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Funny / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1987)

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"Yo, sister. What's the haps?"

  • The German theme is hilarious throughout. Why it ends with an Evil Laugh is anyone's guess though.
  • The fourth wall breaks especially when they mock the contrivances in the plot.
    Shredder: (After being handed a device Krang just happened to have for the situation.) This is something you just happen to have lying around?
    Krang: We've got to keep the story moving.
  • Whenever things don't go well for Shredder, he has two settings: full-ham, and whining brat.
    Krang: I'm saying "Let them go!" I have the robot now, and I intend to destroy them on national television.
    Shredder: (Hopping up and down like a kid throwing a tantrum.) I won't I won't I won't!
  • Pretty much everytime Raphael goes Sarcasm Mode.
    Raphael: (threatening Baxter with his sai) Oh you better, or else I'm gonna get... sarcastic.
    • Examples:
      • "Enter The Shredder"
        Shredder: Your hairy little friend knows me as Oroku Saki, but you may call me... the Shredder.
        Raphael: A kitchen utensil?
      • "A Thing About Rats"
        Donatello: What kind of idiot puts his name on a death machine?
        Raphael: An idiot with an ego problem?
      • "The Incredible Shrinking Turtles"
        Donatello: (After rescuing an alien pilot from drowning) Quick! Boil some water!
        Raphael: We're not delivering a baby, dimbo.
      • "The Mean Machines"
        April: This is going to make quite a story.
        Raphael: Yeah, and the best of all, you're alive to tell it.
      • "The Big Break In"
        Michelangelo: Uh-oh! If we don't move fast, April and those army bases are gonna be, uhhh, lumpy oatmeal!!
        Raphael: Michelangelo, you did always have the touch of a poet.
      • Also in the same episode when they are falling from the sky while hanging on to Krang's Minimizer vehicle.
        Raphael: Uh, now this is probably the wrong time to ask, but, um are you sure you can land this thing?
        Donatello: Hey, how hard can it be?
        Raphael: Not as hard as the ground!
  • In April's opening report in "Turtle Tracks," a professor points at a still-tied-up security guard and, ignoring the guard's muffled protests, declares that it must be the work of ninjas.
    April: And how can you tell that, Professor?
    Professor: Well, look for yourself. (displays rope, showing a tag glued onto it saying "MADE IN JAPAN") It's made in Japan!
    • Later, April can't tell the Turtles apart since they're all wearing trenchcoats and hats, never mind that they're Color-Coded for Your Convenience.
      April: Nice going, Raphael! Only half the people on the street saw that!
      Leonardo: I'm Leonardo.
      April: Oh, sorry.

      Raphael: Hey, April, why do humans want to make themselves dumber-looking than they already are?
      April: I really don't know, Michelangelo.
      Raphael: I'm Raphael.
      April: Oh, sorry.

      Donatello: Uh, April... ?
      April: Yes?
      Donatello: Why do human beings want to make themselves deaf?
      April: I really have no idea, Leonardo.
      Donatello: I'm Donatello.
      April: Sorry!
    • The first thing the Turtles encounter on the surface is a little old lady who shrieks at the sight of the 'monsters'. Then she whips out a Tommy gun from her shopping, darkly telling our heroes to back off.
      Old Lady: Ahhhh! Monsters!
      Raphael: Relax, lady, we...
      Old Lady: (pulls out Tommy gun) One twitch and you're history, scum! Now back off, nice and easy...
  • "Hot Rodding Teenagers from Dimension X" was full of Totally Radical Narm Charm.
    Raphael: Is it my imagination, or did we just get buzzed by a couple of rocket-powered low-riders?
    Dask: Scrrr-atch one turtle!
    Dask: Uh-oh, cats and kittens! Do you dig what I dig?
    General Traag: Alright Neutrinos, come out fighting!
    Donatello: Who are they?
    Dask: Stone Warriors from Dimension X! They're baaad!
    Raphael: Yah... I guessed that. You got any weapons on those hot-rods?
    Dask: Of course! They're required by law!
    • The absolute GLEE of the Neutrinos in pretty much embodying Totally Radical, pretty much shooting the moon and making it legitimately funny all over again.
  • Shredder whining at the end of "Shredded and Splintered"
    Shredder: But I don't want to conquer this place! I want to conquer Earth!!
