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Funny / Spidey Super Stories

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Just another day in the world of Spidey Super Stories.

The entirety of Spidey Super Stories is good for (mostly unintentional) laughs, but if we had to choose...

  • "The Day of Doom!" has Dr. Doom kidnapping the UN delegates with what looks like a red disco ball that shoots lasers that don't actually hurt people. His demands? "Now... Give me your countries!"
    • The same story opens with Spider-Man in a traffic jam, with the sound effects going "HONK! HONK!" to represent the cars and taxis making noise...except that the sound effect is positioned right next to Spidey's butt.
    • Spidey figures out that to stop Doom's machine, someone inside the building has to pull the plug on it. Cue Easy Reader not knowing what "Pull plug" means, and after it's explained he has no idea how to pull a plug. Then the Electric Company spreads out to pull every plug they see, and Easy ends up saving the day, not with a normal plug, but with the fuse box.
  • "The Beastly Banana" has that monster, Mad Scientist, attempt to hypnotize Paul the gorilla with a mind-control banana. What's he plan to do with him?
    Mad Scientist: This will make Paul do anything I say! He'll even wash my socks!
  • The Schemer's plan in "The Grand Garbage Can" is to fill the entire Grand Canyon with trash and replace the view with giant picture postcards so he can buy the land for cheap. did the math and calculated he'd end up with 0 dollars by the end of it after having spent at least 934 million dollars.
  • Valerie gets her chance to be Spider-Woman when Spider-Man's costume falls right next to her with a "PLOP!"
  • Spidey's plan to defeat the Sitter, an evil babysitter, is to...dress up as a baby.
  • The Evil Knockoff of Spider-Man, Web-Man, has even worse jokes than Spidey, and because he's the opposite of Spider-Man, he's as dumb as a post since Peter is a genius.
  • The entire Star Jaws issue, which combines Star Wars and Jaws into a 36-page hilarious epic. Highlights include Dr. Doom calling Moondragon Baldy-Locks, his Star Jaws literally trying to eat the Earth, and the plan being foiled when Moondragon mentally creates an image of a second Earth that's actually full of TNT, with its success being contingent on Doom having to be confused over which Earth is which and choosing to eat the fake Earth first.
  • The Book-Worm is a literal worm that eats books. And Valerie the Librarian learned about him in Library School.
  • The Vanisher, a horribly dressed X-Men villain, robs the library and gets trapped in jail by reading a spell from a Spell Book that exactly makes the user locked in jail with the inability of vanishing for a year.
  • Mr. Measles is a villain whose evil plan is to throw measles spots at people so they get the measles and while they stay in bed, take over the world. Which kinda lacks a middle step there. Oh, and he also lives next to a pickle factory.
  • In issue 21 Doctor Octopus takes an amnesiac Spider-Man under his wing, and when they try to break into J. Jonah Jameson's office, Jameson hits Spidey on the head with a baseball bat, which restores his memory and lets him beat Doc Ock. The next day, the Bugle runs a story about how JJJ captured Doctor Octopus, which Mary Jane believes.
    • Even funnier is how Spidey loses his memory in the first place: He runs out of webbing, falls, and conks his head on a piano.
  • After using a puppet of The Thing to control him, the Puppet Master says he loves being evil and does a dance.
  • When Kang the Conqueror temporarily takes over the future, he has all his slaves wear Spider-Man suits so he can have fun literally kicking them around.
  • Plantman... throws coconuts at you.
  • Thanos rides around in a helicopter with his name on it and is defeated when he accidentally drops the Cosmic Cube, leading the police to arrest him.
  • Issue 45 turns the Silver Surfer's legendary angst into him desperately looking for a friend, which Dr. Doom exploits to lure him into a trap.
    Silver Surfer: I am the Silver Surfer... and I am sad and blue! My power can do anything... except find me a friend!
    [The Surfer sees a big sign with HELP written on it]
    Silver Surfer: Someone needs me! Maybe if I help him... He'll be my friend!
