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Funny / The Last Jedi

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  • Poe Dameron's entire strategy to delay the First Order at the start of the film? Prank Call Hux. He then spends the next five minutes trolling Hux by calling him "General Hugs" repeatedly, pretending that he can't hear Hux's overdramatic monologues, and single-handedly taking on the Dreadnought's defense turrets with his X-Wing. The entire exchange between the two is utterly gold.
    Poe: This is Commander Poe Dameron of the Republic fleet. I have an urgent communiqué for General Hugs.
    Hux: This is General Hux of the First Order. The Republic is no more. Your fleet are rebel scum and war criminals. Tell your precious princess there will be no terms, there will be no surrender…
    Poe: Hi, I'm holding for General Hugs.
    Hux: This is Hux. You and your friends are doomed. We will wipe your filth from the galaxy.
    Poe: Okay. I'll hold.
    Hux: Hello?
    Poe: Hello? Yup. I'm still here.
    Hux: Can you... [turns to the communications officer] Can he hear me?
    Poe: Hugs?
    [The officer nods]
    Hux: He can?
    Poe: With an 'H'? Skinny guy. Kinda pasty.
    Hux: I can hear you. Can you hear me?
    Poe: Look, I can't hold forever. If you reach him, tell him Leia has an urgent message for him…
    Peavey: I believe he's tooling with you, sir.
    Poe: … About his mother.
    Hux (enraged): OPEN FIRE!
  • While Poe is rampaging across the surface of the dreadnought, Hux contacts its captain and demands that they shoot him down. The captain says they need to scramble fighters to do that. While he's walking away from the communicator, you can hear Hux's muffled "Oh, no shi...".
  • Hux's face exactly before Snoke contacted him and after the Resistance destroyed Fulminatrix and escaped says it all.
    • The lead up to Snoke's appearance.
      Officer: General; Supreme Leader Snoke is making contact from his ship.
      Hux (Looking nervous): *Beat* Excellent! I'll...uh...take it in my chambers...
      Snoke: General Hux!
      Hux (Still super-nervous): Ah! Good!....Supreme Lead-*AUGH!*.... (Snoke slams Hux on the floor and slides him around like a rag).
    • In that very same scene, when Hux says "Excellent!...." look at Captain Peavey. His eye-roll says it all. He's just so "done" with this hammy kid who's his superior.
  • Just before Paige drops the bombs, you can see that a couple of the bombs have slogans or graffiti written on one of them. One features (in Aurebesh) the slogan "Han says hi", the other features a giant smiley face, making it a literal Happy Fun Ball.
  • While Captain Canady's face can be interpreted as Face Death with Dignity right before the Fulminatrix is destroyed without even needing to say a word, you can also interpret his expression essentially saying "...well, shit."
  • After Kylo Ren destroys his helmet in the elevator, he encounters a male and very youthful-looking female officers who both react in surprise as if they didn't expect Ren to be there. If you remember Ren's prone to anger in The Force Awakens is infamous even among the First Order personnel, it's not hard to imagine that they expected to be Ren's punching bag until he merely orders them to prepare his ship.
    • It's also possible that, given how often he wore his mask, they might have no idea what he looks like under it. If so, their jumping in surprise could be interpreted as not just a fearful reaction, but genuinely wondering who the heck this guy is before recognizing him by his voice/outfit.
    • One can almost imagine them thinking; "Who's this weird long-haired Goth kid yelling at us....Wait! Is that....Lord Ren?!"
  • In a tense moment, Leia snaps at C-3PO to take "that worried look off your face," to which a baffled Threepio can only reply with a confused, stuttered "I'll... Certainly try."
  • Finn, Rose, BB-8, and DJ escape Canto Bight prison by releasing and riding fathiers that stampede through the casino. It goes about as well as you'd expect large horse-like creatures running on a slippy floor to go. A lot of stuff gets smashed.
  • Once they’ve all escaped Canto Bight, DJ translates an offhanded remark from BB-8 that he (DJ) stole their new ship. The droid then feigns innocence when DJ reminds him that they stole it "together".
    • Heck; DJ basically being BB-8's potential buddy and calling the droid "Roundy".
  • A lot of DJ’s language tics come off as funny for how out of place they can feel, such as saying “blip blappity bloop” during his description of his plan or referring to Finn as Big-F upon betraying Finn and Rose.
