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Funny / Liar Liar

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"I'm kicking my ASS! D'YA MIND?!"

  • Fletcher during his Tina Turner-inspired speech:
    Fletcher: Wake up, sisters. There's NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO such thing as a weaker sex!
  • The wish takes effect when Fletcher is in bed with Miranda:
    Miranda: That was incredible. Was it good for you?
    Fletcher: I've had better.
    • He keeps saying that for awhile. Not understanding why he said that. “I've had better?”
    • This scene pretty much sets the tone for the movie in the trailer.
  • The elevator scene:
    Fletcher: New in the building?
    Woman: Yeah, I just moved in Monday.
    Fletcher: Oh! You like it so far?
    Woman: Everybody's been real nice.
    Fletcher: Well, that's because you have big jugs! I mean your boobs are huge! I mean, I want to squeeze them… Mama!
    (a big SMACK is heard and Fletcher exits the elevator, holding his face in pain, and the woman pissed off)
    • The scene in the trailer and promos is just as funny with it immediately cutting to the big SMACK after Fletcher said "That's because you got big—".
  • Too Much Information:
    Judge: How are we doing this morning, Counsel?
    Prosecutor: Fine, thank you.
    Judge: And you, Mr. Reed?
    Fletcher: I'm a little upset about a bad sexual episode I had last night.
    Judge: Well, you're still young. It'll happen more and more.
  • "It was meeee!"
  • "The pen is blue! The pen is blue! THE GODDAMN PEN IS BLUE!".
    • "Write it! Write it or I'll break it off!" (Sees that his hand wrote "blue" instead of "red") "AH! NO! COME ON!"
      • What makes this particularly funnier is how it almost sounds like he's trying to switch to saying yellow at "yal" only to end up saying blue anyways.
  • When Greta informs Fletcher that he forgot to pick up his son from school, he says "Oh I'm such a shit!", and does a pause when it sinks in that he was able to say that remark because it wasn't a lie.
  • Fletcher coming clean about exactly what he was up to during Max's party.
    Audrey: Then WHAT were you doing?!
    Fletcher: HAVING SEX! (taps his head with the phone in horror)
    Audrey: Well, I hope it was with someone VERY SPECIAL!
    Fletcher: No! See, that's the thing, I don't even like her, but she's a partner and I thought I could help my career by making her squeal! (screams, gawks at the phone and throws it across the room and collapsing)
    Audrey: (hangs up in disgust)
    Fletcher: What's wrong with me?! (suddenly monotone) I'm getting what I deserve. I'm reaping what I sow, I— (claps both hands heavily over his mouth, while involuntarily ranting)
    • As a bonus, when he calls Audrey again, the phone is so damaged the mic piece is just hanging there. And when he tries to hang up on the call, he can't figure out where to put the phone because the cradle is gone.
  • When he pulls out in front of traffic:
    Other Driver: What's your problem, schmuck?!
  • Then a cop stops him.
    Cop: Do you know why I pulled you over?
    Fletcher: Depends on how long you were following me! [wince]
    Cop: Why don't we just take it from the top.
    Fletcher: Here goes: I sped, I followed too closely, I ran a stop sign, I almost hit a Chevy, I sped some more, I failed to yield at a crosswalk, I changed lanes at the intersection, I changed lanes without signaling while running a red light and SPEEEDIING!
    Cop: Is that all?
    Fletcher: (through gritted teeth) No(glances at his glove compartment) …I have unpaid parking tickets. (pops open the compartment which spills out a mass of tickets; Beat) Be gentle.
    [Cut to Fletcher arriving home in a taxi.]
  • After being informed that it costed $1654.11 to get his car out of the impound, Fletcher screams “HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT?!” before deciding to steal… an air freshener.
  • Fletcher's expert handling of the incompetent care of his car at the pound.
    Fletcher: You scratched my car!
    Mechanic: Where?
    Fletcher: (eye rolls and shows the huge gash in his side door) Right theeerrre!
    Mechanic: Oh, that! (Beat) That was already there.
    Fletcher: (dumbfounded) Why... you! You LIAR! You know what I'm going to do about this?
    Mechanic: What?
    Fletcher: Nothing! Because if I take it to small claims court, it'll just drain eight hours of my life, and you probably won't show up! And if I finally got the judgment, you'd just stiff me anyway! So what I'm gonna do is piss and moan like an impotent jerk, and then bend over and TAKE IT UP THE TAIL PIPE!
