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Funny / The Matrix: Path of Neo

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  • Partway through the fight with the Seraph, suddenly the story diverges as the pair end up in an adjacent building - with their fight from the movie itself playing on the theater screen behind them. And then the only guy in the audience outright starts heckling the pair and coming to his own zany conclusions about why they're fighting, apparently not recognizing them as the film characters.
  • "Mega-Smith", as the game calls the Final Boss, is composed of bits and pieces of the destroyed city, and looks remarkably similar to the real one even though he's not wearing his Cool Shades. Mega-Smith then looks to his right to a billboard conveniently advertising shades, takes the giant shades, and puts them on, completing the ensemble and smiling.
    • Made even better by the fact that The Wachowskis literally interrupt the final fight to explain that the movie's ending would be a terrible ending for a video game, hence Mega-Smith's existence.
      Lilly: this point, it's martyr time. Now maybe that works in a movie, but in a video game the Jesus thing is...well...
      Lana: Lame.
      Lilly: Really lame.
    • Doubly so if you take Lana's fast-forwarded dissection of the movie's ending and Lilly's shock and confusion over it as some gentle Self-Deprecation over how overdone Reloaded and Revelations's philosophy schtick was.
      Lilly: You promised you wouldn't do that.
      Lana: Shit. Sorry.
  • The ending is set to Queen's "We Are the Champions", for whatever reason.
