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Funny / Tennis Shoes Adventure Series

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A lot of these come from the characters' Pop Cultured nature.

  • Jim swears that one of his teachers' real names is Mrs. Udderback.
  • Muleki's reactions to the modern appliances in Jim's family's household. Unsurprising, since he comes from ancient times and is unfamiliar with 21st-century technology.
  • When Muleki surprises Jim and Riley in the driveway, Riley fires the gun they have by accident and destroys a random car's window.
  • "Garth and I got out of the car and popped the hood. Not because either of us knew how a car worked, but because it seemed like the manly, macho-type thing to do."
  • After coming back from the auto store, Jim and Garth see a car nearly matching their pursuers' parked behind theirs, with a man in front next to Renae. He sprints across two highway lanes and pushes the man away (Garth yells something like "false alarm" but isn't acknowledged), only to find it's a suburban dad with his six kids looking to help.
  • Both parts of The Feathered Serpent are told in dual first-person narration, between Jim and Melody. This leads to much hilarious banter between the two of them.
  • Jim's exchange with the Nephite Shemnon:
    "Well, then why does Jacob want your daughter?"
    "That's the sixty-four thousand dollar question."
    "The, uh, question we all want the answer to."
  • In Book 6, Meagan is asked to explain modern appliances to a cult and goes on an absolute tear. The whole chapter is a Crowning Moment of Funny. Some claims:
  • During her rant, she explains that she knows it "up here!" pointing to her head. Then remembers that people here believe knowledge comes from the heart. "And here," she adds, gesturing to her chest.
  • In 7, Harry has to resist the urge to tell the biblical Luke something is his destiny.
  • A lot of Apollus's antics are classic Cringe Comedy, as he often makes mistakes adjusting to the modern world. On his first day, he accidentally lets slip that he thinks he's speaking Latin to a police officer and ends up arrested as a potential mental hazard. When he's in prison awaiting trial, he sincerely regrets not killing him when he had a chance.
    • He takes the cake in 10, when he tells Meagan that since they're now together, he considers her his legal property. And is surprised when he finds out they don't do that in the present day.
  • When Fireborn's troops are marching on Seibalche, Fireborn is a little late for the arrival. The dialogue heavily implies that Fireborn, the feared, tyrannical Mayan warlord, was taking a bathroom break.
