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Funny / Rats SMP

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As a Moments page, all spoilers are off. You Have Been Warned.

The very premise of the series revolves around over a dozen creator-characters running around a Big Fancy House being "silly little guys"; it's impossible for there to not be silly moments.

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  • Since several of the content creators first meet cc!Will through Rats, they are initially completely unaware that his real voice is about a whole octave deeper than his roleplay voice for the series… and cue the shock every time he breaks character and switches back to his normal voice. The only times where he uses his real voice while in-character, other than some early scenes on Day 1, is when he puts on Scott's "magical French hat" that causes its wearer to speak in either French or with a French accent throughout Day 57.
  • Under the bell's item description in-game:
    The cutoff screams of a fellow rat can be heard
  • There have been several instances where the cats have been caught and sent into cages by the human NPCs.
  • In addition, the cats often sometimes be seen scooting around on their rear ends, moving around at top speed even though they're supposed to be sitting down. While the other rats joke about that specific cat having "worms", Jimmy nicknames that cat "Buttslider" for a reason.
  • Before several server events, the admins make announcements to ensure everyone has downloaded the necessary datapacks for it to run smoothly. The creator-character take this… interestingly.
    • It starts on Day 29:
      [@]: Can all cast members please go download the new resou[r]ce pack in #announcements, this does not replace RatRP5, thank you!
      krowfang: MY IMMERSION!!!
    • After a handful of creators forgot to put on the additional resource pack during the last event on Day 29, by Day 39, the admins have resorted to turning their announcements into large, screen-wide pop-up text.
      Notice: Please ensure you have 'Event 23rd' enabled now
      bekyamon: god is that you
    • On Day 47, something similar happens, except a lore-heavy conversation is happening at the time, which leads to…
      Remember To Download December1st
      Acho: Wow, we're all seeing the same vision!
      Will: Is that Cheesus Crust?
      Smajor1995: #AD
      olivesleepy: thank u rat god
      (Acho suggests turning this into an advertising strategy)
      Follow @PowCreations
      Smajor1995: I AM TRYING TO LORE
      Smajor1995: HOW DARE YOU
      Smajor1995: THINK OF THE VOD
      Owenge_Juice: that one was me >:3

    Days 1–18 
  • Day 1:
    • Krow spamming "IT'S ALL HIS FAULT" in the in-game chat (in reference to Jimmy) after it is the first to get captured.
    • Oliver using the Law & Order "DUN DUN!" sound effect to Jump Scare others.
    • After finding himself in the Laundry Room with Apo, Oliver tries to roleplay a court case with them using a cage in the corner… before asking Apo to pay him "legal fees". Apo's response is to leg it up the laundry chute.
    • Oliver recounts having once read a book on NDAs (non-disclosure agreements). When asked what an NDA is, their response?
      Oliver: I'm not allowed to talk about it.
    • Acho writes a disclaimer on his and Oliver's law office:
      By entering this establishment[,] you agree that we cannot be liable.
    • As Lizzie openly declares her intent to shank a cat, Owen clarifies that there are no cats in the Mansion (at least, not yet)… which isn't a satisfactory answer Lizzie wants to hear.
  • Day 3:
    • This very mature conversation that leads to Owen getting banned from the Rattic Bar later the same day:
      InTheLittleWood: @
      Owenge_Juice: PowCreations
      InTheLittleWood: woah woah woah
      soupforeloise: so true
      Smajor1995: so based
      SolidarityGaming: plug
      InTheLittleWood: F3 + D everyonenote 
      Smajor1995: fr fr
      SoldarityGaming: wow
      Owenge_Juice: (privately; to Martyn) f3+deez nutz
    • Tubbo getting caught by various household staff members. Over and over again, even just after being rescued from a cage. Then he'll start singing impromptu songs loudly and obnoxiously, to Owen's dismay.
  • Day 8:
    • After Krow's first canon death, it starts arguing with its conscience… but then it gets meta.
      Krow's conscience: No more stealing from other rats, Krow. I mean it. Or you'll be stuck in this subtitled void forever.
      Krow: Oh, hell no, subtitling is like– my least favourite part about editing, so… that's… not gonna work.
      Krow's conscience: Exactly. So… go on. Get back to that Attic and… start again.
    • Almost immediately after that, Krow insists that it's gone through some Character Development, except it's not a character and definitely a real rat.
  • Day 9:
    • Bek, Krow, Owen, and Scott find the Butler's room… and proceed to make several "coming out" jokes in his closet.
    • Sniff stealing one of the brewing stands from the Bar and building a rough replica of it using the Chisel and Bits to make the rodential robbery look less conspicuous.
  • Day 10: Owen finding a netherite scrap in a Storage Room chest… before dismissively throwing it out, saying it doesn't seem useful.
  • Day 15: Oli accidentally logging in wearing his Empires Season 2 bard skin.
  • Day 16:
    • Apo shows up to the Rat-O-Ween event in a maid dress. Martyn then starts cooing over him in Japanese, changes his Minecraft skin to a rat-ified version of his "Mint Maids" skin from MCC19, and the two proceed to walk into Owen's house to fully roleplay the role… before being thrown out by Scott (and cue the Freeze-Frame Bonus below from Martyn's episode).
      Scott sent us away which isn't very kawaii of him.. Maid time is over. (or is it? o_o)
      20% sadness
      We will be taking this to our Lawyer, so please submit your witness account, tweet @Olive_Sleepy
      Stop code: MAJOR_BUZZ_KILL
    • While going for a Pantry run, Apo, Martyn, Owen, Scott, and Shelby stumble across a half-eaten packet of "Scootles" in the corridor, leading to a candy trail and stash in the Playroom. Apo then tries one of the "Scootles" packets and demonstrates what it's truly like to "taste the rainbow".
      Apo: I have a sudden urge to date men. Huh. Weird.
    • Owen's 13th episode opens with a recap of Episode 12, where he describes himself as having "triumphantly saved Scott from some swarming bats when they were mere seconds away from killing him" in the Grandmother's room. They're ceiling decorations.

    Days 19–29 
  • Day 19:
    • Acho walking in on El making out with the Gardener's Kero Kero Keroppi plushie in the Shed.
    • The rats' shock upon finding the Gardener walking around at night, especially after Jimmy lured him to drown earlier that day. The rats in the know quickly conclude that the Gardener has come Back from the Dead (which is true out-of-universe via respawn) and have to remove their reconstructed corpse of the Gardener that they allegedly just dragged out of the pond.
    • Later that day, the Janitor is unable to catch Oliver and Will hiding on the fireplace in the Lounge, and resorts to standing on the couch to just stare at them before giving up and leaving. The two rats respond by laughing about the "skill issue" and screenshoting selfies "with the bestie".
    • For some extreme Black Comedy, Owen finds Bek's laundry basket base and immediately runs in to eat the Tide Pods lying on the floor inside… and quickly gets poisoned.
    • Oli claims to have learnt to write lust letters from only having ever read Fifty Shades of Rat. When Will asks what that is, both Oli and Oliver's responses amount to "You Do Not Want To Know", while cc!Will is left quietly corpsing.
  • Day 23:
    • Scott describes the garden gnome Bek makes for the Gardener as "Gandalf cosplaying as Mario".
      Scott: Mamma mia! Thou shall not pass!
    • Shortly after being freed from the cage he was trapped in, Tommy starts fighting the cat lurking outside the cage… then "Able Sisters" starts playing from out of nowhere.
    • Owen's insistence on locking Tommy in the oven… only for Tommy to start making strange noises and emerge having a cake on his head when freed.
    • For some Black Comedy, Oli doesn't take finding a bathroom in the Attic Bar, sealed off with caution tape with a murder imprint on the floor, well.
      Oli: (screaming)
      Martyn: Are you okay?
    • When cc!Apo raids into Acho's livestream with the raid message of "*throws hand sanitizer at acho fleas*", Acho and his chat are so bothered by this that they try to wipe off the hand sanitizer on Oli, whom Acho's been talking to when this happens.
    • After Tommy's visit, while Oli is claiming to eat his own faeces, cc!Will's playlist is coincidentally playing a song titled "Dirtmouth".
  • Day 29:
    • After Apo is captured by the Janitor and imprisoned in the Van, the rats rush to save him, but no one can break him out with just their pickaxes, chisels, and teeth. And look, Jimmy just had to check, you know?
