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Funny / The Cat Who... Series

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  • Qwilleran and Arch Riker have an ongoing playful banter about Qwilleran wanting a bonus for his work writing for the Moose County Something and Arch (as the editor) threatening to fire Qwill if he doesn't send in some more material soon. Not only are they best friends since childhood, but Qwilleran owns the Something (through the K Fund).

The Cat Who Could Read Backwards

  • Qwill is sent out to interview a local multi-millionaire artist, Cal Halapay, who has blackballed The Daily Fluxion because the art critic gave him a bad review. He finds, to his chagrin, that Halapay simply won't answer personal questions and keeps trying to thrust expensive artwork on him as freebies. He reports back to Arch Riker in frustration...
    Arch: Don't go fastidious on me. Just write a folksy piece about an interesting guy who wears old clothes around the house, takes his shoes off, keeps cats and dogs, eats weiners for lunch. You know how to do it.
    Qwill: I don't like it.
    Arch: I'm not asking you to lie. Just be selective, that's all. Skip the part about the glass icicles and the half-million dollar lake and the visits in South America, and bear down on the turkey farm and his lovely wife and the adorable kitties.
    Qwill: I suppose that's called practical newspapering.
    Arch: It helps pay the bills.
    Qwill: I don't like it, but if you're in that bad of a bind, I'll see what I can do. Halapay or hell-to-pay!
    Arch: Don't be cute. I've had a hard day.

The Cat Who Talked To Ghosts

  • Qwilleran trying to avoid the overtures of his neighbors, the Boswells. Vince Boswell has a loud grating voice and Verona has a sing-song voice that often seems to end with an inflection as if she were asking a... question? It's even more entertaining if you listen to the audiobook version; George Guidall's voice acting for the characters is perfect.

The Cat Who Went Into the Closet

  • Qwilleran, in a weak moment, agrees to be the town Santa Claus for Pickaxe and is aghast when he learns that the job involves lap-sitting.
  • Qwilleran's tongue-in-cheek briefing missives to Celia Robinson, his "Secret Agent 007 1/2", introduced in this book.
  • Lots are drawn at the Moose County Something for interviews of various political candidates for Pickaxe mayor, and Qwilleran has the bad luck of drawing George Breze. He's a local-yokel car dealer whose main platform seems to be "jobs and clean streets." In a later book, Breze is dubbed "Old Gallbladder" and it's revealed that he only got two votes.
    "In your opinion, what is the most important issue facing the city council?" "That's hard to say. Myself, I'm gonna fight for clean streets." Qwilleran thanked Breze for his cogent opinions and delivered the tape to the paper. "Here's my interview with the Great Populist," he told Junior.
  • Qwill's friend Gary introduces him to a troubled woman named Nancy. She tells him that it's nice to meet him and that she's seen his column in the paper, leading him to wonder, "Had she read it? Did she like it? Or had she just seen it?" He then asks her if she's a member of the Outdoor Club and she replies that she is and that she's going to see his show on Monday night.
    He huffed into his moustache. Had she heard good things about it? Was she looking forward to it? Or was she simply going to see it?
  • Late in the book, Qwill tells Junior that his mother had a maternal half-sister (now deceased), making her daughter (who raises sled dogs) his cousin. Junior's dazed response, as he prepares to leave:
    "I'll amble home and break the news to Jody [his wife] that we have a pack of Siberian huskies for first cousins-once-removed."

The Cat Who Sang For the Birds

  • Qwilleran is out exploring graves with a long-time resident of Moose County and they come across what the long-timer describes as the "ultimate his and hers" — a husband-and-wife pairing. One grave reads "Shot by her dear husband." The other reads "Hanged for killing his dear wife."