    • In the novelization; The bit with "Blip Blappity Bloop" is replaced by something just as amusing....
      "Cloaking our approach," [DJ] said. "We should be off their scopes. Now we slice a slit in their shield and slip through. 'Slice a slit in…'—hm. Say that five times fast."
    • Even funnier given that, as a stutterer, DJ surely knows better than anybody how difficult saying that five times fast can be.
  • DJ's looks, expressions and mannerisms can be funny and quirky, too.
  • One of he very first shots of DJ in the entire film is....his nasty feet in holey socks (while sleeping). In the novelization, he even scratches himself. Finn & Rose's first reaction is like "No. Just, no". He then gets up.....struts over to the cell door in a rather amusing fashion (humming a little tune) and breaks himself out, waving at the dumbfounded two as he leaves.
  • More on DJ: Finn and Rose are being chased by the Canto Bight cops and get cornered by a cliff. It all seems hopeless....only for another cool ship to appear and hover over them. The bay door opens and IT'S BB-8! Finn and Rose ask, "You can fly that thing?!" only for DJ to walk down the spiral-stairs, lean on it and smugly call out in adorkable fashion....
    "Y-y-y-you n-n-need a lift?!"
  • BB-8 trying to fix the fried part of the ship's circuits, in the same manner one would plug a hole on a leaky boat, with him letting prongs out from a tool arm. After a couple of times, he lets out the binary equivalent of "Uh-oh."
    • Every time BB-8 plugs one "hole", another opens up. By the time we get a look at his progress, there's at least a dozen "holes" with a spidery mass of spikes plugging them... And one more opens up. At this point he just gives up and rams his head into the whole circuit board.
    • The appendages are funny, too, as they have appendages of their own....which have appendages of their own. It's rather cartoonish-looking and the question comes up as to why such a feature would exist....Crazy-Prepared indeed!
    • The novelization adds to this by showing BB-8 dealing with the intelligent computer on Black One and deciding that it's a pain in the ass. (Yes, BB-8 actually thinks that.)
  • When Poe lands in the Resistance command ship BB-8 says that it sees "Finn naked leaking bag" which prompts Poe to ask if the droid "blew a chip". Finn then wanders into the corridor, still wearing a bacta suit which is punctured and leaking everywhere.
    • Just before that; We see Finn struggle and flop out of the gurney where he was recovering with bacta stuff squirting all over the place.
    • Poe then says that Finn must have a thousand questions, but he actually only has one: "Where's Rey?"
  • The first scene between Rey and Luke picks up right from the end of The Force Awakens, with Rey handing Luke his old lightsaber. For two years, the fans have been waiting to see what Luke will do next, and what does he actually do in this moment everyone's been awaiting with bated breath? He casually chucks the lightsaber over his shoulder (and the cliff behind him) and plods off to his hut.
    • Rey's face when Luke tosses the lightsaber needs to be seen to be believed. She goes from reverence to pure "WTF?!" in the blink of an eye.
  • After initially ignoring Rey, Luke goes back to his hut only for the door to be smashed in and Chewbacca charging into the doorway.
  • When Luke takes an interest in Rey, once again, someone makes fun of Jakku. The whole damn planet is like the celestial Butt-Monkey of the Star Wars universe.
    Luke: Where are you from?
    Rey: Nowhere.
    Luke: No one's from nowhere.
    Rey: Jakku.
    Luke: All right, that is pretty much nowhere.
    • This exchange gets funnier knowing that Jakku, as a desert planet where Rey works as a scavenger to make ends meet, is like Luke's home planet of Tatooine, only shittier. Recall Luke describing Tatooine to Threepio with, "If there's a bright center to the universe, you're on the planet that it's farthest from." The whole conversation therefore, comes off as Luke both taking shots at himself and taking shots at the worse version of his home world. Apparently, a boiling hot planet with two suns, oceans of sand, and creatures of all sizes that can kill you if you're not careful is not the shittiest place in the Galaxy.
  • When Rey and Luke have an exchange about him teaching her, she argues that he has nothing better to do:
    Luke: You need a teacher... I can't teach you.
    Rey: Why? I've seen your daily routine; you are not busy.
