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Funny / The Host (2006)

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  • It ends in tragedy, but in the scene where Gang-du gives Hee-bong his gun to kill the monster and tells him it has One Bullet Left, the film depicts an all-too-human moment of a normal man thrust into the thick of danger...who promptly realizes he miscounted just how many shotgun shells he had left.
  • When Gang-du's family escapes the hospital in their getaway car, they realize that Nam-joo isn't in the car. They then find her walking towards the car at a horrendously slow pace.
  • During the monster's first attack, we see a girl playing with a bobby pin listening to orchestral music on her headphones completely oblivious to the mayhem around her. When someone runs by, she turns around only to promptly get taken out by the monster.
  • The Park family's mourning session over Hyun-seo turns into an over-the-top farce when they start wrestling each other and end up writhing on the ground, drawing the attention of other mourners as well as a group of photographers that start snapping away at them. Shortly afterwards, Na-mil smacks Gang-du across the face and then kicks him (which may bring to mind the abundance of jump-kicks in the previous film Bong Joon-ho had made).
  • While the Park family is sheltering in the gymnasium, Gang-du scratches his genitals in his sleep after Nam-il reluctantly stops prodding him with his foot.
  • The first time Gang-du wields a sign is both funny and awe-inspiring.
  • A darkly funny moment occurs during the monster's first attack. A bunch of fleeing citizens run into a food trailer to hide from the monster, and lock out a woman who is seconds too late. After she tries pounding on the doors, the monster then barrels in her direction... only to run right past her and smash straight into the food trailer. Laser-Guided Karma indeed.
  • A moment that's funny and poignant at the same time. On the family's way to find Hyun-seo and escape the doctors, Gang-du gets out of the van, and he starts running into the fumes as it drives in front of him. Hee-bong explains that he's trying to disinfect himself so he doesn't pass the virus to anyone, especially not Hyun-seo when he finds her. What's so amusing is how childish he looks running in the fumes. It's hard to believe he's in his late thirties (and his chubby face doesn't help either).
  • The way everyone cowers on the floor after Gang-du makes his second break out of quarantine, and threatens to spread the virus to everyone. The moment he squirts a syringe full of his blood, the doctors duck for cover.
  • In a deleted scene, a man explains to his girlfriend in a restaurant how he saw the creature clinging to the bridge... but then she gets distracted by a game playing on TV.
  • A darkly comedic moment occurs when a man finds a bill on the side of the road... only for the monster to grab him.
  • When they're watching Nam-joo on the TV, Gang-du offers Hyun-seo beer to drink.
    Gang-du: Here. Let's have a cold one. (he hands Hyun-seo a can of beer)
    Hyun-seo: This is alcohol!
    Gang-du: You're in middle school now.
    • As a later scene shows, this moment (or perhaps just the normalcy of it, before the chaos) actually rubbed off on her. Se-joo asks her what she'd want to drink; her reply?
      "Beer. A cold beer."
  • A medical officer tripping and nearly falling over in the gymnasium while about to make an announcement to the people sheltering there.
    • When Nam-il asks the medical officer what's going on, it's immediately evident that he can't explain and/or doesn't actually know. He decides that turning on a news report will be faster, and fumbles around with the TV trying to find the right channel, only to realize...the news isn't on yet. There is a brief moment of panic on his face before he puts his authoritative persona back on to readdress the people.
    • The scene ends with the chaos of people being prodded out of the gym with gas and Gang-du being forcibly quarantined...all while a news broadcast starts airing. If only they had waited a little while...
  • When the Park siblings see their ID photos as "Wanted" ads on the news, Gang-du suggests getting a tape of it so Hyun-seo can see her daddy on TV. Nam-il reacts with exasperation.
  • At the end, we see a family photo of Gang-du and Hyun-seo. Funny thing is, neither of them look very happy to be in the picture, and Gang-du has a bemused expression on his face.
  • Gang-du demonstrating the creature eating Hyun-seo by stuffing a phone in his mouth and spitting it out into a bin.
  • While Gang-du is in captivity, and Nam-joo and Nam-il are in hiding, the news announces that the virus contains symptoms of the common cold. A man with an actual cold, waiting in a crowd to cross the street, spits phlegm out onto the road. Then a car passes by, splashing everyone and causing them to panic.
  • When the family is hiding out in the food trailer, Hee-bong tries to stop Nam-il and Nam-joo from criticizing Gang-du again.
    Nam-il: Yep.
    Nam-joo: Yes.
