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Funny / Penny Saves Paldea

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  • After committing to saving Paldea, Penny is woken up the next morning by an alert on her phone saying that Mela was defeated. Penny finds this utterly baffling because not only did the alert come in at four in the morning, but Juliana decided to defeat Mela first when she's only the second-weakest boss on the team.
  • A Team Star grunt who keeps dabbing at his eyes with a handkerchief tells Arven and Juliana the story of Selfie Sal, who discovered he could phase his hand through things and decided to wave his hand through his camera while taking a picture. Arven and Juliana take this to mean they never saw him again, only for the grunt to reveal Sal is fine apart from dropping his camera in a lake and being unable to buy a replacement.
  • Team Star is using the Ruchbah Squad's base to house people affected by the anomalies long-term. Arven and Penny happen to arrive at the same time as a gym attendant who somehow phased inside a giant prop olive and got stuck.
  • Juliana completes the Medali gym challenge through pure serendipity. She and Arven struggle to get picnic supplies in the town because the people they ask for recommendations keep battling them for some reason. They decide to get lunch and regroup at the Treasure Eatery, where the two coincidentally order the dish that signals that somebody finished the challenge and is ready to fight the gym leader.
