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Funny / Lies of the Sheriff Evans: Dead or Love

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  • Chapter 101 sees Evans' attempts to impress a woman go awry in a particularly distinct way - a bear takes the girl from him (she's walking home alone late at night, and he tamed it to prove his strength, so she mounted up the tame bear and headed home astride it).
  • Chapter 113 has Evans realize being an Invincible Hero in every duel makes them a bit boring for spectators, so he lies to Oakley for an upcoming duel that his opponent has actually defeated him before. When Oakley accepts this statement, Evans apparently thinks she's fallen for his lie hook, line, and sinker with an Imagine Spot that shows him reeling her in out of water by a fishing rod with the line in her mouth, her limbs sticking close to her body to completely portray her as like a fish.
  • Chapter 124 reveals Evans can't swim and is afraid of being submerged in water. So when the plot naturally puts him in a position that'll seem to force him to swim in front of Oakley, he somehow manages to compensate for it by running fast enough over water that he avoids sinking into it which Oakley misses due to her conventionally swimming while submerged. The narration logically points out just actually swimming would be a far simpler feat.
  • Chapter 125 burns Evans with a text box pointing at him declaring "Age = years without a girlfriend" after a female thief asks him if he's never dated a thief.