      Jimmy: First off, do we care if he drives off with Apo?
      Everyone else: YES.
    • Oli comments that as a little guy, Apo shouldn't be getting into strangers' vans.
      Apo: I'm trying to! […] He didn't even offer me candy!
    • When Jimmy finally works out that the Janitor knows about the rats' sentience, he tries going near the Janitor, asking him to give him a word.
      Janitor: SMELLY!

    Days 30–47 
  • Day 36:
    • After winning a duel against Martyn (acting on Apo's behalf), Oli demands an apology for being unjustly brought to court. Acho's response as Apo's lawyer is simply, "Ratio."
  • Day 39:
    • Jimmy tries to catch Scott up on an ongoing debate:
      Jimmy: Just to catch you up, Scott, Maid, lesbian, that's all you need to know.Context 
    • The rats discuss cooking around Scott's cooking pot:
      Martyn: I can't come in the rat broth, I'm married.
    • While going down to visit the Magical Squid to obtain the Glitter Sac, Oliver requests to reread the instruction book, which Acho… attempts to pass him, only for everyone to soon realize what Oliver is reading is not the Eldest Daughter's instructions:
      Oliver: (reading) "But I, being poor have only my cheese;
      I have spread my cheese under your feet;
      Tread softly because you tread on my cheese. (dreams)"
      Acho: (passing them a different book, which turns out to not be the right one either) Wrong one, my bad.
    • El asks Seapeekay to show them his teeth to see how scary they are:
      Seapeekay: *bares fangs cutely*
    • The Magical Squid, with his Creepy High-Pitched Voice, makes just about everything he says sound funny.
      Magical Squid: (spinning) I am the Magical Squiiiiiiiid!!
    • While the round-table complimentary session at the Ratsgiving feast is generally a Heartwarming Moment, it has its gems:
      • Bek and El are initially too distracted by flirting with each other to join the session.
      • Martyn trying to privately convince Will to join in on the Jimmy teasing while their content creator counterpart is unaware of the ongoing bits of Empires SMP Season 2.
        InTheLittleWood whispers to you: say i love that you're a toy
  • Day 42:
    • Most of the rats present for the event make recurring jokes about the termites' short lifespans and go as far as attempting to relocate them to places they'd die in, including trying to drown Nuke in mulch in a composter.
    • At the end of the event, the rats decide to bring the termites to Seapeekay's den, and immediately run for it after Owen traps them in a block of wood.
    • In response to Will only having a singular piece of lapis for his enchantment quest, Martyn cannot resist making a One Piece reference at the drop of a hat.
    • As Martyn tries to pick up the enchanted hoe to see the enchantment on it, the other rats also cannot resist using their "grabby hands" to accidentally start a game of Monkey in the Middle, so much that every rat other than Martyn is picking up the hoe for a solid 30 seconds.
    • As Owen muses on how he can make something new out of copper, quartz, leather, and paper to fix the Boiler Room fungal infestation (i.e. while in deep lore mode), Martyn decides to run in, in his full maid dress glory, steal the parts, and run off again. Even cc!Owen is left in a laughing fit, so much that it has made the YouTube cut despite normally being a Blooper.
  • Day 47:
    • At the start of the event, Will tries to rope other rats in on their conspiracy theory that Scott is secretly a witch, and they and Acho start downright grasping at straws, including speculating how the shape of the scarecrow's hat looks pointy and thus is witch-like.
    • Upon finding out the nastier effects of Scott's attempted potions, Jimmy starts questioning the safety rationale behind that… which eventually devolves into very tactless territory.
      Jimmy: Scott, I thought you had this all worked out.
      Scott: I thought it was just like cooking!
      Jimmy: Did you read the small print on the bottles?
      Scott: There was no small print; I made the bottles!
      Jimmy: […] Why did you not write the small print?!
      Scott: I CANNOT WRITE OR READ! That's why there was no small print!
      Krow: Okay, Jimmy, this feels a bit elitist, let's calm it down.
    • After the Cat-astrophe, Scott makes everyone food as an Apology Gift for getting some of them killed in the process of his poorly thought-out plan. By that time, Jimmy has accumulated 9 empty bowls from earlier chicken soup servings and starts straight-up stealing food from the other rats for the lolz.