    • Vernon upon seeing the giant Krang in his robot body in the same episode:
      Vernon: Ugh, his brain is in his stomach...
  • Shredder deciding to hide out in a luxuriant apartment. And how did he pay for it?:
    Shredder: Those wretched reptiles will never find me! I've changed my image. Look, while those turtles are searching abandoned warehouses and roach-infested tenements, I'll be luxuriating here!
    Krang: And just how are you paying for all this?
    Shredder: I borrowed your Alien Express card. I never leave the Technodrome without it!
    • The image of Shredder, an armored ninja warlord, and two muscle-bound mutants walking up to a real estate agent and purchasing a lavish apartment with the alien mastermind's stolen credit card is sure to make at least someone die of laughter.
  • When the street sweeper come towards them in "The Incredible Shrinking Turtles".
    Leonardo: Head for the high ground!
    Donatello: (trying to reach up) Uh, I got news for ya: the high ground is too high.
    (the Turtles are being washed away)
    Leonardo: Remember, we're turtles! We're at home under the water!
    Raphael: Just keep telling me that!
  • The scene in "Curse of the Evil Eye" where Blodgett tries to turn his gold watch into piles of gold with Shredder's helmet containing the Eye of Zarnov.
    Blodgett: Oh, it didn't work. I wonder why not?
    Baxter Stockman: Because you're an idiot, that's why!
  • "Enter The Fly" was largely dark, but it had a few humorous moments:
    • After the initial plan involving the Twin Towers fails:
      Shredder: Now I have to grovel before that hateful bag of brains, Krang!
      Baxter Stockman: But why from a garbage heap?
      Shredder: Because that was the site he chose for the transdimensional convergence. I think he did it just to annoy me. (communicator beeps) That must be Krang, now. Shredder, here!
      (communicator activates, showing Krang laughing)
      Krang: Greetings, Shredder! How's the air down there, ha ha?
      Shredder: (annoyed) Very humorous.
    • Baxter-Fly has no sense of location:
      Baxter Stockman: Master, I've found them!
      Shredder: Excellent! Where are you?
      Baxter Stockman: Er...I'm not sure. But there's a great pizza parlour on the corner!
      Shredder: Well, that narrows it down, you bug brain!
  • In "Four Musketurtles". When a hit to the head gets Leonardo to believe he and the turtles are musketeers, Splinter suggest the other turtles humor him by putting on musketeer costumes. The turtles are strongly against it.
    Raphael: Look, I'd give Leonardo the shell off my back, okay? But I am not wearing lace with feathers, and that's final.
    Donatello: Same here!
    Michelangelo: Ditto!
    (Cut to the turtles wearing the musketeer costumes)
    Raphael: I feel pretty stupid.
    Donatello: Same here.
    Michelangelo: Ditto.
    • Splinter isn't exempt from this as Leonardo treats him like a servant. He gets indignant about it, saying he's Leonardo's sensei, not his servant. The other Turtles remind him it was his idea to humor Leonardo in the first place, so Splinter had no choice but to comply.
  • "Cowabunga Shredhead" has numerous CMOF after continuous viewing.
    • When Shredder arrives at his temporary hideout in the transport modules while Bebop and Rocksteady were cleaning like Shredder says.
      Shredder: This place is a pig sty! I thought I told you to clean it up!
      Bebop: But we did. But then you came busting in and we
      Shredder: No excuses!
    • When a hologram of Michelangelo appears:
      Bebop: Its that surfer toitle!
      Rocksteady: Let's turn him into toitle mush!
      [They run to grab it, then hit their heads on the wall]
      Shredder: Cretins! Didn't I just say it's a hologram?
    • Any scene with Shredder thinking he's Michelangelo.
      Shredder: I brought back some takeout. So, like, let's get down and pig out.
      Leonardo: It's Shredder!
      Shredder: Where?! Where?!
    • Bebop and Rocksteady singing "We caught us a toitle!"
    • The look on Shredder's face when he turns back to normal.
    • Bebop and Rocksteady shooting the Michelangelo clones with their laser guns in Shredder's hideout.
      Rocksteady: Just like a shooting gallery!
      Bebop: Yeah, it's times like this I wish I could count so I could keep score!
      Shredder: Stop, you idiots! You'll hit something!
