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Ladies and gentlemen, TV Tropes presents to you...the Yagami Detective Agency in action.
Despite its dark tones and the fact that the game has a Content Warning, it's still a spinoff of Yakuza, which means tonal shifts to more light-hearted affairs are to be expected. Word of God even says there's plenty of levity to help balance out the very mature subject matter.

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    Story — Base Game 
  • How Yagami is (re-)introduced to the audience: by munching on a snack while his Title Card pops up as he has his mouth open to take a bite!
    • Said bread is also amazingly detailed which draws comparisons to Like a Dragon's own highly-detailed pastry moment. One wonders if it's going to become a theme going forward...
  • Kosuke's Suicidal Overconfidence best summed up with…
    Kosuke: The fuck? Are you for real right now? Well, I pump iron at the gym once a week, my man!
  • Yagami punching Kosuke's snooze button after he tries to come up with an excuse for attempting to sell Keiko to a soapland. It is as sudden as it is hilarious, and it's made even better by Yagami's deadpan reaction.
    Yagami: That's enough out of you.
  • When Yagami and Kaito are about to raid the bar that Kosuke works in, just as the two are hyped up, they get a call from Sugiura telling them that him and Tsukumo started a detective business of their own in Yokohama. While Yagami is courteous enough to humor him for a bit, Kaito is all but annoyed at Sugiura's bad timing.
    • And if that wasn't enough, then Tsukumo also calls Yagami and Kaito mere moments before they go to town on Kosuke's employer, again, at the worst possible time!
    • The icing on the cake is that, while they're surrounded by some very shady-looking men that clearly want to put the hurt on them, not a single one bothers to interrupt Yagami while he's making the call! Japanese Politeness at its finest!
  • Yagami's and Kaito's first encounter with Matsui's group, while also awesome and touching, is made hilarious by the fact that not only is Yagami treating the high school kids exactly the same way they're treating the poor shop owner that they're hassling, but the way that Yagami is taking the piss out of Matsui is especially hilarious with Greg Chun's delivery of the following line:
    Yagami: Wow, that one of those new smartphone cameras? (casually grabs Matsui's phone) May I?
    • Then not only does Kaito casually strut into the scene without Sakaki noticing, but he also kicks him onto the floor like you'd expect a bully to! The Dope Slap that he gives him while on the floor coupled with his smug look adds more hilarity to it!
  • The entire dinner scene with Chairman Okuda at Kyoinro has a fair bit of Cringe Comedy to it despite the otherwise serious discussion about bullying at a high school.
    • Yagami can come clean about his earlier encounter with Matsui's group to Okuda, leading to this exchange:
      Yagami: So, we never actually resolved this, but... We did get into a scuffle with your students. No one got hurt, but how do you feel about that?
      Okuda: Erm, well... I'm afraid I have to remain ignorant of that.
      Kaito: Fine, but let me tell you one thing. Next time I see your students harassing someone, it's gonna be lights out. The kiddie gloves are off.
      Sugiura: (chuckles) That also a part of the Yagami Detective Agency package?
    • One of the things that Yagami can ask while he and the rest of Yokohama 99 is if he can order Peking Duck. The thing about Peking Duck in Yakuza: Like A Dragon is that Masumi Arakawa's father, and Masumi himself, end up dying before they could order the meal. Regardless, ordering it has some rather morbidly humorous connotations if you're familiar with the game.
  • How Yagami gets his skateboard: Sugiura pre-ordered a limited edition skateboard at two different websites to increase the chance of securing it, but ended up winning on both sites and got two of the same item as a result. When asked by Yagami on why he can't sell it, Tsukumo chimes in on the matter saying that he made the mistake of buying a game at three times its original price from a reseller. If this isn't the biggest and most satisfying Take That! to scalping and its related industry (especially for those of you tropers that still can't get your hands on a ninth-generation console nearly a year after their launchnote ), then we don't know what is.
  • During Yokohama 99's Team Power Walk as they make their way to Seiryo, they're witnessed by a couple of salarymen lampshading the fact that they look like they're on a mission.
    Passerby 1: What's up with those guys...?
    Passerby 2: They sure look like men on a mission... But for what?
  • During Yagami's undercover mission to place cameras inside Seiryo High, to watch out for any potential bullies, the teacher of the class they're in, Sawa, of class 2-2, comes in, and Kaito, probably much like the audience themselves, understandably falls for her at first sight, which leads to tons of hilarious and awkward flirting and exchanges, like this one which happened just right after the aformentioned moment.
