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Funny / The Black Cauldron

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Just because this film is Darker and Edgier compared to previous Disney animated films, doesn't mean it's safe from any humorous moment here and there.
  • In the beginning, when Taran is boasting to himself about his perceived or wished abilities. This bites him on two occasions:
    • Firstly, while play-acting in the farmyard, he terrifies some ducks before encountering the farm goat, whom he pretends is the Horned King. After rattling the goat's horns with his stick, he gets distracted bragging to Hen Wen and gets butted up the backside by the goat, ending up Covered in Mud and with the ducks he frightened earlier laughing at him.
    • Later on, while stopping to wash his face in a pool, he starts fantasizing about being a knight in golden armor, receiving an award for his bravery. By doing so, he loses sight of Hen Wen. Yep, that's right, he couldn't perform the simple job of keeping the pig near him because of his daydreaming.
  • The first exchange between Eilonwy and Taran:
    Eilonwy: I'm Princess Eilonwy. Are you a lord, or a warrior?
    Taran: Uh, no. Uh... I-I-I'm an assistant pig keeper.
  • Fflewddur Flam's first scene, especially when he sees across from him the bones of a previous bard prisoner.
  • Or this:
    Creeper: Oh, I'm sorry. I've ignored you. You did come for the Black Cauldron, didn't you? Good. Then climb in! It will only cost you your life.
  • Creeper preemptively strangling himself as he goes to deliver bad news to the Horned King.
    • Just before, he monologues to himself of how he'll explain things to the Horned King after Taran, Eilonwy and Flewdrr escape.
      Creeper: (Climbing the steps to the Horned Kings throne room): wasn't my fault! That's it... that's it ...I always get blamed for these things! I'll just tell him and if he gets mad... oh .... OOOOOHHHHH (shudders) .... I'll just straighten him out! (With confidence) I'm not going to get kicked around for this!!! (Runs up ready to pound on the door, then freezes and nervously knocks) S-Sire?
      Horned King: You bring news of the pig? (turns towards Creeper)
      Creeper: (cringes) Not ... not exactly Sire....It'''s the pig keeper. He's!
      Horned King: (Gasps, then beckons Creeper)
      Creeper: Oh ... OH SIRE! (Prostrates himself) Allow me! (Begins throttling himself)'t that enough??!!!
  • When Gurgi offers his partially eaten apple in exchange for the Cauldron, it's hilarious and a little sad because it holds such value to him.
    • What makes it even funnier is the witches' response to it:
      Orddu: Who would want—
      Orgoch: HOLD IT, SISTER! Not so fast!
      (She devours the apple core in a single bite)
  • Interestingly enough, the Horned King actually provides a funny quote:
  • When the Horned King's plan finally comes to fruition, Creeper begins shouting "We did it!" When the Horned King begins to raise his hand to strangle him, Creeper quickly says "YOU did it Sire!"and grabs the hand that was going to strangle him, peppering it with kisses.
  • When Gurgi sacrifices himself to destroy the power of the Black Cauldron, the Cauldron-Born begin to collapse and we get this scene.
    Creeper: Sire! Something's wrong! What is it? They're DYING!
    Horned King: It CAN'T be! This had better not be YOUR fault!(Seizes him by the neck)
    Creeper: (Giggling nervously) Perhaps it needs another body, Sire....
    Horned King: Yes.......YOURS!!!
    • Shortly after, the Horned King carries Creeper towards the room with the Black Cauldron.
      Creeper: No, Sire, PLEASE!!!
      Horned King: (To a fallen Cauldron-Born, kicking it and grabbing the collar of its ragged clothes, shaking it) Get up!!! COME ALIVE!!!!
      Creeper: (Calmly) Maybe they're only resting Sire....(Grabbing one of the fallen) DO SOMETHING! MY LIFE IS AT STAKE!!!!
  • When they discover Taran being pulled by the Cauldron's power barely holding on, Creeper is ecstatic that he's not to blame and yells to the Horned King while choking himself.
  • Creeper's reaction to the Horned King's death is pretty hilarious. First, he is sad and scared that his master is gone, then it dawns upon him that his abusive boss is gone and he is free to do whatever he wants, and he gets very happy about it. He ends up mocking the Horned King, as seen in the picture above.
  • When Fflewddur Fflam tells off the Withces, Orwen's response goes into completely different territory:
    Orwen: Oh, I just love forceful men!