      Bebop: Yeah, like toitles!
    • Bebop and Rocksteady think Shredder is a "toitle in disguise".
      Shredder: (seeing his synthesizer destroyed) What happened to my beautiful synthesizer?!
      [Bebop and Rocksteady jump on him]
      Bebop: Great disguise.
      Rocksteady: Yeah, but not good enough to fool us!
      Shredder: Ahh, you idiots! What are you doing?!
  • This little gem from "Turtles at the Earth's Core" when Shredder berates Bebop and Rocksteady for sending a Diplodocus to the surface instead of a carnivorous dinosaur:
    Rocksteady: Gee, boss, it ain't easy gettin' dinosaurs to obey.
    Bebop: Yeah... (snorts) They're all muscle and no brains.
    Shredder: (to the camera) I won't say it, it's too easy.
  • In "Invasion of the Turtle Snatchers", Shredder orders Rocksteady and Bebop to go to a fission plant to locate an energy source, but, typically, they misunderstand this and go to a fish packing plant to do some fishing.
    Shredder: Well? Did you find it?
    Rocksteady: No, boss. We've been fishing here for three hours and we ain't had a nibble.
    Shredder: Fishing? I sent you out for fission, not FISHING!
    • After Rocksteady is abducted by aliens, Bebop returns to Shredder and Krang.
    Shredder: I give you two imbeciles a simple assignment, and you can't even carry it out!
    Bebop: But, boss, uh, something awful happened.
    Krang: What? You lost Rocksteady?
    Bebop: Uh, yeah. That also.
    Shredder: "That also"?! What else went wrong?
    Bebop: We didn't catch a single fish.
    Shredder: (facepalms) Aaah!
  • "Michelangelo's Birthday" has a scene in which Shredder, Bebop, and Rocksteady emerge from a transport module coughing heavily.
    Shredder: I've told you a thousand times! Don't open the sunroof until after we surface!
  • In "Leonardo, the Renaissance Turtle", April O'Neil and Leo are arrested by LEX-1 (a robotic police officer) for accidentally jaywalking, This exchange takes place:
    LEX-1: When will you humans realize that crime does not pay?
    Leonardo: Warning shots for jaywalking?! You must have a loose fuse!
    April O'Neil: For sure! This city has ENOUGH potholes in it already!
    LEX-1: The prisoners will be put on bread and water for making wisecracks! Do you have any last words?
  • Some of Bebop and Rocksteady's bickering in "Super Rocksteady and Mighty Bebop" can be pretty amusing.
    Rocksteady: Easy, Bebop! You're gonna make me drop this thing!
    Bebop: I can't help it, Rocksteady. Lightning gives me the willies.
    • Later:
      Bebop: Give me the disk, Rocksteady.
      Rocksteady: Uh-oh! It ain't here! I must've dropped it.
      Bebop: You twit! Now we're gonna get it good.
    • Of course, the whole episode in general is riddled with funny moments, from the mesmerizer making everyone act like a child to Donatello reprogramming Super Rocksteady and Mighty Bebop to dance and then self-destruct.
    • This classic bit from Shredder: "I wasn't explaining it to you, (turns to camera, points at audience) I was explaining it to them!"
  • In the end of "The Making of Metalhead", the Turtles return to being sick in bed. Unfortunately, April has to return to work. When Raphael complains who will take care of them until they're better, she replies she's taken care of it.
    April: Oh Nurse Metalhead!
    Metalhead: (comes in wearing a nurse hat and holding medications) Alright! Everybody in bed, and I mean now!
    Donatello: (slaps himself on the head) I've created a Frankenstein...
  • In The Case of the Hot Kimono, Splinter's iconic kimono has been stolen and was forced to wear a gaudy striped fur coat in the meantime.
  • In Usagi Yojimbo, the titular character, Usagi, pops into the Turtles dimension and attacks them, thinking they're enemies. The rabbit samurai totally curbstomps Raphael, Donatello, and Leonardo in short order, even breaking the weapons of the latter two. However, Michelangelo was the one who singlehandedly defeats Usagi. How? By splattering a pizza in his face.
  • A few moments in Son of Return of the Fly
    • Baxter takes Vernon hostage, thinking he was April for some reason.