    Yagami: Sorry to be in your way, Ma'am. We won't take long.
    Sawa: I understand, but nobody notified me we'd have any interruptions.
    Kaito: Yeah, and nobody notified us that this school hired such gorgeous teachers.
    (later on...)
    Yagami: Okuda-san—how could I forget?
    Sawa: Yes... of course. I'm sorry for being so rude.
    Kaito: Oh, no problem at all, teach! By the way, anyone ever tell you how stunning you are? I'd say you're just my type... My dream gal, even.
    Sawa: What?
    (Yagami promptlly side elbows Kaito)
  • There's something oddly hilarious about Yagami having to escape from a high-school student's wrath because of a misunderstanding, even leading into a stealth section where he has to avoid the security guards (which he can't subdue for obvious reasons unlike the first stealth section at the beginning of the game) without drawing attention.
  • Sawa (understandably) tears into Yagami not only for beating up students on their school property (even if they were technically the ones that threw the first punch), but she also gives Yagami shit for his fashion sense, too.
    Sawa: Oh, and your attire is atrocious! When you show up at a school, at least try to look the part! Now go home!
  • Going back to the above about the misunderstanding, the fact that Amasawa was so on top of her game when it came to busting Yagami that he laments getting busted by some high school girl.
    • Then there's the fact that all three of the initial options that Yagami has for escaping his situation with Amasawa involve either running away (which doesn't work since Amasawa took a picture of the camera), trying to use EX Surrender on her (in an RGG Studio game, this is obviously not an option, least of all on a high school girl), or refuting her claim (which she counters by saying that only the perpetrator stepped in the coating, leading to Yagami to note that she was too ready for that).
    • If you try to run away after you regain control of Yagami after the above…
      Amasawa: Hold it right there! If you run away, my evidence goes straight to the police!
  • After Sawa agrees to meet with Yagami about the Mikoshiba case, he calls Kaito to inform him… only for Kaito to not only be on a bar crawl, but he also mistakes this as Yagami getting a date with Sawa! Naturally, Yagami chastises him that he's meeting Sawa for work purposes and not for a booty call, seeing Kaito is all but jealous about Yagami meeting with Sawa (even though it's established earlier that Sawa isn't exactly on the best of terms with Yagami, so to speak.)
  • This exchange after Yagami's fight with Tesso:
    Yagami: Running a little late, aren't we Kaito-san?!
    Kaito: Yeah, my bad! Had to punch my way through a few guys!
    Kuwana: Hey! You gotta run for it! If you stick around, it's not gonna matter how many lives you've got!
    Yagami: Yeah, but if I run now who's gonna pay for Tsukumo's window then?!
    Kuwana: Huh? Uh… (Kaito gives him a look) For fuck's sa— I'll pay for it! Now get outta there!
    Yagami: You got a deal.
  • How does Akutsu, the big mean brute, introduce himself? Why, with a selfie with the main duo, of course!
  • After Yagami makes his way into the VIP Room at RK's hideout in Kamurocho, he comes across a bartender that resembles his own profile. Yagami promptly proceeds to knock the poor guy out in the bathroom and then leave him in his skivvies on the toilet! The way he has his arms crossed only makes it funnier!
  • During Chapter 6, when Yagami and Kaito return to Ijincho to do some more investigating, they spot Akutsu and his gang out in the distance, which leads to this oddly nonchalant, yet hysterical short conversation between Kaito and Akutsu, with them acting like Vitriolic Best Buds, which is especially hilarious, considering their previous interactions, which were pretty hostile.
    Kaito: Yoooooo, Akutsu! What are you fools doing in town!? Hey! Don't ignore me! It's Kaito! Fancy seeing you here!
    Akutsu: I'm kinda busy here, man! Catch ya later.
    Kaito: What an asshole.
  • The same chapter as above allows you to play as Saori from a third person perspective compared to the first game, wherein she was only briefly playable in first person. Though you are limited on her actions as well as where you can actually go as her (you can only get as far as outside Genda's office and right outside Bar Tender prior to customizing her appearance), one of the things you can do is pull out your phone and take a selfie with Hoshino and Genda!
    • You also take control of her once more in Chapter 11, this time with Yagami in tow. Yes, like the above, you can take a selfie with him and he'll also pose for the camera like your party members do in Like a Dragon!