  • The first time Rey and Kylo Ren experience the Force telepathy bond between them, their eyes meet, there is a moment of utter confusion — then Rey promptly shoots at him with a blaster (this time remembering to turn the safety off!) and he cringes in reaction, expecting to having been hit in the gut. Then he runs out into the corridor of the Star Destroyer, sliding on the floor like a puppy, and tries to use the Jedi Mind Trick on her. Of course, neither attempt is successful.
    • When his Jedi Mind Trick falls on its face, Kylo actually looks embarrassed about it. Or like he's thinking "Can't fault a guy for trying."
    • While Rey is understandably tense and staring at Kylo like she wants to personally put a lightsaber through his guts, Kylo is just trying to figure out what's going on and how this whole Force skype call thing works.
    Kylo: Can you see my surroundings?
    Rey: You're gonna pay for what you did!
    Kylo: [ignores her] I can't see yours.
    • Finally, Luke comes out, which distracts Rey enough to break the link, and asks "What's that about?" The question, however, is directed toward the big hole Rey's blaster made in the hut wall.
  • Luke asks Rey if she knows what the Force is. The interaction that follows sounds an awful lot like a more casual moviegoer annoying a hardcore Star Wars fan with their lack of knowledge.
    Rey: It's a power the Jedi have that lets them control people and... Make things float.
    Luke: ...Impressive. Every word in that sentence was wrong.
    • Once Luke explains more about the universal energy that it really is, Rey reacts as if she's just been given an incomprehensible lecture.
      Rey: Okay...but what is it?
    • And in an amusing callback, Rey uses the Force to rescue the survivors of the Resistance by...making some things float.
    • The finale of Obi-Wan Kenobi makes it even funnier, as the Obi-Wan vs. Vader duel involved both combatants using the Force to throw rocks at each other (not that either Luke or Rey would've known about it).
  • When Luke proceeds to go more hands-on with his teachings, he tells Rey to reach out. She takes this instruction entirely literally and sticks her hand out. Annoyed and rolling his eyes, Luke starts tapping her hand with a leaf, that he had with him ahead of time. But since her eyes are closed, Rey thinks she's actually feeling the Force. Luke gets incredibly sarcastic at this moment, telling her how strong in the Force she is before suddenly smacking her hand with the leaf and starting the lesson over. Rey awkwardly asks "You meant 'reach out' like..." and Luke gives her a "Captain Obvious" look. When a slightly embarrassed Rey tries to reach out again, he tosses the leaf off the cliff.
  • Rey becomes unpopular with the local caretakers after both blasting a hole in her hut while in a heated telepathic discussion with Kylo, and felling a rock with her lightsaber which tumbles down the cliff and smashes into one of their wheelbarrows.
    Rey: I don't think they like me...
    Luke: I can't imagine why.
  • The third time Rey accesses the Force telepathy bond between her and Kylo, she starts to ask him why he hated his father — and gets distracted when realizing he's in his sleeping quarters... Shirtless. "Do you have something, a cowl or something, you can put on?" Turns out Kylo Ren really is shredded.
    • Adding to the funny is how their reactions change. The first one, they're both caught off guard and treat each other as enemies — Rey opening fire, Kylo trying to use the force on her. The second time, it's tense and dramatic. By the third, both of them just seem tired and annoyed with the whole thing. When Rey starts to access the bond, she grumbles, "I'd rather not do this right now". Kylo, who is of course aware of his state of undress, dryly remarks, "Yeah, me too."
  • Most scenes revolving around the porgs, pesky bird-like creatures native to Ahch-to.
    • Chewbacca has caught and killed a few porgs to eat, roasting them like chickens on a campfire, only for a small audience of living porgs to bother him with their horrified looks. He scares some off, and turns away... Only to find another one. Eventually, he slumps his shoulders in defeat, now apparently too guilt-ridden to enjoy his dinner. And if you watch closely, you can see Luke sneaking on board the ship while Chewie is distracted.
    • After Luke tosses Anakin's lightsaber off a cliff, Rey sees a number of porgs investigating it. One is standing in front of the blade emitter, and another is hopping around on the activator switch. Rey shoos them off before they can turn it on.
    • The birds are then revealed to be all over the ship, "making special modifications", even building a nest. Poor Chewbacca is at wit's end.
    • During the Final Battle, a porg tries to jump up to the controls of the Falcon, before an annoyed Chewie shoves him out of the way.