    • Baxter forgetting April's name as he searches for her. Once he gets to Burne's office, he demands for "September O'Neil". Then this exchange after Baxter demands her location.
    Burne: Why should I tell you?
    Baxter: Because! I'M A BIG FLY!!!
    • Baxter finally finds April and makes his intention to take her hostage known. April says she's a little busy trying to contact the Turtles. Surprisingly, Baxter apologizes for interrupting and decides to take Vernon hostage instead.
  • This exchange from "Plan Six from Outer Space"
    Secretary: Education?
    Rocksteady: I got four years of science school.
    Secretary: And what did you study?
    Rocksteady: I didn't study anything. They studied me!
  • This gem from "Bebop and Rocksteady Conquer the Universe, where Shredder and Krang have been affected by the Anxiefier, a ray gun that makes people afraid of everything they see:
    Krang: I could use the computer to analyze the atmosphere's atoms for a cure, but there's one problem.
    Shredder: What is it?
    Krang: I'm too scared to touch the computer!
    • Later, Krang thinks he's found a solution;
      Krang: According to the computer, a bombardment of neutrons from the generator downstairs will counteract the ray's effects.
      Shredder: It sounds scary...
      Krang: There's nothing to be afraid of! You go first.
      Shredder: No, you go.
      Krang: No, you go.
    • And later still:
      Shredder: Have you two idiots found that ray yet? Well, answer me, you peabrain pinheads!
      Rocksteady: Not if you're gonna be so nasty about it!
      Shredder: I'll talk to you anyway I like!
  • From "Planet of The Turtleoids":
    Raphael: If he starts singing, I'd advise you to change the channel.
  • Krang's android body wearing a Modesty Towel and a shower cap. Much funnier than it sounds.
  • The main character of Leave It to Beaver as a freakin' mobster in "The Great Cufflink Caper".
  • In "Blast From The Past" the ghost tells Shredder that in order to prove he is the original Foot Clan sensei he must perform the dreaded "Cur-Li Maneuver" which he make clear he doesn't know. Later Splinter, after regaining his memory, demonstrates it; it consists of dancing around his opponent going "woo woo, woo" like Curly Howard, slapping his opponent and bonking them on the head going "nyuk, nyuk, nyuk".
    • Also a Moment of Awesome. Here it is for all to see!
    • From the same episode, the ending, where the ghost tells the Turtles to save him the last slice of pizza.
  • Pretty much anytime Shredder and Krang act Like an Old Married Couple.
    Shredder: Why is it that whenever they do something wrong they're my stupid mutants?
  • Shredder being turned back into a child at the end of "Leatherhead: Terror of the Swamp."
    Shredder: Krang, I need to grow up!
    Krang: That's what I've been trying to tell you for years!
  • The Elvis aliens in "Burne's Blues".
  • In one episode, the Technodrome's generator problems have gotten so bad that the villains have to rely on pedal power. At one point, power begins to fail while Bebop and Rocksteady are on the surface. Shredder looks at Krang and says thoughtfully, "Krang, you look like you could use some exercise." One Gilligan Cut later, Krang in his android body is pedaling!
    Shredder: Faster, baby! Feel the burn!
    Krang: Never...let them...see you...sweat!
  • Some of the show's many, many animation errors are this.
  • "Gee, where's that Abe Lincoln guy when you need him?"
  • "Shredder's Mom". The title alone is probably enough to make you giggle, but the episode must be seen to be believed. Highlights include Shredder's mom escaping from a retirement home for villains, Shredder's trademark whining when he bickers with her, and Krang seeming to have a crush on her later in the episode since she's much more competent than her son.
  • Though the Red Sky seasons were pretty dark, they still had a few comical moments. One episode had the Turtles try to find where Dregg plans to go and mistakenly find their way at an animal testing lab. Raphael muses that Dregg knows Santa won't give him the puppy he wanted for Christmas.
  • Pretty much any time Burne chews Vernon out.
    Vernon: We need a trick question! What's a trick question?
    Burne: Here's one. WHY DID I EVER HIRE YOU!?
    • In "Return of the Shredder", Vernon shows Burne his report on 'attack dogs' in the city.
      Burne: What?! You waste my time and my crew on some stupid little poodle? Out, out, out!
      Vernon: Hmph! In France they're called "The pit bulls of par-ee!"
