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Funny / SOMA

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked as per policy. You Have Been Warned.

The Game:

  • While riding the subway in the prologue, you have the option to answer a call from Simon's friend and co-worker Jesse. It ends with the following exchange...
    Jesse: Well, good luck. Hope they find a way to fix the whole... you know... dying thing.
    Simon: (sarcastically) "Dying thing"? You're the worst support ever.
    Jesse: (laughs) Well what should I say?
  • Even in his sorry state, "Carl Semken" has a couple gems:
    "What's wrong with your...everything?"
    "Did you go diving in raw sewage or something?"
    "You're really hung up on appearances, you know that?"
  • The fact that one of the antagonists you have to avoid is a surly asshole of a man trapped in an underwater surveillance drone. He's not connected to the WAU. He's just a jerk. He's probably the only non-scary enemy in any Frictional game.
  • This exchange from the very end of the game swerves from Heartwarming to this.
    Catherine: I always wanted a friend - like a real one. Someone you'd never hold back with.
    Simon: I'll be your friend.
    Catherine: Oh, pity friendship? Now I feel even worse.
  • Neil Tsiolkovsky's death comes off as slightly more comical than the others. He ended up crushed by part of the tunnel between Tau and Phi collapsing on top of him, and datamining his blackbox leads to this conversation.
    Ian Pedersen: Careful with the ARK.
    Tsiolkovsky: Take it easy, it's not going to-
    (sounds of creaking metal and crumbling rock)
    Tsiolkovsky: Whoa, for a moment I thought it was going to collapse.
    (tunnel collapses)
  • This gem:
    Simon: Why put a Canadian under the sea?

Transmission and the other related short films:
