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Funny / Lost and Found of the Multiverse

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  • When the Warper attempts to warp and find the as-of-yet unknown newcomer, he warps into a village of moogles.
    • ->"Kupo?"
  • Marie and Gaston are having a friendship moment in the forest, when suddenly, Alith enters with a camera and takes a picture of them. Marie's answer is to transform into Sola!Marie and FIRE A NUKE AT HIM.
    • It completely misses Alith, and only damages the camera. Alith takes out a spare camera, and laughs at them , before running.
  • Gaston being scared into running faster than Camille upon regaining consciousness after the Noxus battle by Kogasa!Marie.
  • Gaston's reaction to being taught modern science by Camille.
  • Any time veils appear and do what they do.
  • Camille's tarot-related insults in the battle against the Arcana Priestess.
    • "Go back to the card table where you belong!"
  • The OOC thread, which, while not often updated, is often full of incoherent screaming/shipping Richard with everything/questions that nobody ever answers.
  • Once, in the main thread, a random person appeared to make a post making an innocent statement into an innuendo. He lives a glorious life, trawling through the forum for statements to turn into innuendo.
  • When the Second Hybrid, who is from an near-omnipotent race of beings from team Chess' Universe, returned to get revenge on the lazarus crew. He was leading an army of uplifted rabbits, and was immediately banished through a massive Psionic Dampener, which wasn't even made to get rid of him specifically.
