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Funny / Strong Female Protagonist

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  • Patrick doesn't watch TV or listen to radio, because it feels weird for him to hear voices without hearing thoughts. Alison asks if cartoons are okay, and he grudgingly accepts. She turns on Looney Tunes...and he just cannot stop laughing... and psychoanalyzing the characters.
    Patrick: How have I not heard of this before? How am I not constantly barraged by people walking down the street and remembering Looney Tunes?
  • How does a Nigh-Invulnerable person get a haircut? Liquid nitrogen and a buzz saw.
    Alt Text: That's it, the final mystery of this comic has been revealed and we can all go home.
  • Alison, having betrayed some of her deepest ethical values to help one person's mission to save the world, confides in her adversarial philosophy teacher. His response is blunt, and priceless in delivery.
  • A darkly funny moment happens when Patrick, slurringly-drunk, barges into Alison's apartment reeking to high heaven. She finally sees him bare-chested, and he tells her it's nothing to be sad about as they aren't suicidal or self-destructive in nature.
    Patrick: It's just one of those things you do when you're younger to help you remember which body is yours. (Reaction Shot from Alison looking distraught) That's more sad?!
  • After she's helped Patrick recover, he admits that he loves her.
    Patrick: There is nowhere on this Earth I have stood where I could not hear your heartbeat.
    (Beat as those words sink in, as Alison is now happily with Cliven)
    Alison: What, like even when I'm on the toilet?
