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Funny / Ojamajo Doremi: Rise of the Shadows

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  • Some of Shadow Hazuki's dialogue is snarking.
    • From chapter 5:
      - Shadow Hazuki: *after getting hit by Hazuki's attack* "Oh sure. NOW she decides to get a backbone!"
    • From chapter 3:
      - Hazuki: *screaming and running away* ""KYAH! Majo Rika, Majo Rika, Majo Rika, Majo Rika, Majo Rika, Majo Rika, Majo Rika!"
      - Shadow Hazuki: *sweatdropping* "Oh she is so embarrassing. My light half gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, 'Afraid of your own shadow'."
  • From chapter 7, we get a scene where Shadow Doremi is complaining about how bright the Seals are while the ritual is taking place. Shadow Hana simply conjures a pair of sunglasses for herself while claiming the glow isn't all that bad.
