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Funny / Secret Avengers

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  • Near the end of the first volume, Eric O'Grady's idea to take down a plane containing people infected by an Eldritch Abomination: Send an army of ants into the propellers until it jams while screaming like a maniac. Its dark, but hilarious.
  • After the relaunch, we have Mockingbird and her new camotech. She wastes no time trolling her ex husband.
  • With one exception, pretty much every scene with Taskmaster is guaranteed to have a lot of dark humour to it. Special note is his gleeful and careless slaughter of AIM agents he's supposed to be training, especially after some tell him there's been a mix-up and they're just science guys, not combatants, and he shrugs it off and makes them fight a death bot anyway. Double points, the memory tech is fuzzy with him so he doesn't get shut off; he was likely doing this on purpose to weaken AIM's ranks, making it an awesome moment too.
  • In an otherwise bleak issue, MODOK's request for ice cream is hilarious. [1]
  • In Vol 3 issue 2, MODOK demanding applause from his team. [2]
  • Secret Avengers #3 opens up with Hawkeye awkwardly telling Black Widow that him and Bobbi can work together because they're adults, and from the sound of it, they've been talking for a while about this topic. Then, Black Widow walks towards them, wondering whats going on-It was Bobbi he was talking to, using the, very expensive, SHIELD camo tech she used to infiltrate Balgia to troll Clint. He is not amused, but she can't help but start Corpsing.