    Mechanic: (Beat) You've been here before, haven't ya? (tosses Fletcher's keys back to him with a smirk)
    Fletcher: (grabs his keys in a hammy fashion)
    • Even better is that, part way through his rant, the reality of the hypothetical sets in as Fletcher's expression goes from vindictive, to shocked, to defeated.
  • When Fletcher interrupts Max's class:
    Fletcher: Excuse me. Hi. I'm Max's bad father... er, I'm his father.
  • Fridge Brilliance really kicks in on this one:
    Max: My teacher says that real beauty's on the inside.
  • "How's it hanging?" "Short, shriveled and always to the left!"
  • Fletcher is called by a repeat offender and regular client who attempted to rob an ATM at knife point and needs his legal advice. Fletcher's advice: "STOP BREAKING THE LAW, ASSHOLE!"
    • Some people cheered in the theater when this line was delivered - a sore point re: the practice of law?
    • Also notable is just before and after the line: Fletcher calmly takes the phone from Greta's hand, holds it a few inches from his face and just screams into it. Then he just as calmly hands it back to her and walks away without another word.
  • Once Fletcher realizes what's happening, he tries to leave the office without having to talk to anyone, plugging his ears and singing to himself. Upon reaching the elevator, he frantically mashes the call button, and with legendary comedic timing, it's Miranda in the cab, causing a quick but epic freak out.
    Miranda: [doors open] Fletcher.
    • She does it again after Greta leaves. Having apparently burned his last bridge, Fletcher tries chasing Greta out only to give up and begin to return to the office...
      Miranda: Fletcher.
      Fletcher: GOD IN HEAVEN!!! [turns to flee and smacks into the wall]
      Miranda: Hi, Fletcher, you busy?
      Fletcher: [meekly while lying face-up on the floor] Extremely...
  • When Greta learns Fletcher stiffed her on a raise, she begins to clear out her desk and Fletcher begs her to stay.
    Fletcher: I'll give you the raise!
    Greta: Here's your raise! [flips the bird, resulting in a Jaw Drop from Fletcher]
    • During said desk clearing, she specifically inquires about a picture frame Fletcher bought her after he's just begged her to take a phone call.
    Greta: I remember when you bought me this antique silver frame from Tiffany's. Tiffany's?
    Fletcher: [with shrill embarrassment] Garage sale, $6.50, marked down from $10.
    [Greta drops the picture in disgust]
  • Fletcher's secretary told him that her friend once got sued by a burglar who got injured trying to break in. His lawyer got the guy a six thousand dollar settlement.
    Greta: Is that justice?
    Fletcher: No. (Beat) I'd have got him ten.
    • Another golden moment from the bloopers... Jim flubs up the line after "I'd have got him ten" and stammers, somehow turning it into him pantomiming hooking, reeling in, and posing with a fish.
  • The roast of the board.
    Mr. Allen: I like your style, Reede! That's just what this stuffy company needs - a little irreverence!
    Fletcher: Good! I'll see you later - DICKHEAD!
    • Not to mention right before that, when he roasts everybody else as well:
      Fletcher: Simmons is old! (everyone laughs) He should have been out of the game years ago, but he can't stay home 'cause he hates his wife! You've met her at the Christmas parties. She's the one that gets plastered and calls him a retard! And you, Tom. You're the biggest brownnose I've ever seen! (everyone laughs) You've got your head so far up Mr. Allan's ass, I can't tell where you end and he begins! You have bad breath caused by gingivitis. You couldn't get a porn star off. Your hairpiece looks like something that was killed crossing the highway. I don't know whether to comb it or scrape it off with a shovel and bury it in lime! Loser! Idiot! Wimp! Degenerate! (Points to Miranda) SLLLLLLUUT!!!
    • And then, right after, he rips off the offending hairpiece and smacks it on the wall! And it sticks!!
    • Made Hilarious in Hindsight after Carrey starred as Andy Kaufman in Man on the Moon, who famously used that tune in one of his signature stage routines (featured in the very first Saturday Night Live episode and recreated in the movie). In fact, it's probably a deliberate homage by Carrey given his sweeping arm gesture is straight from the routine.
  • This:
    Fletcher: You brought your kids to your divorce?!
    Mrs Cole: Sympathy.
    Fletcher: Well it's working; I feel sorry for them already!
    • It gets even better in the Hilarious Outtakes:
      Carrey, making the pitcher he's pouring from "talk": For will pay...a terrible price!
