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Funny / Pollyanna (1960)

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  • The moment when George bumps into Pollyana and Nancy while they're out shopping. He grabs Nancy and without warning, kisses her.
    Nancy: Oh! George, stop it! Oh, Pollyanna, you don't know my cousin Fred, do you?
    George: Your cousin Fred?
    Nancy: This is Miss Harrington's niece. [pointedly] The one who's come to live with her!
    George: [realizing what's going on] Oh! Oh, that one! Well, hello, Pollyanna, how are you?
    Pollyanna: Fine, thank you.
    George: Well, how 'bout this? Running into you after... what's it been, six years? Say, how's your ma and pa?
    Nancy: [bemused] Why, they're just fine.
    George: You know, Pollyanna, I don't take too much to relatives, but this girl was always just like a sister to me. I tell you, I love, love this cousin. [kisses Nancy again much to her chagrin]
  • When Edmond found Pollyanna hidden behind a plant during the town meeting.
    Edmond: Hello. Is this the town meeting?
    Pollyanna: Oh, no. It's in there. In the conservatory, for heaven's sake.
    Edmond: Oh. Are you one of the Ladies Aide?
    Pollyanna: Oh, no. I'm just a child. I'm not even supposed to be here! Sh!
    Edmond: What's your name?
    Pollyanna: Pollyanna Whittier. That's my aunt over there, the pretty one. This is her house, and I live with her.
    Edmond: Sh!
    Pollyanna: Sh!
  • "Brimstone and Damnation on top of ham and eggs."
  • When George and Nancy trick Pollyanna with reverse psychology so they can go on a date, and bring her along.
    George: How'd you like to go down the street and get a great big dish of ice cream, my treat? Oh, no, that's a rotten idea. She probably hates the stuff.
    Nancy: Probably.
    Pollyanna: Who, me? Oh, no, I love it!
    George: No kidding? How'd you ever develop a taste for that awful stuff?
    Pollyanna: Oh, no, really! I really do love it!
    George: I know the perfect place. Come on, girls, follow old Cousin Fred to the land of strawberry frappe. Unless you'd rather go down the street and have a beer?
    Pollyanna: You're funny.
  • Pollyanna was also not fooled by the 'cousin Fred' ruse and busted Nancy immediately. However, the film goes on for a while before Pollyanna sees George again. The next time she does, she calls him George. After a moment he does a Double Take and realizes that she shouldn't know his name.
  • During Reverend Ford's fire-and-brimstone sermon, Pollyanna's face throughout sells the humor of it all. She looks less frightened than shocked, and notices the chandelier shaking from Ford's booming voice.
    • There are several moments in the film where Hayley Mills' performance as Pollyana completely sells the humor of a situation with just the expressiveness of her facial acting, and sometimes with an expressive tone of voice to match.
  • Pollyanna's furious response to finding out that Jimmy led her all the way to outside Mr. Pendergast's house for the purpose of showing her a tree that he considered to be the best tree for climbing.
  • Pollyanna's complete obliviousness that Mr. Pendergast does not want her in his house at all. Every other sentence is him begging her to leave, but she just doesn't get it. They pretty much become good friends because Pollyanna doesn't cop that he wants her out of the house.
    Pollyanna: Thank you for showing me your house.
    Mr Pendergast: But I didn't show you my house! You came barging in here!
    Pollyanna has to think for a moment.
    Pollyanna: (with a ridiculously cheery grin) Goodbye!
  • Mrs. Snow, who receives food from all the women of the town to help her convalescence, always complains that what she got isn't what she wanted (e.g. if she got calf's foot jelly then she'd says she wants chicken, and if she got chicken, she'd say she wants lamb broth). Pollyanna eventually "wins" by bringing Mrs. Snow a little bit of everything, thinking it'll make her happy that she finally got what she wanted that day. She never realizes that Mrs. Snow just likes to complain.
  • Nancy says hypothetically that Mrs. Snow would probably want chicken instead of jelly. When Mrs. Snow complains that she wanted lamb broth, Pollyanna (not quite understanding) 'corrects' her by saying she should want chicken instead.
  • Mrs. Snow's Establishing Character Moment. Pollyanna and Nancy arrive at the house and exchange pleasantries with Millie. Then we hear Mrs. Snow's voice screaming from the other room - "Stop that noise in there! Haven't you any respect for a dying woman!" - Millie and Nancy don't bat an eyelid at this.
    • The two women are left stunned when they find Pollyanna entertaining Mrs. Snow with the prisms on the wall. Mrs. Snow sneakily turns Tsundere to pretend she wants to be left alone, while also wanting to know when Pollyanna will be back. The child cheerfully says she'll be back tomorrow and skips past the dumbfounded Nancy and Millie. Nancy can only wordlessly follow, with her mouth still hanging open.
  • At the bazaar, Ben Tarbell doesn't appear to have made his wife join in the dancing, so his partner is Tilly the cook. The two make extremely exaggerated movements around the dance floor, all with serious faces.
  • Reverend Ford at the dunking booth:
    Ford: I've been trying to get you baptized for the last three years!
  • After Nancy gives Pollyanna a mirror as thanks for covering up their afternoon with George, she proceeds to Squee about her man as though she were Pollyanna's age.
  • Pollyanna when explaining the Glad Game after the Sunday mass has to deal with Angelica's grumpiness. She sticks her tongue out at the maid, and then covers up by chewing on an asparagus stick.
    • The others try to get her to find something to be glad about Sunday, considering how painful Reverend Ford's sermons are to get through. Pollyanna has to think long and hard, and all she can come up with is that they can be glad because they've at least got six days until next Sunday.
  • Pollyanna's attempts at being nice to grumpy Mr. Neely when she delivers the charity basket. She suggests he think of it as a gift from one friend to another. Having only just met her, he has no clue what she's talking about, and Pollyanna's chirpy "I'm your friend" is met with more grumpiness. He tastes the calves foot jelly and grimaces.