  • Higashi's reaction when he's informed the pretty girl he defended from RK is the lawyer he last met two years ago is hilarious.
    Higashi: Holy shit! No way!
  • Higashi's reaction to Yagami and Sugiura bringing Mamiya with them to Charles. Guess he wasn't exactly fond of babysitting Kido a few years prior.
    Higashi: Hey… You think this is your personal jail, Yagami? What makes you think you can keep bringing captives here?
    • And then Sugiura casually tells him that Kaito got shanked by Soma immediately after the above. His reaction is also appropriately hysterical.
  • When the Geomijul show up after Yagami and Sugiura beat some more RK goons, we're treated to this exchange:
    Sugiura: (while wearing his signature Jester mask) I was just gonna ask you.
  • Tesso is a huge bit of funny when Yagami and Kuwana clash, displaying enough Genre Savvy to make sure he and Sugiura are standing well back when things start to go from discussion to fisticuffs, followed by the exchange between Sugiura and Tesso in the post-fight cutscene while Yagami and Kuwana are still going at it.
    Sugiura: How long has this been goin' now?
    Tesso: I lost track.
    Sugiura: Call it?
    Tesso: Nah, they're gonna tire out eventually. Beating the shit out of each other is the way some people communicate.
  • In a darkly hilarious reversal of all the Heat Actions that involved Kiryu and the other playable characters of the mainline Yakuza series throwing mooks into a nearby body of water, failing the Quick Time Event during Watanabe's fight will have him casually toss Yagami into the nearby bay, ending the fight instantly! It's especially funny to see Yagami scream as if he tripped on something or he failed to grab an enemy by running into them!
  • So Saori goes undercover to Queen Rouge (again). The customers that she has this time around? Genda and Hoshino!! Let's just say she's not very pleased at them showing up! Hilarity Ensues as Saori tries her best not to lash out at her co-workers while they're making the mood as awkward as humanly possible!
    • She (almost) fails pretty miserably with Hoshino in particular, being hurtful enough to actually make him cry and even sneaking in a Dope Slap on him and covering it up by ordering champagne at his expense!
    • It's especially hilarious how it's Genda that's the least awkward of Saori's co-workers since he's quite casual compared to Hoshino, who would be terrible to bring along on a trip to the cabaret club!
  • When Yagami shows up at Charles, the attendant naturally lets him know of his presence, leading to this priceless exchange:
    Charles Attendant: Higashi-san! Yagami-sensei is here for you!
    Higashi: Lose that "sensei" shit, you idiot! No honorifics for assholes!
    Charles Attendant: Uh, in that case, that Yagami asshole is here for you!
    Yagami: Talk about a demotion...
  • When Yagami revisits the Cho-han parlor that he followed Kosuke into at the start of the game, he comes across a mook that's guarding the entrance. He asks Kaito for a distraction, which he kindly responds to by imitating the sound of cats fighting. Yagami thinks to himself on who would fall for such a thing, only to be proven wrong immediately when the underling that's in his way does fall for it!
  • During Chapter 12, Yagami can pick a disguise to throw RK off his tail after Tesso helps him find a secret route so he can meet up with Kuwana at Sawa's apartment. Now, given that RGG Studio is known for their amazing Ludonarrative Dissonance, some of the disguises that Yagami can use include, but aren't limited to - the hobo attire that he used at the start of the first game, a pilot's suit, his work clothes, the bartender outfit that he wore during his first infiltration into RK's hideout (which they're most likely to recognize), or - and most importantly - a vampire or ninja costume!
  • After you rescue Akane and Koda from RK, Sugiura, who had been wearing his jester mask during the fight, takes it off. Cue instant Squee from Akane as she gushes over being saved by a Pretty Boy. Koda seems to share the same sentiment, as she can also be heard Squeeing albeit in a more subdued way. And it's extra hilarious, considering she'd been shot in the stomach with a paintgun earlier.
    Akane: Uh, whoa. This is crazy! Why is he so hot!? Am I right!?
    Kaito: Ha! Just a minute ago she got shot, and now look at her!
    Yagami: Heh, teenagers.
  • In a mix of Awesome and Uplifting, Matsui, Sakaki, and Akane bail out Yagami Detective Agency from Public Security's cops by doing what they do best - recording the cops to get a reaction out of them!
    Matsui: Oh damn! It's Yagami-san! What brings you all the way out here?
