      Burt: No! No, no! Keep going! It's going to be big! Big!
      Kate: Is he serious?
      Earl: Burt knows his bombs.
      Grady: How big can it be?
    • And then Grady's smartass quip about the delay on the explosion:
      Burt: (indicating the ditch) Get down, open your mouths, and cover your ears. This is gonna be big!
      Grady: Is it gonna be TODAY?!
    • Sure enough, when the explosion finally goes off, that little shack they hid behind first is obliterated by the blast wave.
  • When the captured shrieker eats Burt's MRE and gives birth to a baby shrieker. Everyone stares in shock and horror until...
    Grady: I claim the little one!
    Burt: Hey wait a minute, it was my food!
    • This scene has plenty of comedy:
    Grady: (after giving the Shrieker an MRE) Now that's not warm. How does he know to eat THAT!?
    Earl: Uhhh, he tastes it with his tongue? See how he's dragging it across the floor? Touches anything he likes...(a second of dawning horror)...he eats it...
    • And then right after:
    Earl: (while the Shrieker is gagging) Looks like he's had enough...
    Burt: You fed him too much, you made him sick!
    Grady: Oh give me a break, Burt. It's your nasty food that made him sick...
    • Then Kate excitedly starts explaining how their reproduction functions on an exponential rate.
    Kate: Two makes four, four makes eight, eight makes sixteen. . . don't you get it?
    Grady: We get it. . . we just don't want it.
  • When Earl, Kate and, Grady are stuck on the oil tower for some time, one of the Shriekers looks up at Grady and screeches at him. He screams right back at it until it shuts up.
  • During the scene where everyone is hiding, Grady asks Burt if he's sure he used up all of his ammunition:
    Grady: (patronizingly) Did you check all your pockets?
    Burt: (thoroughly fed up) You know, as I lie here I cannot help but comment: the reason I am out of 9mm rounds is because I was NOT properly briefed. And the reason for that is because this mission was NOT properly researched. If certain people had bothered to gather intelligence on the creatures before BUMBLING into the situation—
    Earl: KNOCK IT OFF, BURT! Nobody made you come!
    Burt: —we wouldn't be down here with single-shot big bore when we should be packing FULL. AUTO. Preferably belt-fed!
    Shrieker: (Makes a noise that sounds suspiciously like chortling.)
    Burt: SHUT UP!!
  • Just before everything goes to hell, this little nugget comes up when Burt starts bragging about killing four Graboids during the night:
    Burt: Who's competing? I'm just saying the score's tied, that's all.
    Grady: Well, SON, no it isn't cause we just caught ourselves a live one, how about that?
    Burt: A LIVE one!? How in the hell-!?
    Grady: Well that's our little trade secret. Happy hunting, Burt!
    Earl: (laughing) I'll bet that burned the skinny ass!
