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Funny / Rhett & Link

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  • The Tragedy, or the true story of how Link broke his pelvis.
  • Rhett and Link's Most Embarrassing Moments are exactly as the title describes, and equally funny.
  • "Caption Fail". It's Exactly What It Says on the Tin:
    • From this episode of Caption Fail were they sing Christmas Songs:
      • "We wish you a merry Christmas, we wish you a merry Christmas" becomes "We wish you were married, priest mysterious your Mary prisoners", then a later "We wish you a merry Christmas" becomes "To use for wrestlers".
      • In "Let it Snow", it's now a pirate that's delightful instead of a fire, and "and since there's" becomes "insisted". The title also becomes "There is No", "That is Now", and "Let Us Know".
      • "Nipping at your nose" becomes "Nipping at your end".
      • "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" becomes "Read off the rent those reindeer", then "And if you ever saw it, you would even say it glows" becomes "And if you ever saw annually in St. Louis."
      • "Fa la la la la la la la la" becomes "Bottle of laugh laugh la la la" and later "File I love that Lila while what", and then "gay apparel" becomes "getting a parallel".
      • "Up on the house" becomes "Obama house". "Ho ho ho" becomes "Pope hopeful" and "Pope or will".
      • "You better not cry" somehow turns into "You better not Proactiv", then Santa Claus turns into "Centre close" and "said it was".
      • The gifts from the 12 Days of Christmas are now a plan for "Mr. Mean", actors, "military playing manly", a mandate, an animator, sponsors, 67, "flap toddler reasons", "well coming but", ranch hands, two fertile doves, and a car accident.
  • In "9 Craziest Snowmen on The Internet", Rhett brings up a picture of a half melted snowmen and calls it the "Do you believe in climate change now!?" snowman.
  • In "Dumbest Crimes Inspired by Movies", Rhett mentions someone who was inspired by Back to the Future who drove their car at 88mph.
    Link: What year did he land in?
    Rhett: The strange thing is Link that it actually kinda worked, because he created a portal to Advanced Tax Services in Pensacola, Florida! *shows a picture of a car crash in a tax building*
  • Link and Rhett decide to get wet.
  • In their let's play of Twisted Metal, Link plays as Axel, who he thinks looks like Skeletor. You should know where this is going.
  • "The Ultimate Texting Competition: Rhett vs Link", in which the duo have to type out rhymes on their phones (Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Jack and Jill, Humpty Dumpty, and part of their Epic Rap Battle: Nerd vs. Geek song) in different ways for each round—it gets funny at least in the next 3 rounds, anyway.
  • In "Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved?", their alternating between scientific and conspiratorial theories regarding the fates of ill-fated travelers through aforementioned area culminates in Rhett dressed as an elderly sailor and talking in a consistent "wheezy old man" voice about Joaquin Phoenix.
  • What Your Fridge Says About You
  • Link proves why he shouldn't be trusted with sharp objects.
  • They ended their "Strange Ways to Open a Cereal Box" episode by having sumo champion Yama body slam one. When this failed to actually open it, Yama proceeded to... simply make them the cereal by hand.
  • In the final minute of their Extreme Ice Bath Challenge, Link is shivering so hard he can barely string two words together... until he suddenly exclaims that there's a can of Sprite in his tub.
    • Even funnier is that Link's surprised reaction allows both of them to regain a measure of coherency.
    • From the same episode: Rhett and Link scream-singing along with Frozen, with no audible backing track, only knowing the words "let it go." Link is crying for at least half of it.
  • In the "5 Weird Ways to Start a Fire segment of GMM S8 E28, Rhett does the dangerous task of combining chlorine and break cleaner to start a fire. While he is giving a disclaimer about standing back, Link points out that the bottle with the combination is starting to react. The bottle then starts popping as if it's a gun firing, forcing them to take cover.
    Link: Oh gosh! What?!
    The bottle lets out a plume of fire as the plastic melts around it.
    Link: What the crap?! What?! What the crap, guys?!
    • Just after the bottle melts, Rhett points out that Link's chair caught fire.
  • In the "Will it Chip?" segment of GMM S13 E21, Rhett starts - and can't stop himself - from Freudian Slip after Freudian Slip after trying a chip made from a yak's private parts. The entire crew is busting up off-camera by the last one, and Link jumps back and forth between Actually Pretty Funny and Flat "What".