    Yagami: Matsun? Akane?
    (A Tsurukame policeman tries to take Akane's phone)
    Akane: Whoa, back off, dude!
    (Cut to Sakaki also recording the above)
    Sakaki: Hey, check it out! These goddamn cops— they're jacking my friend's phone 'cause they're shady as fuck! I'm no expert, but is that shit legal?
    Yagami: Nice!
  • There's something oddly hysterical about Soma casually teleporting behind Yagami during their final fight in the freezer. Nothing personal, kid.
  • The ending credits scene takes place in Yagami’s office like in the previous game, except he and Kaito are joined by Sugiura, Higashi, and Tsukumo, all sitting at the table enjoying a large platter of sushi. When they get down to the last bits of sushi, the five men decide to play for order with rock-paper-scissors. In order, Sugiura got first dibs, followed by Yagami and then Tsukumo. Kaito and Higashi play for the final piece of sushi, in which Kaito wins. Just as he was about to claim his prize, a stray cat steals it first, much to Kaito’s horror and despair as he sinks into a Knee Fold Fall of Defeat.
    • It later cuts to the cat sitting on the table eating what's left in the dish as all five members watch. Kaito reaches forward to try and grab a piece, but is quickly swatted away by the cat.

    Story — The Kaito Files 
  • As opposed to the rather morbid introduction of the base game, the very first thing this DLC treats us to is the sight of Hoshino wearing a pair of sunglasses — at night — inside Cafe Alps. It has to be seen to be believed.
  • Kaito ending the first chase by way of a drop kick is as badass as it is hilarious and befitting for him.
  • Kaito being a Shipper on Deck for Hoshino and Saori is rather touching, and then when Kaito asks if he'd ever like to tie the knot with her, he has this to say:
    Hoshino: Of course! At least, I have. As for whether Saori-san would be receptive to the idea? Ehhh...
    Kaito: C'mon, man! Doubtin's only gonna drive her away! Show her you're a man with a plan!
  • The case that has Yagami away from town has him going through a divorce mediation definitely reads like a typical Yakuza Side Story. He even texts Kaito that a bear showed up during the search for the wife's husband and kid!
  • To pay for Kaito's fee, Jun swiped a watch from Kyoya, since his father had so many Jun didn't think he'd notice. When Kaito laughs it off, Jun reveals it costs around twenty million yen. Kaito's face when he checks the pricing online and discovers it is Not Hyperbole is priceless.
  • At one point, Kaito has to wake up the Cafe Alps manager to find information on Mikiko's whereabouts. He tries to wake him up nicely; no answer. He notices he's wearing headphones so he takes them off. Still doesn't work. The final solution? Grabbing a nearby megaphone and yell at him at point-blank range to wake up. Now it worked!
    • If the player decides to use the megaphone without removing the headphones first, it will not work either.
  • After all the times Yagami Detective Agency has been broken into, what does Kaito do when Bato Detective Agency try to ambush him and Jun from his own hideout? Call the cops. And this time, it works!
  • When Kaito has to sneak back into the burnt building where he found Mikiko in, he tells Jun to stay put while he searches for clues. When he comes back, Jun did just that... and passed the time in doing so by playing Shogi with one of the nearby policemen. And he wins.
  • Jun's adorable moment of Genre Savviness when he asks Kaito if they're doing an actual stakeout. The Lampshade Hanging is priceless!
    Jun: A live stakeout... I've seen that on detective shows before. Don't they get boring after a while?
  • Later on, Shirakaba shows up in Kamurocho and gets caught up by Kaito on her situation and the Crimson Lotus murders. When Kaito suggests that Shirakaba head back to his home in Chiba, he retorts by saying he still has some business to take care of in Kamurocho. Jun chimes in by asking if he's really in Kamurocho for a happy ending, leading Shirakaba to furiously ask Jun how he knows what that even is.
  • Before taking off to Ijincho towards the end of the DLC, one can stop by Charles to pay Higashi a visit, with him being properly introduced to Jun in the process. Kaito and Higashi both get caught up and Jun mentions that Mikiko also wrote about Higashi in her diary. What did she write? As per Jun —
    Jun: She also wrote, "He acts like a tough guy, but is sweet, if a little wimpy. Not sure he's cut out to be a yakuza."
    • Higashi's reaction is a rather offended Big "WHAT?!", having taken Mikiko's wimpy remark personally.