    • At one point, the Millennium Falcon does a maneuver where the ship turns on its side. This causes the aforementioned porg — which is as light as a feather and loose in the ship, unlike Chewbacca — to land on the interior window, looking like a tacky car accessory with its face all smooshed up.
  • Finn meets Rose: She talks about how sad her sister's death left her, and how she KO'd some soldiers who dared try to abandon ship... As Finn is trying to leave in an escape pod. Once she realizes it, Finn is tased (once he awakens again, he complains a lot about not feeling parts of his body).
    • This scene provides context to Finn's warm "May the Force be with you" bit used in the trailers. In the trailer, it feels like a line put in to address the Fourth Wall (similar to Phasma's "So good to have you back"). In context, it's revealed that he's relishing in being on the receiving end of some Hero Worship from a girl, and encouraging her to continue.
    • Rose's ramble about how excited she is to meet a real hero. Then she notices Finn's packed bag and proceeds to taze him without a moment's hesitation.
  • The Force Awakens made a point of addressing the Millennium Falcon losing a radar dish in Return of the Jedi — during the attack on the second Death Star — by giving the ship a new one. Here, that new dish gets lost not because the ship is flying through Crait's chasms under similar circumstances, but because a TIE chasing the ship shot it off. Poor Han must be rolling in his grave.
  • More Millennium Falcon amusement: there’s something to be said about Kylo Ren seeing what is ostensibly the family spaceship and immediately calling it a "piece of junk" as he orders it to be shot down. His mother must have rubbed off on him at some point.
  • This exchange between Poe Dameron and General Organa:
    Poe: Permission to jump in an X-Wing and blow something up?
    Leia: Permission granted.
    • The lead up to that exchange, where after Poe succeeds in destroying a Dreadnought-class Star Destroyer (albeit with a lot of casualties), Leia slaps him, demotes him, and tells him that there are problems which he can't solve by jumping into an X-Wing and blowing something up. Doubles as Hilarious in Hindsight, since most of the problems in the original trilogy were solved by jumping into an X-Wing (or sometimes other vehicle) and blowing something up!
    • And when Finn and Rose tell Poe that they are being tracked by only one of the Star Destroyers following them, Poe's immediate suggestion is that they just blow that one up.
      Finn: I like where your mind is, but no.
  • The otherwise epic "BB-8, punch it!" has BB-8 activate an enormous booster on the back of Poe's X-Wing, which accelerates the ship so fast that even in space, BB-8 finds himself tilted 90 degrees backward by the acceleration.
    Poe: Happy beeps here, buddy, c'mon!
  • Artoo re-encounters Luke. First, there's a rapid succession of beeps, with Luke intermittently saying "I know" in different tones, but all pretty cheerful, then:
    R2-D2: *beeps*
    Luke: Hey, sacred island; watch the language!
    • Note that he isn't angry, and his facial expression shows he's kind of amused.
  • Luke isn't too keen on the idea of helping the Resistance, saying that he can't help anyone... Until Artoo shows Luke the original recording that Leia sent to Obi-Wan Kenobi back in A New Hope.
    • Immediately after that, Artoo turns his dome toward Luke as if to say "What?"
  • Before arriving at their destination, Rose recognizes the name and tells Finn it's a place filled with the worst kind of people, bringing to mind the cantina. Well, she means what she says, but it turns out it's a town populated mainly by what we would call "one-percenter" types.
  • In the casino, a drunken patron inserts a coin into BB-8, mistaking him for a slot machine. And apparently he wasn't the only one: once Finn and Rose are released from the brig, BB-8 shoots lots of coins at the guards! (DJ just starts collecting the money afterwards.)
    • It also makes for a hilarious Chekhov's Gun as, in the scenes showing BB-8 immediately prior to the jailbreak, he's rolling around with an audible jingling sound like some kind of mobile piggy bank. Then he fires those coins at guards like a machine gun. To make things even better, he then does the droid equivalent of blowing out gunsmoke after firing off the coins! It almost seems like he was collecting them on purpose just in case he needed to weaponized them later.
    • While Rose and Finn are going on their ride through the casino, they happen to knock open something that sends hundreds of casino tokens down on the guy who mistook BB-8 for a slot machine. He's absolutely ecstatic.
    • One of the beeps BB-8 makes after the drunk first inserts a coin into him and nothing happens sounds awfully like "Sorry."
