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Funny / Star of Providence

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Even in the ancient ruins of a facility, certain things can rouse quite a laugh.

Unmarked spoilers ahead!

  • You can have some funny interactions with Kleines:
    • If you talk to Kleines enough, he gets annoyed and tells you to go away. You get an achievement for doing so.
    • One piece of advice Kleines can give on weapons is: "The Bow is... Wait. What am I talking about."
      • Funnier yet, there actually exists a bow, but it's not a weapon.
    • After completing Skully's sidequest, you'll have to fully unlock him by buying him from Kleines. The tooltip you get for clicking on Skully in the shop? "Please just get him out of my inventory."
    • Upon discussing the fourth floor, he states that the Bellows is quite the wake-up call, with everything prior almost being a mere demo. Descending from the 3rd floor marks the end of the game's actual demo version.
  • Two cartridges have unusually funny names:
    • One of them spawns a random weapon at every new floor you enternote . That cartridge is simply called... "Gun".
    • Another one is "Trumpet". Its effect is to give your ship a dramatic entrance upon entering a new room... by firing a massive laser, completely obliterating any enemies that happen to be standing in the way.
  • There are some funny game over messages you can get by dying to certain enemies, but two of the funniest by far are "Somehow Ended by Fish"note  and "Devoured by Devourer".
    • Even if you die to a sub-boss of Database, namely Thaumaturge or the flashback Machine, the death message is still "Erased by Database". For all intents and purposes, it's stated that Database killed you. This is because while the Mix-and-Match Critters present prior to Database are recognized as enemies by the Monster Compendium, none of Database's sub-bosses are.
    • In a similar yet downplayed vein, getting killed by Chaosgod's core in Chaosgod's prison has the game over screen still identify the enemy as "Chaosgod".
  • The Monster Compendium provides some humor as well:
    • The Cryomancer's page states that its school of magic is widely frowned upon due to the "blunt trauma incidents" that the enemy causes. The Iceweaver's page takes this further: the whole description section was burned off. But then, there's the description for the Nowhere-exclusive Prismancer: "You've made fun of him for the last time."
    • The Geomancer's page states that earth magic is known to be a solid investment.
    • A certain miniboss's name can be randomly listed as things like "Fight Orb", "War Globe", "Punch Sphere", or "Wrecking Ball", despite them all being the same enemy. On rare occasion, the random synonym selection is bypassed in favor of the name on this subpage's image.
    • The Demon's description details a visitor's foray from the Maintenance System to the Temple, and that they encountered the enemy and soon realized that they "must stop writing".
  • One of the bosses in the game is a giant fish... which shares its name with the small enemy Fish. Somewhat ironically, it's arguably more formidable than any other Maintenance System boss, let alone the small enemy.
  • When you try to buy one of the four seals from Bloke, he decides to try making you pay a million debris for it. And then you have to "haggle" with him for it. And you do that by dodging the attacks of the mech that Bloke now pilots, all the while shooting the seal to lower it to a reasonable price.
    • Once you manage to purchase the seal for real, the mech suddenly explodes with Bloke flying off the screen. If he is visited in another shop during the current run, he is adorned with Instant Bandages, yet seems to hold no hard feelings towards your ship whatsoever.
  • Enigmancers have an extremely wide pool of attacks they can randomly draw from. One such "attack" is to blow themselves up as well as every other enemy in the room.
  • Fighting bosses in Sudden Death mode can result in this sometimes - immediately after playing its intro, the boss is wiped off the face of the facility before it can even get an attack in. Some bosses can be defeated before their intro even finishes!
  • Skully runs. If you get the right combination of modifiers, you can get a monstrously powerful weapon that clears rooms efficiently and destroys late-game bosses quickly. If you get particularly unlucky choices, you could end up with a weapon that does catastrophic amounts of damage... but has a pathetic firerate, runs dry in a heartbeat, has less than three bullets per clip, and/or takes entire seconds to reload.
  • If you fight D-13 or Null as either themself or Skully, your opponent will make a ?? expression in confusion.
  • Somehow, the very concept of amalgamations of bosses and enemies in Nowhere. Beneath the forbidden floor of the facility, there exist enemies such as "Seekerheads" and "Blast Reapers". Furthermore, the sub-bosses that Database can summon include a Daemon-ribbed Firewall head that tries to suck you into Devourer's mouth below, Fish with the visor of Charlie, and even the eye of Monolith and the wings of Genesis which makeā€¦ the Radiance?!
  • If you have a friendly Wiseguy with you via Contract cartridge, they will cling tightly to your ship when you two engage in the High-Altitude Battle against either Monolith or Chaosgod.
    • Conversely, while you are claiming Power Eternal, destroying the conduit, or trapped in Chaosgod's prison after defeating Chaosgod, they'll float around as if nothing is wrong.