  • During the talk with Igarashi on the way to Ijincho, they go over what they know so far about the case. How Devenir is in fact a front for the real culprit's business dealings. While one might immediately point to Kyoya as the true culprit given everything up until that point, Kaito can pull an Unplanned Variable and oust himself as the killer! Igarashi is not amused at his answer in the slightest.
    • Just the fact that RGG Studio even gave the player the option to oust Kaito as the true killer of the Crimson Lotus execs calls to mind the "BA-DUM-TISS" gag option from the base game, mentioned below.
  • Poor Tashiro just can't catch a break. First, he gets mugged by Yagami for his outfit in the first game, then he loses his job at the VR Salon in the base game thanks to Yagami, and now Kaito mugs him for his outfit again! One can't help but feel this'll be a Running Gag going forward.
  • The fact that the Final Boss is not Kyoya, but Shirakaba, is humorous enough, as it's essentially two guy friends fighting over who is the better boyfriend - and then the good doctor takes off his coat, revealing he is ripped. Kaito is stunned and impressed.
    Kaito: "Goddamn...when the hell'd you get so beefy?"

    Side Content 
  • As per usual, the Side Cases are an excellent source of laughs.
    • "The First Errand" side case has Yagami and Kaito getting their heads stuck in a photo stand-in board, forcing them to walk with it back to the office. Then Sugiura sees them and decides to ignore them, thinking he's being punked.
      • That's not all, actually - the basic premise of the case is actually pretty simple. Yagami is tasked by a concerned parent to keep an eye on his son as he does the mundane task of going to the store to get something. Kaito also tags along, having been in the neighborhood. After they follow the kid through Isezaki Road, they come across the above-mentioned photo stand and, well… that's where Hilarity Ensues as Yagami and Kaito get their heads stuck together and have to tail the kid while they're stuck to the photo board!!
      • At one point, some thugs try to accost the kid, but as shown in the page image, one of the possible facial expressions you can make is to scowl at the thugs! And it actually works!!
      • Then after Yagami checks in with the dad about a job well done, he mentions that his son is trying to find "the funny face sign" he saw earlier and show it to him. Kaito is not amused that he has to wear it again.
    • An entire case has Yagami case after a haunted body model in Seiryo High… which turns out to be real after all. During the chase, said body model will actually throw its organs at you!
    • Ryan Acosta had opened a dojo, and hires Yagami to find out how a rival dojo is poaching students from him. Eventually, Yagami discovers the rival master has his sister dress up in kunoichi cosplay to draw in men. Even Ryan finds himself victim to it and offers to have the dojos combined.
    • Another side case has Yagami trying to find stolen Kappa statues that were supposed to be used for a photo contest. When Yagami finds the last statue with Sugiura, he finds out why they were stolen: apparently, the contest head made signs for them that said "Picture yourself with this statue! Go ahead-take away!" It's safe to say that the thieves took it the wrong way.
    • One sidecase has Yagami chasing after a supposed UFO. After Yagami catches the fake, he starts to walk away and dismisses a strange feeling... just as a real UFO flies by in the sky.
    • Returning to Kamurocho after completing all the School Stories has a substory pop up that there's someone going around Ijincho claiming to be Yagami, threatening and blackmailing people, ruining his reputation and making him public enemy number one. When Yagami finds the fake, it turns out to be the fat Sakakiba wearing a wig and Yagami's jacket (as his and Kasai’s revenge for Yagami ending the Neo Keihin Gang in Ijincho), making you wonder how people thought he was Yagami. Yagami is more than annoyed that people actually mistook this fat guy to be him.
    • In one side case, Yagami has to find a way to sneak up on a robber holding a woman hostage. The method he chooses? Hide in a box and slowly shuffle towards him. It somehow works.
      • What makes it even funnier is the box has "A UH 80Y" printed on the front, which reads as "A, uh, boy" in Leet Speak.
      • One of the other options is an Ono Michio costume. It takes Yagami several times to convince himself to get in the darn thing, and other than freaking the robber out he ultimately concludes it's too obvious for him to sneak up on anyone.