    • Owen and Oliver try to convince everyone to let Scott off the hook for causing the Cat-astrophe, and cites how the other rats blew up the boiler back on Day 29. Bek and Will are quick to assert that that was not a mistake and was very much deliberate.
    • After the event, Krow's flea chat comment that it should put its advent calendar in the fridge, to which it responds by asking around the other creator-characters still online to essentially point and laugh.

    Days 48–59 
  • Day 51:
    • Martyn describing Scott's chef hat antics as the rats "Oui oui"-ing all over the house.
    • Martyn leads Aimsey's group into the Basement to look for fire-starting material, and decide to take a detour into a hidden amethyst geode behind a painting, at which point they decide to spin a tomato in an item frame there around really quickly while chanting "tomato".
      Martyn: If this doesn't crash the server, I don't know what will.
    • Aimsey screaming whenever they're trapped in a cage.
    • While hiding under the Lobby table, Aimsey compliments the Youngest Daughter's looks, only to be told by Scott that she's a child. Aimsey proceeds to violently mime vomiting noises and scream for their life. At later times, they also joke-flirt with the adult women in the Mansion, often at inappropriate times like while running for their lives.
    • After Martyn burns a wolf to death with a fire charge and refuses to elaborate on how that happened, Will continues their Conspiracy Theorist arc by suggesting witch-Scott taught Martyn how to use magic.
      Martyn: (in a hushed voice) Will, shut up, stop telling everyone!
      Will: (hushed) Look, I'm sorry!
      Martyn: (hushed) Otherwise, you're getting it next.
      Will: (hushed) Wha–?! What do you mean?
      Martyn: (hushed) Don't make me say the D word.
      Will: (hushed) Huh, what's th–
      Martyn: Dracarys.
      Will: (Gasp!)
    • Once the two rabbits are relocated and the rats bid farewell them, they start loudly kissing on their newly made bed. Acho and Krow, the last two stragglers struggling to leave the secret doorway into their new den, move to vacate the place as quickly as they can.
  • Day 57:
    • The dissonance in reactions to a potential alien invasion:
      Scott: Hello! We come in peace!
      Martyn: (overlapping) Knives at the ready! Knives at the ready!
    • cc!Owen cannot resist making a Stealth Pun:
      Owen: That's like, a pretty sad origin story.
      (Scott chuckles in the background)
    • Sneeg decides against asking the rats their names due to how many of them there are, and decides to nickname Martyn "Sexy Rat" for wearing a French Maid Outfit in his persona as "Ratsune Miku".
    • Krow repeatedly asking about Sneeg's lifespan due to the termite incident.
    • Sneeg being constantly distracted by the rats' lanterns, being seemingly hypnotized by its light like a moth every time he sees one.
    • Owen finds a book titled 50 Shades of Purple in the Library, only to find the following message within:
      [This book contains… um… Maybe you shouldn't be reading this one…]
  • Day 59:
    • Martyn starts off the day making and gathering rope with Will to make a secondary access point to the Rattic from Owen's garden, which Owen confiscates to rescue Philza and Kara from the chimney and to make sure the rats don't get noticed by the humans more than they already are. However, this endeavor causes the rats to be trapped outside the housenote ; Martyn then spends the entire rest of the day lambasting Owen for this decision.
      Owen: The laundry chute is… closed.
      Martyn: You know what would help here? A ROPE OFF THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING TO YOUR GARDEN! That's what would help right now! Why do you think– I don't just do these things on a whim! I know I'm a bit chaotic, but there was absolutely– Will gave me full context as to the lockout situation, and you've come along, "I make all the rules!"
      Owen: We'll just go through the window, alright–
      Martyn: That's because you act first and ask questions later.
    • While rescuing the crows from the chimney, Phil manages to clamber up first, leaving the other rats down in the chimney trying to help Kara.
      Bek: We're not big enough to get up there! Can we have some more rope, please?
      Phil: No, get good!
    • After the rats' healing potions fail to repair the crows' wings, Phil suggests getting their hands on some phantom membranes, which Krow turns out to have had one. Exactly one. And illegally at that.
      El: Well, we might need more than one.
