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Funny / Quantum and Woody

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  • Issue #3:
    • A flashback from Eric's childhood when he got into a scuffle with a group of guys in a poor neighborhood, after which he gets picked up by a taxi driver and shows how clueless he is about certain things:
      Driver: Pretty rough neighborhood, son.
      Eric: Yeah... Those black guys ripped my Thompson blazer.
      Driver: —?! Those black guys?! You look in a mirror lately?
    • A bit showing Priest's use of beat panels is when Quantum and Woody leave a building. Quantum does some impressive acrobatics, ziplining out of a window near the top floor, swinging on a flagpole and landing neatly in the passenger seat of his and Woody's car. This is then followed by five panels of him just sitting and waiting in the car while Woody calmly takes the elevator down, which in turn is followed by nine panels of Woody searching his pockets for the car keys and getting into the driver's seat, with Quantum glaring at him.
      Woody: What?