  • That time when the turtles get their hands on one of Krang's tunneling modules.
    Raphael: Are you sure you can drive this thing?
    Donatello: How hard can it be? Bebop and Rocksteady do it all the time.
  • And that time when the turtles get stuck in a tar pit:
    Leonardo: Don't worry! Someone's bound to come along and pull us out!
    Raphael: Yeah! Like some archaeologist, fifty million years from now!
  • With Irma being such a comic relief character, some of these moments from her are to be expected. Such as:
    • "Donatello's Degree", when Don asks Irma to pretend to be him to accept his diploma from Sopho U.
      Donatello: Come on Irma, you'll love Sopho U., it's on a beautiful lake...
      Irma: Ah, forget it, I get seasick.
      Donatello: It's surrounded by flowers and pine trees...
      Irma: I've also got allergies.
      Donatello: And the campus is just crawling with eligible men.
      Irma: What are we waiting for? Let's go!
    • "Green with Jealousy", after April and Irma finish covering a story about a nuclear-powered submarine, and Irma is disappointed by the experience.
      Irma: I didn't meet one single sailor!
      April: What do you mean? You were just talking to a whole fleet of them!
      Irma: I said single sailor, those guys are all married.
      (The small group of sailors are still throwing out cat calls and wolf whistles towards April and Irma)
    • "Attack of the 50 Foot Irma", probably one of the funniest episodes of the series, but some specific moments:
      Vernon: And just where do you think you're sneaking off to?
      Irma: To the coffee shop. This diet is killing me!
      Vernon: (scoffs) For Pete's sake, Irma, for once, could you stop thinking about food?
      Irma: I wish I could.
      • Later still, after Donatello brings Irma a cure for her growth in the form of a giant capsule:
        Irma: Ah, forget it, I can't swallow pills! When I was little, my mother gave me my medicine in a spoonful of ice cream.
        Leonardo: Come on, Irma, you're a big girl now!
        Raphael: Yeah. Really big.
      • And, of course, anytime Giant Irma accidentally steps on a car, or bumps into a building, or destroys something else in her clumsiness, and apologizes for each thing she wrecks.
  • Also from "Green With Jealousy", when Splinter finds Leo, Mikey, and Raph fighting over Irma.
    Splinter: Stop! What is the meaning of this?
    Donatello: They're in love, Master.
    Splinter: (gets surprised then smiles proudly) That is good!
    Donatello: With the same woman.
    Splinter: (smile fades and gets worried) That is bad…
    • Leo, Raph, and Mikey act so stupid under the potion's influence that it's just hilarious.
    • By episode’s end, Irma shows up decked out in a wedding dress to see one of her three secret admirers. Then Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo drop the bomb that it was actually them. Cue Irma’s total freakout.
  • Shredder comes up with a rather brilliant idea; start a pizza business and use his enemies' Trademark Favorite Food as bait to find their hideout under the guise of a pizza delivery. Unfortunately for him, he grossly underestimated the Big Applesauce. Cue a montage of him absolutely sure that his latest order is so odd that only the Turtles could have ordered it only to deliver it to seemingly every frat house, foodie masochist, and pregnant woman in New York City.
    Michelangelo: One whole wheat pizza with a plain cheese topping? Whoa, that is weird.
    Vernon: I suppose you want a tip.
    Michelangelo: Nooo...
    Vernon: Here's one anyway: get another job. (Slams door)
  • At the Channel 6 costume party:
    Vernon: May I have your attention please? It's time to announce the winner of the costume contest! The winning costume is... the Teenage... Mutant... Ninja... Aardvark!
    Turtles: What?!!
    (The "Teenage Mutant Ninja Aardvark" steps onto the stage to accept his award, much to the Turtles' annoyance)
    Michelangelo: That copy cat!
    Raphael: What a lousy costume!
    Vernon: Congratulations, Chief!
    (Burne removes his mask)
    Donatello: Burne Thompson? How come his costume won over ours?!
    Raphael: You don't suppose being the boss something to do with it, do you?
    Others: Nah.
  • In "Shreeka's Revenge," Krang tricks a rival villain into taking Rocksteady and Bebop off his hands as hostages, hoping that she'll take them off his hands for good. After Krang doublecrosses her, she sees the worst revenge she can think of: sending Rocksteady and Bebop back to the Technodrome. Krang lets out a Big "NO!", begging her to do anything but that.
