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Funny / Luke Skywalker and the Shadows of Mindor

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  • Han and Lando argue about Lando ordering the Rogues to shoot down the Millenium Falcon.
    Han: Lando, I'm serious - put one scratch on the Falcon and I'll —
    Lando: Never find it under the dents.
  • Lando's method of winning the Mandalorian commandos over. After three days of Leia's and Fenn's negotiations stall, Lando just says "to heck with this," appeals to their mercenary nature, and hires them instead.
  • Luke snarking before he's captured.
    "If it's not too cliche, Take Me to Your Leader. If it is too cliche, take me anyway."
    "Please don't shoot me, either." He turned the palm upward in a friendly shrug and let the astonished troopers stare at the only effect of the Force-blunted blasterfire: a faint curl of steam that trailed upward from his unmarked palm. "Let's try to end the day with nobody else dying, shall we?"
  • Luke's snark is undiminished when he finally meets Lord Shadowspawn:
    Shadowspawn: Luke Skywalker! Tremble before me!
    Luke: I think you have me confused with some other Luke Skywalker.
    Shadowspawn: I have done what the vain, arrogant Emperor and his pathetic lapdog Vader never could! I have defeated Luke Skywalker!
    Luke: Not yet. Or, if it makes you feel better, I could say "Do not underestimate my power."
  • Wedge tells Han to "take care of the pretty lady," and Han responds absent-mindedly that he always does. It takes him a moment to realize that Wedge meant Leia, not the Falcon.
    Han: Uh, yeah. Her too.
  • Aeona describes Leia to Luke as "Princess Kissy-Face." Luke says yes, his sister is a Princess, and if Aeona called her that in person, he can guess where her black eye came from.
  • Leia asking in exasperation why the only adult under the age of fifty capable of acting like a grown man is her own brother.
    • This comes from instances such as when Luke tells Han that he's accountable to no one.
    Han: Accountable to no one? Luke Skywalker, let me introduce you to Princess Leia Organa of...whoof!
    Leia: Of the very sharp elbow.
  • Probably not intended as such, but when Chewie, Han, and Leia are attacked by the Melters, R2 watches with detached interest as Chewie charges into battle and is promptly stunned. Han jumps in to rescue Chewie and the same thing happens. Leia jumps in to rescue Han...and R2 charges into battle with a ferocious war whoop to protect her.
  • Luke is a little aggrieved about losing the comm antenna, noting that Han still hasn't forgiven Lando for losing the last one. Six months ago.
  • After Leia gets kidnapped and Han left in the darkness alone, Han asks the Force if it has any luck for its last Jedi's best friend. Just then, his commlink crackles to life, with Luke calling for him. It's the kind of miracle that would've made Han a true believer forever...except that at this point, he's stuck knee-deep in meltmassif, with his hands pinned as well, so he can't actually reach it. He decides that if the Force is real, it has a really, really nasty sense of humor.
  • Nick Rostu's fine tradition of being both The Lancer and Only Sane Man to a Crazy Is Cool Determinator Jedi continues from Shatterpoint, with him switching constantly back and forth between looking at his comrade in arms as a Hope Bringer and "oh nuts we're all gonna die."
    Luke: Nick. You're arguing with a Jedi again.
  • A hilarious bit of Dramatic Irony for everyone who knows Luke's future love life: He tells Geptun that Aeona Cantor isn't his type partially because she's a Fiery Redhead. note 
  • At the very end of the book, Geptun has been convinced by Luke to tell a more honest and less melodramatic story, and Geptun reaches for a pen and decides that rewrites suck. Leaning on the Fourth Wall, much?
  • The fact that Cronal's entire plan, the destruction of the entire galaxy, was derailed because Cronal couldn't resist a lame pun, and Luke figured it out.