    • For some added funniness, that character was voiced by Mark Hamill. Imagine Mark finishing off one of his heavy and dramatic scenes as Luke... Then getting dragged into the recording studio to hiccup and laugh like a drunken imp.
  • In an otherwise tense moment: the sequence of an enraged Rey trying to Force pull Anakin's lightsaber away from Snoke... Only for him to appear to let her do it just so he can have it whip round and smack her in the back of the head, for no other reason than to humiliate her, breaks some of the tension, if only a little. Snoke then returns the saber to its original position. This doubles as a Call-Back to the Original Trilogy, when Luke called his lightsaber from the arm of Palpatine's throne.
    • In the background, you can see Kylo, still kneeling and looking down, nonchalantly sway to the side to avoid the lightsaber as it flies past his head.
  • Kylo Ren ordering the First Order on the rebel planet and Hux repeating the very same thing, though the officers are right in front of them and clearly heard Kylo the first time. After the third repeat, Kylo even gives a You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me! side-glance to Hux's obvious attempt to maintain the illusion that he's in control here.
    • Made funnier by the fact that Kylo doesn’t even look angry at the fact that Hux is still repeating him so much as he does confused.
  • General Hux's ascension as the movie's Butt-Monkey.
    • The aforementioned "General Hugs" scene with Poe.
    • His public Force smack-down by Snoke in front of his officers, after he tried to save face by attempting to receive his punishment in the privacy of his own rooms.
    • Hux getting Force-choked into acknowledging Kylo Ren's new role as Supreme Leader. This was after refusing to give Ren command over his troops, forgetting that Snoke is very much dead and his power can't protect Hux anymore.
    • Being slammed in front of his troops again for trying to counter-command Ren. This time it knocks him out of commission for the rest of the scene. Once Hux gets knocked out, a soldier complies with Ren's orders without missing a beat.
    Ren: Open the doors. Don't move until I give the order.
    Hux: Supreme Leader, don't let your anger [gets slammed the fuck against the wall]
    Officer: Opening the doors, Supreme Leader.
  • While Finn and Rose attempt to board Snoke's ship in First Order uniforms, there's a close-up on an ominous black metal shape, emitting steam... Right before the camera pans back to reveal that it's a droid ironing a uniform. Shortly after, they disguise BB-8 by slapping a black wastebasket on top of him to make him look like a suitably-color-coded droid of some vague design. The scene serves to poke fun at the franchise's use of scale models, Forced Perspective, and clever re-purposing of props and random objects, all in one quick sequence.
    • Finn, Rose and DJ engage in the sci-fi cliche of Dressing as the Enemy. Bonus points for BB-8 to trying to make the same noises as mouse droids!
    • The bit with the steam iron is hilarious on a meta level, as Rian Johnson confirmed that it was a Shout-Out to Hardware Wars, of all things, a no-budget Star Wars parody where starships were played by steam irons on wires.
      • In the same linked interview, Johnson points out how much fun John Williams must have had composing an intensely dramatic music cue to accompany a descending iron.
    • There's also the simple fact the First Order actually has uniform-ironing droids. Not only is it amusing in itself that something so eminently practical is acknowledged on-screen, but it completely plays into the idea of the Empire, and the First Order in emulation, being all about Villainous Fashion Sense and intimidating their enemies via Putting on the Reich...except undercutting it by revealing the need to be prissily perfect and orderly. Their officers look impressive, but still have droids neatly pressing their uniforms.
    • In a deleted scene where Finn, Rose and DJ are in an elevator, Finn is recognized by a Stormtrooper. A suspenseful moment follows as the three get ready for a fight. Instead of that, the Stormtrooper remarks in a friendly tone how he never pegged Finn as being worthy of promotion to captain and congratulates him...then smacks him on the ass. Bonus points for the Stormtrooper being played by Tom Hardy with a very heavy Southern accent.
  • Master Yoda returns as a Force ghost to give Luke some much-needed advice, but not before burning down the tree containing the Jedi texts. When Luke calls him out, Yoda just laughs it off, claiming Rey already has what she needs. At the end of the film, we see that Rey actually stole the books from the tree before it was burned down. Not only was Yoda talking literally, he apparently decided to troll Luke and looked like he was having the time of his life doing so; he's pretty cheerful and chortling in a way that's reminiscent of his introduction trolling Luke in The Empire Strikes Back.