  • Irma stomping on the Rat King's foot in his debut episode, especially since she did so deliberately in spite of her well-known klutziness.
  • The Under the Shell feature with James Avery, in character as Shredder:
    James/Shredder: Krang and I are divorced now, I haven't seen him in years. I kinda miss him, but not really; he was such a nag.
  • "Turtles, Turtles Everywhere":
    • After Bebop and Rocksteady trespass in DUMP-1000's main control room, he demands the password.
      Rocksteady: Open, says me?
      DUMP-1000: (eyes blinking red) Incorrect response!
    • Shredder orders DUMP-1000 to "find turtles wherever they are". However, he didn't specify his orders, and the dump trucks taken every turtle in the city, from zoos, pet shops, homes, and even the beaches.
      Shredder: No, no, NO! You're bringing me the wrong turtles!
      DUMP-1000: You ask for turtles, I bring you turtles.
      Shredder: Talking to you is like talking to a mindless robot! (calls Krang) Krang, do something! This stupid computer is kidnapping every turtle in town!
      Krang: Good.
      Shredder: Did you say "good"?!
      Krang: Precisely, DUMP-1000 is efficient, eventually it will bring you the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Until then, Shredder, get off my back! (hangs up)
      Shredder: (frustrated) Turtles, turtles everywhere, and not a blasted ninja among them!
      [A giant tortoise (intentionally?) steps on Shredder's foot]
      Shredder: YEOWWW!!! [Shredder grabs his foot and hops on the other, while the tortoise walks away.]
    • After Donatello got captured, and stuck in a phone booth:
      Donatello: Hey, you let me out or I'll call my lawyer!
      Rocksteady: Oh, you'll be calling alright, for mercy.
      [They wrap chains around the booth and throw him down the chute.]
      Rocksteady: So long, wimp!
      Bebop: Bye bye, bozo!
      [We cut to Shredder and April.]
      April: The Turtles will come out of that chute any moment!
      [The phone booth crashes in]
      Shredder: You're right, there's one of them now.
    • Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo try to break into the facility by climbing up with grappling hooks. Then extending robotic arms grab Michelangelo and Raphael. Leonardo manages to cut them free with his katanas, but unfortunately cut their grappling lines in the process, causing them to fall.
  • In "The Dimension X Story", a moment where Raphael had to open his mouth.
    Raphael: Ha! You guys couldn't hit me with... (eyes widened as Bebop and Rocksteady roll a monster truck-sized tire at him) ... A RUBBER TIRE! (gets nailed by it) You ever get that rundown feeling...?
    • Michelangelo and Raphael manage to shove Shredder, Bebop, and Rocksteady down a chute which leads to a giant washing machine, in which the two Turtles set it to the highest setting.
  • A few moments in "The Great Cufflink Caper".
    • When the Turtles find out about the cufflink thefts.
      Donatello: Cufflinks are disappearing all over the city. But why? What could the robbers possibly want?
      Michaelangelo: (snaps fingers) I know! They want... cufflinks!
      Raphael: Can we pretend we've never met?
      Donatello: But why steal cufflinks? It's mind-boggling! It's baffling! It's-
    • When the Turtles find The Beaver's hideout.
      Leonardo: Look! The Beaver's hideout!
      Donatello: Ooh, you mean that incredibly stylish four story shopping mall?
      Leonardo: No, I mean that incredibly rundown old warehouse next to the mall!
      Michaelangelo: How come these gangster dudes alway hang out in old abandoned warehouses?
      Raphael: Because there aren't any old abandoned luxury penthouse suites.
    • The Turtles are forced to break into a mansion that is entirely pizza-themed, including the booby traps. Raphael had to open his mouth again.
      (The Turtles dodge getting sliced into by razor-edged pizza trays)
      Michaelangelo: Killer pizza trays!? Heavy duty!
      Donatello: Boy, this guy's even more hung up over pizza than we are!
      Raphael: Yeah! What's he gonna do next? Spray us with tomato sauce? (walks by an armor suit just as the helmet opens up and... sprays him in the face with tomato sauce) Gyah! I HAD to ask.
  • "Beneath These Streets":
    Splinter: (sniffing) Someone in that building has just come from a hospital.
