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Funny / Lost Dimension

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  • If neither George nor Agito are a traitor by the third floor, then your party will have a conversation in which they mock him for his simple worldview and Agito declaring "If I get reincarnated, I hope I don't come back as him. I'd rather come back as a caterpillar instead..."
  • If you have Sho tell party members to their face that he thinks they're the traitor, then it'll cause them to decide to vote him for erasure. When the vote forecast appears following a mission...
    Sho: Dammit... I shouldn't have said that...
  • One of the bond dialogue with Himeno has this line and Sho's reaction mostly because it came out of nowhere:
    Himeno: My panties are black.
    Sho: Well that escalated quickly.
