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Funny / Martian Successor Nadesico

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  • The "manual launch" gag, with the pilots having to physically walk/run their Aestivalis units through the inactive launch catapult. To speed things up a bit they use the wheels on the Aestis' feet to sort of skate along, and it looks ridiculous.
  • "You're just lucky that none of us were in the direct path of the blast so there weren't any casualties. As it is, we'll be shipping Nergal a bill for the 2066 jockey shorts that were ruined! Second Fleet out!"
  • There's a scene in Episode 11 where Akito is confessed to by Yurika and Megumi on separate in near identical wording that they can't bear to see him go, they're terribly worried for him, and that when he gets back they expect to take their relationship to the next level. Taken over the top by Howmei showing up outside the Aestivalis trying to get his attention during all of it.
    Howmei, outside the mech: Is there any way to get a priority transmission into one of these things!?
  • A joke late in the series relies on archaic Japanese wording. It was so obscure that the next few lines were dedicated to explaining it to the audience. The same joke remained during the translation to English but adds an extra layer with the last two lines of the dialogue:
    "Who were you talking to?"
  • The revelation that all of Akito's Unwanted Harem are Lethal Chef caliber in Martian Successor Nadesico, but especially the climax of the sequence, showing the kitchen under quarantine.
    • That episode is funnier when you realize that it was written by the same guy who wrote Slayers. Seriously, give that guy a pen and paper and the first thing he'll do is write culinary humor.
    Inez Fresange: What did that idiot eat? Get him to sickbay on the double! And incinerate that pan!
  • "Ms. Nanako is a wonderful example of womanhood but...SHE'S A CARTOON YOU IDIOT!"
  • During the opening to the second part of the Gekiganger 3 OVA, various children's drawings of Gekiganger characters are shown, with the artists credited with their names and ages- but one of them is 34 years old!
  • Anytime Ruri declares the crew of the ship "idiots".
    • Also, the time when Yukina unknowingly steals her catphrase, calling everyone idiots for gushing over Gekiganger. Ruri seems surprised, and when Yukina angrily asks her what she's staring at, Ruri sheepishly says it's nothing.
  • In Episode 12, Jun accidentally injures himself when trying to pilot an Aestevalis since he forgot to wear a pilot suit. The scene is already hilarious as he uses baseball signs to explain what he was doing to Akito while Inez translates for him. Then when he's carried off on the stretcher, he continues to give signs while the subtitles translate for the viewer:
    "Wonderful, I'll be without lines again. All I want to speak are words of love for my dear Yurika."
    • The scene is even funnier in the Latin Spanish dub, as the narrator proceeds to read the lines out loud while imitating Jun's voice.
  • The whole beauty contest. From the acts performed by some of the contestants (like Izumi playing her ukelele) to Jun's over-the-top introduction of Yurika (clearly not biased at all on favorites). But the kicker is when Inez takes her turn: she does her usual detailed explanation on how the enemy is performing their attack on the Nadesico.
    "This attack leaves us as exposed as I am right now" (camera pans to show her posing in a swimsuit)
