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Funny / The Enforcer

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  • Harry on the interview board for new inspectors. Especially when he cooks up the scenario about the female board member and a Shetland pony. Kate thinks it's Actually Pretty Funny.
  • Captain McKay arriving with a helicopter and shouting at Bobby Maxwell over a megaphone that he is going to give in to his demands and that he has the money... after Harry has already blown him up with a LAW.
  • The way that Harry handles getting transferred to Personnel. It's the way he says the last line, with a mixture of Oh, Crap! and "that figures".
    Harry: Personnel? That's for assholes!
    Captain McKay: I was in Personnel for ten years!
  • Later when Harry is off the case and McKay demands his info on it:
    Harry: May I make a statement, McKay?
    Capt McKay: Go ahead!
  • Harry chases Henry Lee Caldwell, and there is a bit where they actually crash a porno film shoot during the chase.
  • At one point, Harry roundhouse kicks someone in the face.
  • In the Alcatraz shootout, Harry shoots someone in the dick.
  • Harry pulling Kate from behind the rocket launch.
  • (after being ordered to hand in his badge):
    Captain McKay: What did you say?
    Harry: I said stick it up your ass!
  • Harry coming across a bunch of old ladies writing letters saying they're young hot chicks.
