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Funny / Rebecca

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The book:

  • Every scene with Mrs. Van Hopper.
  • Maxim's proposal to the narrator is this and a Heartwarming Moment. When she informs him that Mrs. Van Hopper is going to New York, he asks her if she wants to go to New York or to Manderley. After realizing he means it, she asks if he needs a secretary. The musical makes Maxim's reply funnier by prefacing it with a HA HA HA—No.
  • Partly intentional, to show how much the second Mrs. de Winter wants her husband to remain close to her, there is the following exchange, which can best be summed up as:
    Maxim: I should tell you that I killed my wife. Also, I love you.
    The Heroine: ME?! (squees)
  • When the second Mrs. de Winter first goes into the Morning Room, the phone rings. She answers it and says "I'm sorry, you've made a mistake. Mrs de Winter has been dead for over a year." and hangs up before immediately realising the call was meant for her.
  • At one point in the novel, the second Mrs. de Winter starts imagining Rebecca sitting at the dining table in vivid detail. Cue Maxim interrupting her laughing and revealing that she was literally acting out her fantasy with various facial expressions. Her reaction is priceless.
  • "... and I should be making violent love to you behind a palm tree." It's the fact that the line comes from out of nowhere that really makes it funny.
  • Beatrice and Giles arrive unexpectedly early for their first visit after Maxim and the narrator arrive at Manderley. The narrator was already nervous about meeting her in-laws, and to make matters worse, Maxim isn't home yet. Her first thought on how to deal with this? Climb out the window and hide outside so they'll think she's not home either.

The musical:

  • Beatrice's introduction of herself and her husband.
    Beatrice (happily): I am Maxim's sister Beatrice and this is Giles [Beat; completely deadpan] ... my husband.
    • Also the short bit from her song "Die Lieben Verwandten" (Dear Relatives).
    Giles: Well, I've got a special sense of humour.
    Beatrice: Happens in the best of families.
  • Mrs. van Hopper steals someone else's drink while singing about how "Ich" will never be a lady.
  • When "Ich" appears at the disastrous ball, everyone claps then stops when they realise what she's wearing... except Mrs. van Hopper. Beatrice has to grab her hands to finally make her stop.