    • When Luke is initially horrified at Yoda for (seemingly) destroying the Jedi texts, Yoda simply asks Luke if he's read them. Luke's stuttering answer indicates that he most likely hasn't, something that Yoda apparently doesn't blame him for.
      Yoda: Page turners, they were not.
      • To top it of, Luke stammers with a, "Well, I..." Like a kid who was caught by his parents not doing his chores.
    • After their conversation, Luke and Yoda just sit together and watch the Jedi Temple burn. It's a touching moment, but knowing Yoda you can almost imagine him asking "Marshmallows, do you have?"
    • He also bops Luke on the head with his cane prior to explaining things. It's been a long time, but sometimes Luke still needs a tap on the head every now and then.
    • Also, Yoda's a Force ghost, meaning he has no physical form! Meaning he had to use the Force to give Luke a Dope Slap!
    • Heck, as soon as Yoda destroys the tree, Luke instantly regresses from a stoic, grumpy Jedi Master to the stammering young hothead Yoda met on Dagobah all those years ago. You really never do seem to completely grow up around your parents.
  • Leia's first line to Luke during their final meeting.
    Leia: I know what you're going to tell me... I've changed my hair.
    • Luke's response makes it better, pulling an exasperated face before grudgingly telling her that it looks good.
    • Considering their bond, it makes the moment even more amusing if one takes into account that Leia can probably feel that Luke isn’t actually in front of her- note that she leaves behind the illusion of Han’s cockpit dice when they evacuate. This means that even while Luke is straining to maintain an illusion from lightyears away, his sister still takes a moment to troll him. He likely plays along since he knows how hard she’s been fighting as he kept himself in exile.
  • Phasma is about to attack Finn and Rose. Cue an AT-ST suddenly firing at the guards... And the reveal that it's being manned by BB-8. Even better is how the two just look at each other in total disbelief.
    • As the rogue AT-ST starts marching away from its berth, the restraints actually tear the top off the walker... Which promptly swings backwards to flatten an inattentive stormtrooper.
  • When Rose and Finn crash land in the base on Crait, the Resistance starts firing on them, prompting panicked screams of "don't shoot." Which leads to a good indication of where Poe's priorities are.
    Poe: Finn! Rose! You're not dead! Where's my droid?
  • While the moment itself is serious, you cannot help but chuckle at the state of speeders used by the Rebels during the defense of Crait. At one moment, Poe presses his foot against the thing, prompting a piece of it to fall off, and his expression/reaction after seeing this can be summed up as Oh, Crap! meets You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!.
  • When the Millennium Falcon arrives on Crait and starts taking out the First Order's ships one by one.
    Kylo: Blow that piece of junk OUT OF THE SKY!
    Finn: [with an incredibly satisfied smile] Oh, they hate that ship!
  • Just as the First Order is about to enter the abandoned Rebel base, Luke comes out. Kylo orders every weapon to fire at him, and they do so in spite of Hux disagreeing. Once they stop firing, Luke is unscathed and just casually flicks some dust off his shoulder.
    • Just before the above reveal, Hux asks Ren, "Do you think you got him?"
    • The shoulder brush is even funnier when it's revealed that Luke isn't even there. There was no reason for him to do that except to troll Ren.
    • This also counts as a case of giving the fans what they want; it's reminiscent of a scene from the How It Should Have Ended for Revenge of the Sith in which General Grievous subverts his Leave Him to Me! moment by saying "Ah, I'm just kidding. Everyone shoot this fool!" Apparently, Kylo's been reading the Evil Overlord List, specifically Rule 4: "Shooting is not too good for my enemies."
    • Also the Lego How It Should Have Ended for The Force Awakens had Kylo Ren coming after Luke with a bunch of storm troopers, only to be curb-stomped by his Jedi Master powers. This movie makes it clear that if he'd actually been able to locate Luke, Kylo would have just wiped out the island from orbit rather than bother with such an obvious exercise in futility.
    • During this sequence, Kylo issues orders, and then Hux repeats them. At one point, Kylo pauses and looks at Hux in confusion.
