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Regardless of your thoughts on the controversial Irate Gamer, a lot of people appreciate that he inspired parodies such as the Third Rate Gamer, the Irritated Gamer, and of course, the Save State Gamer. And with these Deadpan Snarker moments from the latter, who can blame them?

Gilligan's Island

  • Crisbo's epic use of redundancy:
    Crisbo: It was also adapted into a video game, for play on the Nintendo NES Entertainment System video game console by Nintendo."
  • Him saying that even though the intro "provides you with information on your goal, instructions on how to accomplish it, and explicit directions regarding the things you will need to do to complete the game, it's completely unnecessary!"
  • "The title of the game is Glig-glig-an's Island, not Jungle Improvement!"
  • Crisbo struggling with "which direction on the D-pad does what", pressing up and being confused as to why he's going left.
  • Crisbo's determination with seeing a simple ending (which he is "sure is great, since this is an NES game without any real story to begin with") is funny enough. Even moreso his reaction when he discovers that there's more than one level in the game, complete with a melodramatic "Whaaa?", and melodramatic eye-wiping gestures. Bonus points for the fact that the "2" in the "Level 2" level card is poorly edited in, implying that he couldn't even get through the first level.

Wii Wheel Product Review

  • Crisbo talking about how simple that it is to hook up the Wii Remote to the wheel, while obviously struggling and not even succeeding to get it in.

Fallout 3

  • "For years, these games have languished in ob-scoor-ity, and I didn't even know this one existed until this morning. But that's okay; instead of reviewing it, I can just read out the plot summary from Wikipedia, then give a thumbs-up to the camera at the end."
  • As Crisbo is shown taking out the game, he ends by saying, "And also, why am I narrating footage of myself appearing on screen, when I could have just read the lines while the camera was rolling?"
  • Crisbo, for some reason, believes that there is a Fallout 3 series, and the game that he was playing is called "Fallout 3 1". This is followed by him giving a very convoluted and nonsensical timeline on how the games in the series are ordered.

History of Video Games

  • "If there's one thing I learned from my one year of experience with video games, it's that I know everything about video games."
  • "Long before Sega released the Genesis to compete with the Nintendo Cereal System."
  • Crisbo begins the review by mentioning the Magnavox Odyssey, before admitting that he doesn't actually have one. Instead, he decides to "install" the "Lazy Movie Reference Bot 9000" within his TV which spouts random movie quotes. It eventually gets to the point where Crisbo admits that he himself doesn't find it funny anymore.
  • His attempt at a time-travelling special effect, which is just him waving his body and making a half-hearted, "Wooooo" with a color-changing effect, then looking awkwardly to the side.
  • Future!Crisbo's response to Crisbo's Small Name, Big Ego moment:
    Crisbo: But if you're me from the future, then why aren't you rich from all of my T-shirt and DVD sales?
    (Future!Crisbo just begins to laugh as Present!Crisbo looks down self-consciously)
  • This gag made So Unfunny, It's Funny by Don't Explain the Joke: In "History of Video Games", Crisbo is accused of messing with the timeline by "interacting with [him]self from another point in the past". His response? "Oh, come on, I interact with myself all the time," accompanied by him holding up his hand, wiggling his fingers, and pointing to it. After a beat, he adds, "Masturbation hand."note 

Mega Man Special

  • Crisbo listing off the colors that Mega Man can change into:
    Crisbo: He can turn green, gray, and Bob Eucker!
  • Crisbo mentioning a phenomenon called the "Crisbo Herrs Printsapple, which states that even though I have trouble spelling and pronouncing things consistently, I will still make fun of others for not being able to do so."


  • Crisbo doing a laughably poor job at trying to get the power pellet, then saying that he'll just write a comment saying that he knew that it was easy to get, saying that "he thought it would be funnier if everybody thought I was a retard."
  • Him showing a picture of Pac-Man with a black censor bar over his crotch while saying, "And parents, this game does include nudity, so be forewarned that this is not a game intended for kids."
  • After pondering what to use one of his wishes on, Crisbo chooses to use it on clearing some of the dots.


  • Crisbo saying that he gets "tens of requests" for games to review.
  • Crisbo taking a long amount of time struggling to pick up a disc off the table with metal screeching noises, before adding that "alternatively, I could have just held up the box."
  • He says how people sent him many emails, "which arrived somehow on paper."
  • "But evidently, a lot of reviewers liked Pac-Man, which makes me wonder if maybe they got bribed, because I want included in that loop! Caveman proofread script!"