    • The return of the Pervert Trio (Professor Panty, Ass Catchem, and Judge Peep n’ Creep) and Giant Impact, who form the Filthy Four. They kidnap a traumatized Tsukino and announce to all of Kamurocho their intention to create a “Pervert Utopian Country”. Yagami breaks into their stronghold, which is ironically the abandoned love hotel that served as the secret testing site for AD-9 back in the previous game, where he faces off against the four perverts at once. Once Yagami beats them and rescues Tsukino, the Filthy Four and their followers were moved at the sight, with GI saying he relinquishes his title of Pervert King to him. Everyone cheers at this, and Yagami smiles while thinking that there’s only one thing left to do: call the freakin’ cops.
      • During this side case, Mari becomes one of the victims of Professor Panty's panty-snatching. So to track him down, Yagami has to see what kind of panties Mari was wearing so he can use a similar pair to locate Professor Panty and send him back to jail. This culminates in him trying to look up Mari's skirt to try and get a better sense of what underwear was stolen, all while both Mari and Jo Masuda look on awkwardly. In the end, it turns out that Mari already had a pair in her shopping bag, and all of the above was completely unnecessary.note 
        Master: (as Yagami is trying to look up Mari's skirt) Tak. You're...
        Yagami: This is for my job as a detective. I'm doing this for my job.
      • While sneaking into the abandoned love hotel where the Filthy Four use as a base, Yagami comes across some extremely weird followers. One guy was actually crawling along the walls like a roach and a pair of guys who request a girls to literally walk all over them. Yagami then runs into a group of perverts who assume he's there to join up like them and ask him his opinion of school swimsuits. Yagami can answer that he prefers bikinis, to which one of the pervs gets mad at him for "having no taste" while another tries to diffuse the situation by saying they shouldn't discriminate Yagami for having different tastes than them. Yagami decides to go along with it so he wouldn't get caught.
    • "A New Partner" introduces Ranpo, a dog who seems to love finding and helping solve mysteries. While he wonders who would train their dog to solve mysteries, Amasawa contacts Yagami to tell him that her dog has gotten loose and sends him a picture of her and the very same dog he's just found. Yagami's reaction is to wonder why he expected anything else. Also: anyone who owns a Shiba Inu can attest that, yes, they do in fact have a habit of going out on their own... depending on the owner, anyway.
    • Just like his brother before him, Juzo changes the scenery before his fight with Yagami. Where to this time? The roof of Seiryo High!
      Juzo: Ah, but before we get into it, it's time I do "the usual". The scenery doesn't quite match the mood, wouldn't you say?
      Yagami: And what is "the usual", exactly?
      Juzo: Surely you know what I mean. You've seen this once before.
      (The two switch from Hamakita Park to the roof of Seiryo High - at night - in an instant)
      Yagami: What the?! All right, you need to tell me how you did that!
      Yagami: Uh, these are kind of big details here!
      Juzo: I will not waste more time on idle talk! Come, Yagami!
  • The School Stories also have plenty of chuckles, too.
    • Early on in the MRC's story, you're tasked with tailing a "sugar baby"note  being Takanashi of the Seiryo Rabbits. When you get to the point where you tail Takanashi, Amasawa also tags along and not only has next to no sense of discretion, but is also seen trying to hide behind a utility pole. Yagami isn't exactly thrilled about that, to say the least.
      • Then it turns out that one of Takanashi's former clients turns out to be none other than Kasai of the Keihin Four, who have long since been financially crippled thanks to Yagami's efforts in the last game. It's to the point where Kasai has to search under the vending machines (for added effect, the fight takes place in the very parking garage where you start the Can Quest minigame in LAD) just to be able to get by.
    • Then at the end of the final mission, Koga is left with two options: take a dive in the ocean or go to the police station. He chooses the former.
    • Mei Toribe's rather eccentric personality means Yagami spends much of the Photography Club storyline confused more than anything as her philosophical terms fly right over his head and he often times sounds resigned about having to step in to protect her from thugs. That the only person who seems to get along with her and not think of her as a crazy weirdo is Amasawa says quite a lot.
    • While Oshikiri is The Dreaded in Todoroki's Boxing Gym, at the end of the day, he's still a high school student. So where might he be working a part-time job? Flipping burgers.
      • When Yagami finds him at the food truck near the MIRAI Batting Center, he's being chewed out for not smiling; given that he's working for Smile Burger, it should come with the territory, but apparently they charge a 100-yen tax for the customer to see the employee smile. And it's treated as Serious Business on top of that!
      • ...Or so Oshikiri thought when he decides to give Yagami 100 yen because he's not the type of person that smiles often. This of course leads to Yagami telling him that his senpai was merely messing with him, much to Oshikiri's chagrin.