  • It's a Call-Back to what happened earlier, and shows off more of Poe's Character Development into a leader who thinks ahead and acts on reason and logic rather than impulsiveness, but the bit after he realizes the Resistance's means of escape from the bunker can come from following the "Crystal Critters" leads to the hilarious moment where he declares, "Follow me!" Everyone turns and looks at Leia, to check whether it's a wise idea to do so considering his previous track record, and...
    Leia: What are you looking at me for? Follow him!
    • Bonus points for Leia herself adding to the charade by looking back herself!
  • During his assault on the Resistance fleet, Ren sends his TIE Silencer into an unnecessary spin. Just like his grandfather.
  • In a macabre kind of way, Hux sees his hated coworker Kylo prone and helpless on the ground in front of him, starts pulling his coat back so he can reach for his sidearm, and then Kylo wakes up and Hux eases it back shut and acts appropriately concerned and nonthreatening. Domhnall Gleeson's performance turns all the murderous hostility and petty dickery of the character up to eleven in this film.
    • Not to mention the terrific Black Comedy of Snoke's severed torso left just lying on the floor with the biggest wall-eyed expression ever. And then his legs comically flop down to join his torso as Hux just stares with an appalled expression on his face.
      • Hell, Snoke's legs still sitting on his chair during Rey and Kylo's rather intense battle with the former Supreme Leader's guards.
    • The fact that Hux happens to waltz in to that scene brings to mind the sort of situation shown in "Teen Comedies" when grumpy parents unexpectedly return home early from their vacation to finding their house trashed due to sundry teenage hijinks. Hux's expression is like "What the hell happened in here?!"....complete with Snoke's lower body flopping to the floor.
    • Kylo and Hux then try to chastise one another while downplaying their own catastrophic failures.
    Hux: What...happened?
    Kylo: The girl murdered Snoke.
    (looks out the window and sees half the ship floating away)
    Kylo: What happened?!
  • A bit of fridge funny is the moment that ends Poe's attempted mutiny, where Leia casually shoots him with a stun blaster. Threepio and Lieutenant Connix both slowly raise their hands, which is funny in and of itself, but it gets funnier when you remember Connix is played by Carrie Fisher's daughter.
    • Also, Leia gets to wear white and take down a good guy with a stun beam this time. The very reverse of her first scene in A New Hope.
  • Snoke is terrifyingly powerful... And he's going around in a tacky gold bathrobe. It's like he's going "Yeah, I'm so powerful, I don't even need to dress up."
    Brad Jones As Snoke (from The Nostalgia Critic Episode Reviewing This Film): "Rey! Baby! Welcome to my pad! Ya like my Snoking jacket? I'm totally gonna rule the universe!"
  • When contacting Maz Kanata for help, Finn and Poe find her under heavy fire. When they ask what is going on there she simply replies "Union dispute, you do not wanna hear about it".
    • When Threepio remarks that the Master Programmer sounds like a guy who can do anything, Maz chuckles "Oh, yes... He can." in a very lascivious manner. The awkward looks on everyone else's faces really sell the moment. Note that when she says this line Maz is stroking a blaster.
    • Also, her instructions on how to find him are to go to a fancy club and look for a man wearing a red floral broach. Sound familiar?
    • The novelization provides her musings on the gun battle — basically, it's just another dustup she's gotten caught up in, and it'll all be sorted out in a few weeks, with the survivors sharing drinks and toasting the fallen. Until then, she just has to avoid getting shot.
  • Snoke's first scene has him channeling fan opinions about his subordinates. It consists largely of him calling Kylo a whiny poser and telling him to get rid of that stupid mask, but also includes an aside that Hux is at best a useful lunatic.
  • The Thala-sirens, the huge pink manatee-like creatures on the cliffs on Ahch-To. Aside from being pretty disgusting to look at, they have prominent udders (which more resemble human breasts than cows' udders). Luke milks one in front of Rey (which makes the thing groan in a suggestive fashion), then drinks the resulting green fluid in a deliberate attempt to gross her out, complete with milk mustache. All the while, the creatures are casually reclining on the cliffs, as chill as anything. And then the one Luke milked makes eye contact with Rey, and the whole scene becomes even more awkward.
  • Though it's a dramatic moment, Luke's reaction to walking in on Rey and Kylo having an intimate moment has drawn comparisons to an overprotective parent catching his daughter sneaking a boy —and one he isn't particularly fond of at that— into her room.
  • One of the Resistance soldiers in the trenches casually samples some of the salt that makes up Crait's surface.
