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Funny / Mary Russell

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  • This gem when Russell and Holmes are pretending to be young lovers for a case in "Pirate King", and Russell gets mad at Holmes, to which he replies,
    Holmes: "Quit looking so murderous, Russell. We're supposed to be love-making here."
  • The accidental Take Off Your Clothes moment between Holmes and Russell. During the She's Not My Girlfriend stage of their friendship, Sherlock Holmes says absentmindedly to Mary to take off her clothes so they can put together her disguise during a case. He says this so matter-of-factually that she actually begins to do it. Then Mycroft interrupts.
    Mycroft: Perhaps this isn't the best idea.
    Holmes: What are you talking abo- (looks at Russell) Oh.
    Both Holmes and Russell: *major blushing ensues*
  • When Russell first meets Holmes and he thinks she's a boy. Her indignant reaction, saying it's a damn good thing he did retire if he's so unobservant, is a hilarious thing to behold. He thinks so, too.
    Holmes: By God, I've been wanting to do that ever since I've first laid eyes on you.
    Russell: But Holmes... when you first met me, you thought I was a boy.
    Holmes: And don't think that didn't cause me some minutes of deep consternation.
  • Russell's outrage and disbelief in The Beekeeper's Apprentice when she finds out in one of her first case that the butler actually DID do it.
  • In Island of the Mad Holmes and Russell attend a costume party to solve a case and Holmes is dressed as Zorro. Not only does this look give Russell pause in more ways than one, they have this glorious bit while running off. Turns out Holmes is more aware of pop culture than he's given credit:
    Holmes: If I had known Zorro needed to fly away, I would have rigged a zip-line from the roof.
