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Funny / The Pretender

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  • In "Back From the Dead Again", Miss Parker goes to visit Mr Raines in the infirmary: "You were expecting Florence Nightingale?"
    • Jarod going trick-or-treating as the scariest thing he can imagine: Mr. Raines.
    • After Jarod demonstrates he intends to bury him alive, the villain of the episode calls him crazy:
      Jarod: Uh-uh-uh! That is not a very smart thing to say to a man with a shovel!
  • Jarod naming an alligator "Miss Parker."
  • Jarod literally trapping Miss Parker and a team of Sweepers like cockroaches by taking a certain pheromone from lots and lots of cockroaches and putting it on his doormat, then buying tons and tons of cockroach traps and spreading the stuff from that (which reacts with the pheromone, creating an adhesive) all over his floor.
    Sweeper: ...I'm stuck.
    Ms. Parker: (smacks him)
    Sweeper: (manages to stick his head to the floor)
  • Broots' freaking out every time he meets up with Jarod.
  • In "Survival," Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle scope out Jarod's most recent location, a container yard. They poke around the shipping container he stayed in. It has a Big Red Button marked "DO NOT PUSH THIS BUTTON" and Lyle doesn't heed the warning. This seals them inside the container, and they're soon placed on a truck and shipped out. For most of the episode, they have to learn to survive, but towards they end, they hear Broots' voice. They were shipped all the way back to The Centre and a lever marked "DO NOT PULL THIS LEVER" could've let them out at any time. To add insult to injury, Jarod has spent the entire episode in an Army survival camp that's right next door to the container yard.
    Mr. Lyle: When I catch him, I'm gonna kill him.
  • Jarod stealing Lyle's brand new car and blowing it up with a rocket launcher.
  • The following exchange from "Every Picture Tells a Story:
    Jarod: You mean to tell me someone actually manufactures imitation canine feces?
    Store Clerk (completely deadpan): Yup. Only they couldn't fit all that on the label so they just call it fake dog poop.
    Jarod: And why would somebody want fake dog poop?
    Store Clerk (still deadpan): Cuz it's funny.
    Jarod: Oh.
  • Jarod's stint working at a clinic specializing in sexual therapy. Among those he talks to are:
    • A couple that keeps having sex in public. They recently injured themselves falling off a stadium scoreboard and landing on a peanut vendor. Later, they talk about how they tried to have sex behind closed doors in their apartment, slipped up a bit by opening the curtains, and now have to move out of their complex.
    • A young couple says they've been together for five years and yet to have sex. Jarod suggests that's not so bad and there's no harm in waiting, until the guy says they've been married for four years. Jarod immediately gets them some of the clinic's instructional videos, and they are most appreciative.
    • A woman named Monique has an addiction to sexual role-playing. One session sees her making like a cheerleader asking a crowd to spell "Sex."
      Jarod: Thank you, Monique. Now, please put your clothes on.
  • "Red Rock Jarod": Jarod's reaction to Lyle struggling to put on a tie.
    Jarod: Now, where's a clip-on tie when you need one?
  • "Countdown": with a young boy's life on the line, Jarod goes to get a kidney donation from Luther, the boy's biological father and a violent criminal. Doing things the nice way leaves Jarod knocked out and left for dead in the desert, so he eventually catches up to Luther to perform a little bit of surgery in a motel room.
    Luther: You're not even a doctor!
    Jarod: Technically, you're right, but I do enjoy that ER program.
