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Funny / Nightcrawler

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  • When Lou is speaking with Nina in the empty news studio, he looks toward the cityscape backdrop behind the desk and says in awe, "On TV, it looks so real..." complete with a lip-quiver. It's so obviously fake that you can't help but laugh.
  • When Lou brings his first shots to Nina and Channel 6, they hook his camera up to the computer. The first thing they see? Lou messing around with the camera, trying to get it working. He sounds downright sheepish as he mutters, "You can skip past this part."
  • While it gets grimmer in hindsight, Lou suddenly threatening to fire Rick for spilling gas on his car is, on first viewing, hilariously petty.
  • "No bike has thirty-seven gears."
  • Nina dismissing Frank's ethical objections by telling him that his job is to write the "Tweet of the Day" and "getting Deb to turn sideways during the weather forecast".
  • When Rick demands a raise from his $30 a night, he initially begins to ask for a number over a hundred, but soon backtracks into asking for much less, with Lou accepting without protest. When the penny drops and Rick realises he could've asked for more money, Lou's response is a cheerful "Oh yeah."