    Rhett: I mean, based on expectations coming into this, will it chip?
    Link: No!
    Rhett: Would you rather just have a straight penis?
    Rhett nearly slams his head on the desk.
    Link: Don't do that again!
    Rhett: I'm sorry!
    Link: But since you asked: no.
    Rhett: Okay, alright! I'll join the bandwagon: will it penis? I mean—
    Rhett and the crew are busting up laughing
    Link: What is wrong with you!? ...that's another episode, man!
    Rhett: Write that one down!
  • Link has been shown to not be the brightest bulb. Many of his failures include:
    • Not being able to use knives (or anything with a sharp point) safely even with gloves. He also can't seem to be able to simultaneously talk while cutting with a knife.
    • The above statement even applies to items such as a lighter, power tools, a cup of rubber cement and even his own hands and feet.
    • Not being able to do basic math.
    • Not knowing how to jump rope.
    • Frequently making inappropriate jokes and comments (both intentionally and unintentionally).
    • Failing basic geography (i.e., mistaking Sweden for the Netherlands and thinking Amsterdam is the capital of the former).
    • Being notoriously bad at the price guessing challenges.
    • Having a really bad gag reflex and typically vomiting more than Rhett.
    • In the first installment of Smelling Bee, he was trying to guess the last word (which was "Guts"), but forgot to count how many letters the word had and instead guessed "Beans."
    • Link utterly failed at the Upside-Down goggles challenge. Even though both were terrible, Rhett described Link as "a malfunctioning robot" due to his failures.
    • When playing any of the games involving 20 Questions, he always seems to do the so-called "Walmart strategy" (going through a Walmart and hoping you eventually guess the aisle it'd be in). This gag has been toned down in recent years as Rhett lampshades this a lot.
    • When trying to guess what scent a car air freshener was. It was called "Bayside Breeze" and Rhett kept giving him obvious clues as to the word. Link proceeded to go through every synonym possible including dock, pier and even yacht club!
    • When being told to read "Snot Mike Up Puffed He" (It's not my cup of tea) during the Mad Gab challenge, he struggled for a good five or six minutes even without the device in his mouth. He drove both Rhett and the crew insane as they all knew the answer.
    • During the Sun Tan Pictionary challenge, the prompt was "Taco Bell." Rhett tried to give Link as many hints as he could and it took until Rhett drew a bell and wrote "TAC." Link still didn't immediately get it and thought the answer was "Tack Bell." note 
      Link: "Oh... This is one of those moments! One of the moments people always make fun of me for!"
    • In the Cooking Rice in Different Liquids challenge, Link answered too early on one question and then tried to force a countdown (since he knew the answer), angering Rhett.
  • In the Worst GMM Foods episode, they decide Mythical Chef Josh should eat the Brain Pizza and Bile Cheesecake. While unfazed by the pizza, he's almost immediately horrified by the cheesecake. He even proclaims "What have I done?!"
  • Poor Link is known to have the occasional word slip-up.
    • During "Will It Soup?", he lets this fly while trying to choke down a mouthful of pig intestine.
      Link: Agh...oh...painus.
      Rhett: (slowly turning to look at him, looking absolutely aghast) ...It's not a penis, man. You just said "penis".
      • He attempts to explain - after a bout of hysterical laughter - that "painus" is a portmanteau of "pig" and "anus". It doesn't help.
    • In "6 Exotic But Legal Pets", while discussing fennec foxes, Link introduces an on-set photo of a fennec as "Snickledümper", before proceeding to teach us a bit more about keeping one as a pet.
      Link: If it gets off the leash, that thing is gone forever.
      Rhett: Really?
      Link: Snickledong. Oh - (amid laughter from everyone) I meant to say Snickle gone.
      Rhett: Which would make no sense either.
  • During the 2023 edition of Good Mythical Evening note , one game featured various Mythical crew members sticking their head through a cut-out in a wooden wall, while they were either tortured or pleasured, while Rhett and Link had to guess which one just by watching their facial expressions. When it was Emily's turn, she decided, in the nature of the evening, to stick her breast through the hole. This caused the wall to fall over, destroying the set, and causing Emily to fall to the floor and ending the game prematurely.
