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Funny / The With Voices Project

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  • During "Mogeko Castle with Voices" Episode 2, the "Do you really want to know?" montage. The whole. Freaking. Thing. From "One-Winged Angel" playing in the background to Mario ass-fucking Peach to the roaring Heffalump to "Don't be afraid" in the creepiest voice ever... it's 10 seconds of pure Black Comedy. (So black that it sadly got the entire video (temporarily) pulled from YouTube.)
  • During "Mogeko Castle with Voices" Episode 4, Yonaka first tries to stay away from a Mogeko waiting in a bed, but then decides otherwise. Then a hilarious Intercourse with You song starts playing as well as its video — and all the people in it have their faces replaced with Mogeko Castle or The Gray Garden art.
    Yonaka: "My name is Yonaka Kurai, and now I have become... a woman!"

  • Yosafire and her friends singing their own rendition of Into the Woods.
    The Heroines: Our friends are six! Our party holds four!
    Yosafire: I hate to be a douche, but I gotta cut you loose…
    • In the same episode, the 4 Rabbid parody bits.
