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Funny / Sorcerers of the Magic Kingdom

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  • When you go to face Cruella, she states that you have as much of a chance of stopping her with your 'parlor tricks' as she does pulling a rabbit out of a hat...which she ends up actually doing. Her expression is what makes it.
  • On the higher difficulties in the game, it'll take more than one hit to beat a villain. When you fight Yzma, if you have to hit her more then once, she'll drop a potion and turn into something.
    Yzma: A COW!? Well, I suppose it's better than a skunk. Moooooooving on...
    Then, the very next time you hit her...
    Yzma: [now a skunk] I hate you.
  • When you're on the Ursula story arc, you fight Flotsam and Jetsam. When you defeat them, a cannon falls on them barrel first, and then shoots them. It's like a gag from a roadrunner cartoon.
  • During Yzma's arc, Kronk and his shoulder angel debate if they should put Yzma's potion on the fruit kabobs in order to turn the guests at Adventureland into alpacas. They aren't debating because it's evil... it's because the potion might ruin the flavor. The icing on the cake is that Hades pops up in place of the shoulder devil, telling him to just do it.
  • Speaking of Kronk, upon his defeat at the very next portal, he'll taunt the player for "missing", but then get dropped by cookingware. Literally. What sells it is this follow-up:
    Kronk: [hears a timer ring] Another batch of pupus are done!
  • Part of the Scar storyline is that he's gotten the hyenas back on his side by claiming to be all-powerful (you can't blame them for believing it since he did come back from the dead), and the player needs to show that he isn't. How does this happen? By using the Sorcerer's Crest, which shoots a bolt and knocks a tree branch on his head. That's all the proof the hyenas need to ditch him.
  • In the first version, Scar wants to be as powerful as Mufasa, and turns into essentially a giant red cloud. Even Hades snarks at this. Even funnier? Come The Lion Guard, that's pretty much what happened.
  • When Pain and Panic climb huge flights of stairs to see Hades, they complain about not having an Escalator of the Dead.
