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Funny / Sleeper

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This section is for the Woody Allen film Sleeper:

  • Much of the humor is how hilariously shoddy the future looks. This isn't a case of the effects not standing the test of time; Allen specifically wanted everything to look really tacky, to rub in how the oppressive government has screwed everything up.
  • When Woody Allen and a guard fight with enormous-sized food including a gigantic banana, and a super-sized strawberry.
    • Not to mention slipping on the gigantic banana peel!
  • A gay couple give Allen a balloon suit to escape in, but it gets a hole in it, sending him speeding across a swamp!
  • The cops and their weapon to catch the hero just keeps failing!
    • First, the weapon blows up; later, it's the plunger that blows up. And finally, the cops' transport van explodes!
  • When they show Miles a picture of Richard Nixon, he glumly admits that it's of the President when he was frozen.
    “Whenever the president went on foreign leave, the White House staff counted the silverware.”
    • Also an Awesome Moment for Allen; remember, in 1973 Nixon was still President. And do remember that the jerk was on HUAC! Allen risked his career there.
  • It wasn't enough for Allen to parody HAL-9000; he actually brought in Douglas Rain himself to monologue about growing a new leader out of the old one's nose in the same velvet monotone.