      Martyn: Yeah, we got two– we got two of 'em here.
      Krow: Okay, one of you's gonna have to start paying rent– (gets hit off the windowsill by Apo)
    • Once the rats successfully summon the Magical Squid, he leads them into the underground cavern where he now lives. Krow does not take this well, and its reaction is legendary.
      Krow: (screaming hysterically) IT'S LIKE THE FUCKING MAZE!
      Will: The what?!
      Owen: Hey! Language!
      Krow: I thought I was muted
      (Everyone bursts into a fit of laughter)
      Magical Squid: Hey! Language! Language! If you swear, I kick you out of maze!
      Krow: Please do!
    • Oliver describing the one word Will has been taught since the start of the SMP, 'assignment', to begin with "three funny letters".

    Days 60–85 
  • Day 60:
    • The fact that everyone's first reaction to stumbling across a New York toy store is to start shoplifting.
    • Apo finds an alphabet block with the letter F on it.
      Apo: Look at me, I'm a big failure!
      Will: (laughs) I mean… I wasn't gonna say it, but you know– (gets smacked)
    • Krow casually climbing into and locking itself a cage hanging from the Party Room in the International Cat Station, for no reason other than why not.
    • Owen saying he's giving a life back to Krow… from the Trash Rat specifically.
  • Day 62:
    • Bek repeatedly interrupting quiet moments by loudly singing "Silent Night".
    • Billzo's rampage across the Mansion is destructive, but it's hilarious from the humans' perspective: imagine being the Gardener, trying to relax by the fire in the Lounge and preparing to play a nice evening game of pool… only for some random goat to break through the wall from the locked Ballroom and start running around destroying the place, while being chased by the rats you've been trying to catch for the past couple of months.
    • Couple the above rampage with Bek, Owen, and Scott loudly singing "Silent Night" in the meantime.
      Silent night! Holy night!
      All is calm, all is bright
    • During the Secret Santa picking, "Santa" seals the selection in a present façade (hiding a dropper with participants' names written on them), and when it's done, he removes the "curtain" opening on the façade. Naturally, for a server with mostly queer creators, cue the coming out jokes.
    • Also during the Secret Santa picking, Bek trying to lock themself in "Santa"'s picking present-chamber with El, while El tries to shoo them out, saying it's "not Seven Minutes in Heaven".
  • Day 64:
    • During the Ratmas celebration, the Grandmother writes a note to the rats giving them gifts as well, mentioning how it's hard to stay warm after "the nasty Janitor broke the boiler before he left". Given that the rats know full well who actually broke the boiler and that Will suggested the plan to frame the Janitor after suggesting and helping to carry out the Boiler Room plot, the rats can only laugh.
    • While spying on the Chef and the Maid getting together, the two women are repeatedly interrupted by the Youngest Daughter wandering around… who then gets distracted chasing Oliver into the Ballroom. Oliver then traps the Youngest Daughter in a boat on the ice-skating rink there (alongside the Gardener and the Son)… where the NPCs suddenly suffocate in the boats and keel over on the spot. Oliver then has to convince Will, the only other rat in the vicinity to witness this, to lick to sign an NDA to keep this a secret.
      Oliver: It's Secret Santa, and the secret is that I murdered somebody, alright?
  • Day 79(?): Bek makes a chess set for the Butler on his request, with a few strange modifications: the Knights are "Amoguses" and the Kings are "upside-down Ts".
  • Day 80:
    • The fact that Martyn's build for the build-off, themed "In the Garden", is the Teletubbies holding some sort of ritual sacrifice.
    • Similarly, Bek forgot to pick up most of the colourful blocks she wanted and ended up making a post-apocalyptic piece called "Oh No, They're All Dead!".
  • Day 85:
    • Tubbo shouting to have the Father killed for killing Lizzie isn't funny in the slightest… until he loudly suggests for someone to inflict him with the bubonic plague.
    • After being forced to escape from the Janitor by jumping off the roof, Tubbo and Krow start spamming "L" in the in-game chat at him by Jimmy's suggestion, and El makes a joke betting on whether the Janitor would jump down after them, while Oliver yells at him to "do a flip". The Janitor's response is to "drop an 'L' back" at the rats.