    • A nice little bit of Developer's Foresight, if you plan on trying to do a Death Race while you're hammered as shit, you'll be greeted by this warning:
    • When Yagami tries to find the hidden Casino in Chinatown (the same one from Like a Dragon), he's required to get a membership card from Ebisu Pawn. The correct password in this instance is "Bon au chic", but one of the possible passwords is "Ba-dum tiss". Pick that one instead and just try not to laugh your ass off as Yagami is outright yelling it to the cashier!
    • Many of the incorrect sentence combinations in the Girls Club School Story, particularly "I'll take some gross food, throw it at Kaito-san, and then wonder why I'm like this".
  • Tashiro is back from the previous game, now in charge of the VR minigame. At one point, Yagami fights a virtual avatar of Kaito, which leads to this exchange:
    Yagami: I can't believe you actually put Kaito-san in VR... You didn't notify him, did you?
    Tashiro: Yeah, I notified him of these nuts! Psh... I don't owe that bastard nothin'! This is what he gets for jumpin' me for my clothes!
    • After facing all the avatars Ryan, Suzuki, and Tanago appear and they're not happy Tashiro put them into the game without permission and how they're portrayed in-game. In response, they promptly beat him up and strip him of his new custom suit to sell at a pawn shop (which according to Tashiro, cost him three million yen).
  • There's now a dancing minigame. Just the image of Yagami busting a move is hilarious. For added hilarity Yagami, can also wear the following beside his default outfit - a hip-hop dance outfit, a nice suit, or an idol outfit. If you're familiar with Takuya Kimura's career, then that last one may as well be an unsubtle Actor Allusion.
    • The choreography for "Esmeralda" has a few Shout-Outs to some well-known pop culture dances moves, such as Hit Dem Folks and Hit The Woah, but perhaps most (in)famously, the Scoopnote . All of which you get to watch Yagami, a 38-year-old man, perform with a smile. You can't help but wonder if Takuya Kimura actually motion-captured the moves himself considering his history as a dancer!

  • Like Ichiban, if you're not careful while running around in traffic in either Kamurocho or Ijincho, Yagami will get run over and take damage in doing so!
  • On some occasions if you have Kaito accompanying you and you get into a fight, when he uses his dropkick, there's a rare chance that Yagami will also get flung into the pavement as well! Fortunately, you take no damage from Kaito's attack, but it's still hilarious all the same.
  • Out of context, this game lets you beat the shit out of high school students. It might seem like a magnet for controversy at first, sure, but if you remember that you're not just beating on any high school student indiscriminately and are instead a Bully Hunter (and are also fighting out of self-defense on top of that), then it becomes a full-on Black Comedy as you're practically nailing a high school student in the head with a bicycle or knee-sliding them right in the face! And if you happened to have been a victim of bullying yourself while in high school (or are one), then it becomes downright relieving.
  • Some of the new EX actions are quite hilarious:
  • After being one of the biggest pains in the asses in the previous game, Lost Judgment now grants Yagami the ability to counter an incoming Deadly Attack at just the right time. And with the Mortal Wounds mechanic being dropped in this game (though you still take a significant amount of damage if it connects), this basically means that if you time a Deadly Attack right, you can potentially end a boss fight by using their own attack against them! It's equal parts exhillarating, satisfying, and hilarious!
  • On some occasions, if you go into any of the Boys' bathrooms at Seiryo High, you'll be likely to find some, well... Stretchy Rubber. And by "Stretchy Rubber", we mean "condoms".
  • The Boxing style is probably the best (and literal) example of "throwing hands". Especially as mentioned above if you use it on the rowdy students since, compared to most of Yagami's other fighting styles (though not without some creative liberties taken), it's a brutally hilarious case of Surprisingly Realistic Outcome as even the strongest high school student like Ya-kun doesn't stand a rat's chance in hell against even an amateur pugilist. Just ask Kamoji or the first Mr. Try and Hit Me.
  • "In The Rhythm" is basically the Yakuza equivalent of yakety sax, with all of the hilarious hijinks that ensues whenever this song plays! Just listen to it for yourself and try not to chuckle out loud.
  • Compared to Yagami gracefully dodging and swaying to and fro during chase sequences to avoid incoming obstacles, Kaito has none of that and simply does what any other person would do in most cases. That is — he pushes people out of his way, he barges right through obstacles, and just doesn't give a shit about collateral (property) damage.