  • Despite the sad and tense scene of Kylo asking Rey to join him after forcing her to admit her parents abandoned her on Jakku for drinking money he takes it further by openly stating she comes from nothing and she is "nothing" but not to him - which comes across as Kylo being an awkward boy asking the girl he likes out in the most terrible way possible and still thinks she will accept!
  • Overly Pre-Prepared Gag meets Crosses the Line Twice as the ground on Crait is a thin layer of salt over bright red crystal, for the sole purpose of duping us into thinking Kylo's first shot at Luke turned him into Ludicrous Gibs.
  • The battle between Luke and Kylo Ren takes place on a battle field of salt. Bonus point for Kylo being salty... which makes Luke being a really massive salt-fuelled troll.
  • The fact that Anakin's lightsaber gets destroyed in Rey and Kylo's fight is hilarious if you remember that Running Gag back in the Prequel era about Anakin constantly breaking or losing his sabers. "Obi-Wan's gonna kill me" indeed.
  • Finn and Rose are placed under arrest on Canto Bight for a parking violation. It's almost a direct quote from Spaceballs.
  • Given the franchise's habit of Serial Escalation and ever-growing variations of the Death Star, it's amusing that the film's climactic battle focuses around a miniaturized version of the Death Star weapon, attempting to attack the Rebel base on Crait.
    • Equally amusing how, even though the situation didn't exactly call for it this time, the First Order still couldn't help but use a (kinda) Death Star! When All You Have Is a Hammer… indeed.
  • The final interaction between Rey and Kylo. Although it’s a dramatic moment, there’s just something amusing about Kylo looking at her with an almost puppy-dog-eyed expression, as if begging her to stay with him…to which Rey responds by effectively slamming the Millennium Falcon’s door in his face.
  • There's something quite funny at the end when Poe and Rey introduce themselves to each other, and the audience realises that for everything that's happened these two very important characters to the new trilogy haven't actually met yet.
  • In a deleted scene where Hux confronts Finn and Rose after they got captured, Rose bites Hux's finger when he touched her face. As if Hux didn't get enough humiliation throughout the movie!
    • In another deleted scene, BB-8 shows a depressed and conflicted Finn a recording of the scene in The Force Awakens, where Rey visits Finn to say goodbye while he was comatose. It doubles as Heartwarming... even with Finn realizing how creepy the implications are.
    • Then there's the "lesson three" deleted scene. Luke tells Rey that bandits are attacking the Caretaker village and that a real Jedi wouldn't intervene, in order to demonstrate the flaws of Jedi philosophy. Rey draws her lightsaber, runs to the village and busts through the gate ready to kick some ass... Only to find that the Lanai are throwing a massive festival. After a long awkward silence, one of the Lanai looks at Rey's lightsaber and starts swinging some sort of ceremonial rope lariat. Rey rolls her eyes and spins her lightsaber above her head reluctantly, and the villagers cheer and jump right back into partying. To piss her even more, Artoo and Chewie are also there enjoying themselves and the only thing Rey can say at them is "Seriously"?. Then there's the conversation between Rey and Luke afterwards:
    Rey: Raid and plunder?
    Rey: Was this a JOKE?
    Luke: Sorry, I didn't think you'd- [bursting into laughter] You just ran so fast!
    • With the short, primitive, tribal people playing bongo drums and partying, doesn't that kinda remind you of... Yub Nub?
    • The cut scene with Tom Hardy is pretty hilarious too. When Finn is undercover on the Supremacy, a stormtrooper recognizes him in the elevator, and he thinks he's been caught... But the stormtrooper merely congratulates him on his promotion and admits that he didn't think Finn was "officer material." Then he smacks him in the ass, making Finn jump.
      Tom Hardy: Batch eight: heigh ho!
      Finn: Batch eight... Heigh ho...
    • There was another iteration of the elevator scene that had no dialogue, but consisted of Finn, Rose, and DJ just kind of standing there, surrounded by the enemy, and looking absolutely terrified (Finn looks like he really, really needs to take a dump). Even more hilariously elevator muzak set to the Imperial March is playing, and it's taken from Family Guy's parody of A New Hope, of all things.
  • There's something darkly funny about Snoke's monologue as Kylo apparently prepares to kill Rey. He's basically narrating his own death, and he doesn't even realize it!