    April: How can you tell?
    Splinter: My keen sense of smell detects the odor of disinfectant. Also, that ambulance is double-parked in front of it.
  • "Landlord of the Flies":
    Baxter Stockman: Fire at will!
    Bebop: Yeah!... Uh, which one's Will?
    Rocksteady: I know there's a Leonardo, and a Raphael...
    Baxter Stockman: Never mind! Just fire at all of them!
  • Shreeka's reaction to her ring melting in "Shreeka's Revenge" has to be seen to be believed.
    • Raphael quips afterwards, "I think I just figured out why they call her Shreeka."
  • This instance where Shredder proudly flaunts his Card-Carrying Villain cred:
    Leonardo: Turtles, fight with honor!
    Shredder: (whipping out a laser rifle) Yes, but I fight dirty!
  • The Turtles sense the latest plot in the offing, prompting this exchange:
    Raphael: I'll bet anything Shredder's behind this!
    Michelangelo: What makes you say that, dude?
    Raphael: Well, isn't he always?
  • Shredder with amnesia. All of it.
  • "Once Upon a Time Machine": April's doing an investigative report on crime. She's interviewed the police and victims, now she's going to interview a criminal:
    April: (to a criminal passing by) Excuse me, you look like an average thug.
  • "The Foot Soldiers Are Revolting" is one of the funniest episodes of the show.
    • Bebop, after yet another failed mission: "You know what they say: Lose a few, uh... lose a few."
    • Krang saying the foot soldiers are about as smart as a blow dryer.
    • When Alpha One first gains intelligence:
    Alpha One: My ratiocinative abilities have been increased to the 97th power. My intellectual capacity is virtually without limit.
    Shredder: What'd he say?
    Krang: He says he's smart.
    Shredder: The foot soldiers are revolting!
    Krang: You're telling me.
    • When Alpha One wants to banish all organic life forms to Dimension X:
    Shredder: Wait wait, we can negotiate! We'll give you New Jersey.
    • When Shredder and Krang are in tight quarters in the escape pod:
    Shredder: Why don't you jettison your android body? That would give us more room.
    Krang: Why don't you jettison your head? It's the most useless object in here!
    • A male tourist is transported to Dimension X. Rather than alarm that he's suddenly in a strange location, he starts taking pictures:
    Tourist: Wow, this'll sure impress the folks back in Lone Bend.
    Krang: There's a one-in-a-million chance that the storm will recharge the power cells. If so, we'll be able to return to the Technodrome! Of course, there's a far greater chance that we'll simply deep-fry to a cinder.
    Shredder: I hope you go first so I can watch.
    • When the Turtles and Bebop and Rocksteady are running up the stairs:
    Rocksteady: How many... more floors... we gotta go?
    Donatello: Oh, about twenty.
    Bebop: Let 'em just take over the world. It's not worth it.
    • When Shredder and Krang survive the plasma storm:
    Krang: Our power cells are charged to full capacity!
    Shredder: So are the fillings in my teeth.
    • Bebop and Rocksteady, previously on the Turtles' side, abruptly give up when Alpha-1 is about to attack them.
  • "Peking Turtle":
    Krang: For once, you might actually carry out a task successfully.
    Shredder: Why, thank you, Krang.
    Krang: Yeah, and I might begin to like broccoli!
    • In the same episode, when Shredder leads off a bunch of reanimated warrior statues:
    Shredder: Your left! Your left! You left your wife and 48 kids!
    • Krang suggests the stone warriors kidnap April O'Neil:
  • "Donatello Trashes Slash":
    Vernon: I’m human again, I’m normal!
    Burne: Human, yes. Normal? No, no, no, no.
    • At the end of the episode, Michelangelo notices that nothing blew up this time after scoring the victory for the day. Donatello comes in with his latest invention, an automatic cheese grater. As soon as he gives it a test run, it promptly explodes in everyone's faces.
  • "April's Fool": This moment when Krang acts like a little kid:
    Shredder: Here, Krang, the Lidium 90.
    Krang: (excitedly) GIVE IT HERE! GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!
  • From the season 7 Episode " The Starchild. "
    Quarx: Everybody Hates Me!
    Mikey: No little dude! Honest!
    Raph: Ho-hold on. I hate him.
