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  • Junketsu bluntly asking why Ryuko and Mako haven't had sex yet. Even funnier is that it leads into this interaction:
    Ryuko: Okay, first off, when it's two girls, it ain't "procreating", it's fucking.
    Junketsu: Fine, why are you not fucking with her yet?
  • Aikuro's license plate: Drew P. Weiner.
  • In a flashback in Chapter 12, Mako starts to put the pieces together regarding Ryuko after Houka tells her the truth about the Life Fibers…and an all too familiar light and cross of hands occurs. Yes, Mako's "Hallelujah" moment makes its first appearance, and it's just as hilarious as it was in the series.
  • The Naked Nudists all attempt to dive bomb Nui, who spends Tsumugu's entire Rousing Speech sunbathing, clearly treating the whole thing with such nonchalance that it becomes downright comical.
  • The big "fuck yes!" Ryuko does when Mako agrees to go on a date with her.
  • Mako's attempts to see Ryuko after she's captured by Nudist Beach, like attempting to get lawyers involved.
  • When Nui gets her arm cut off when battling Sanageyama and Tsumugu, she starts freaking out over it…before her opponents keep attacking her and she stops freaking out to yell at them for not playing along with her attempt at drama.
    Nui: Really, you two are so rude. I’m trying to put on a big show and make you feel better about your pitiful little non-achievement so you might feel accomplished before I kill you, and here you are not playing along at all! Now, where was I? Oh yes!
    • And then there's her acting itself after she says the above. Overdramatic doesn't even begin to describe it.
  • When Nui complains that thanks to Uzu cutting off her arm and it coming back shorter (by three inches), making her asymmetrical, Uzu points out that the bow she always wears already makes her asymmetrical. Nui retorts that it's just fashion.
  • Ryuko's first present scene in Chapter 23 has her playing shogi with Uzu and sucking at it to the point of flipping the board over.
    Ryuko: Uzu?
    Uzu: Yes Ryuko?
    Ryuko: Fuck this game. (proceeds to flip the board over)
  • Mako's second "Hallelujah" moment in the story, which is enough to catch Nui of all people off-guard, complete with a Flat "What".
  • Ryuko's complete befuddlement at the fact that her dad owns a high-tech RV as an escape vehicle. To top it off, even Satsuki ends up being as perplexed as her sister.
