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Funny / Odyssey 5

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  • Sarah's (who is a black woman) reaction to seeing "The Seeker's A Form You Are Comfortable With after the group undergoes a near-death situation.
    (Plaintively) "God really is an old white guy."
  • On returning to the past, the first thing Kurt Mendel does is ring up his fiancĂ©e and call off their wedding because she's cheating on him, a fact that he only discovered after an expensive divorce.
  • In an aside at a coffee shop, Chuck makes it clear in three different languages that he doesn't care for their pretentious terminology after ordering a large coffee.
    Barista: You mean 'grande'. Coming right up.
    Chuck: Se habla espanol? (Barista looks puzzled) Parli italiano? No? Then make it a large.
  • Angela forcing Kurt to swallow his medicine by pointing a Beretta at her ex-lover's testicles.
    Angela: "I will do it, Kurt!"
    Kurt: "Oh God, even as a Synthetic, you are a ballbuster..."