  • The recording of Mrs. Cole having sex. Fletcher points out after spewing out a mouthful of water that there's nothing that proves she was having sex with someone other than her husband, then we quite audibly hear Mrs. Cole saying "You're such a better lover than my husband!" Fletcher gives her a pained look at that.
    • Right before the tape is switched off, you can hear her lover groaning that he needs to get back to cleaning the pool.
  • This exchange:
    Fletcher: Your Honor, I object!
    Judge: And why is that, Mr Reede?
    Fletcher: Because it's devastating to my case!
    Judge: Overruled.
    Fletcher: Good call!
  • Calling Your Bathroom Breaks:
    Fletcher: Your Honor, would the court be willing to grant me a short bathroom break?
    Judge: Can't it wait?
    Fletcher: Yes it can. But I've heard that if you hold it you could damage the prostate gland, making it very difficult to get an erection, or even become aroused!
    Judge: Is that true?
    Fletcher: (Beat) It has to be!
    Judge: In that case I'd better take a quick break myself.
  • Fletcher's fight with himself in the bathroom; if nothing else, for this exchange:
    Judge: Who did this?
    Fletcher: A MADMAN, your Honor! A desperate fool at the end of his pitiful rope!
    Judge: What did he look like?
    Fletcher: (Beat) About 6'2, 180 pounds, big teeth, kind of gangly.
    • He then closes his mouth so as not to incriminate himself via said big teeth.
    • In middle of the said self-inflicted beatdown, when another man walks on him:
      Man: What the hell are you doing?!
      Fletcher: I'm kicking my AAAAASS! D'YA MIIIND?!
  • The censored version of that line is nearly as funny, particularly for how zero effort was made to have the dubbed-in line match the rest of Carrey's delivery:
    I'm kicking my *voice noticeably drops in pitch* BUUUUUTT! *voice goes back to normal* D'YA MIIIND?!
  • The reason the judge isn't declaring contempt of court in all this? Sheer morbid curiosity.
  • Fletcher meets his star witness.
    Mrs. Cole: Mr Reede, you remember Kenneth Falk, the man from the tape.
    Fletcher: How could I forget?
    Falk: Hey, how ya doin'?
    Fletcher: (beaming) I've slipped into the seventh circle of Hell, thank you!
  • This exchange:
    Kenneth: So all we've got to do is lie, that seems simple enough.
    Fletcher: DOESN'T IT?!
  • Also, the sequence in the court where he keeps objecting to himself.
    Judge: Mr. Reede, I don't know what your on, but you better get to the point, and quick.
  • While questioning the man with whom Mrs. Cole had sex, Fletcher tries to give indirect questions. Eventually he starts doing sexual gestures and faces and...
    "You had sex with her every time you met, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU? LIAR! You slammed her! You dunked her doughnuts! You gave her dog a Snausage! YOU STUFFED HER LIKE A THANKSGIVING TURKEY!" [Makes gobbling noises]
    • Even better was that the other lawyer objected, due to Fletcher badgering the witness. The judge replies "It's his witness!" in a bewildered tone.
  • From the bloopers:
    Fletcher: (approaching witness with paper) Mrs. Cole (crumples up paper) A goose!!
  • This:
    "I object!"
    "You would!"
    "Over actor!"
    "JEZ-E-B-!" [cracks up laughing]
    "Oh no! They're onto me!"
  • Fletcher's barrage at the end of the court case.
    Fletcher: This contract is void. The fact that my client has been ridden more than Seattle Slew is irrelevant! Standard community property applies and she is entitled to half of the marital assets or 11.395 million dollars. Jordan fades back! Swoosh! And that's the game! Nothing further, Your Honor!
  • Jerry trying to imitate Fletcher's "Claw" and failing miserably.
    • The You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me! look on Max's face is icing on the cake.
    • And then topped off even more by the fact that he directs it at his mother as if to say "I know you're responsible for this", while Audrey can only give a helpless look.
  • While the plane is on the runway and Jerry can tell something is bothering Audrey, he's talking to her about what it is when he suddenly notices Fletcher, having hijacked a motorized flight of stairs, pull up outside of the plane looking in the window.
    Jerry: Oh dear god, it's Fletcher.
    Audrey: No, no, this has nothing to do-
    Jerry: No, it's Fletcher. *points*
    Audrey: What? *looks over, gasps, and jumps in her seats*
    *Max turns his head and sees*
    Max: Dad?
    • Max asks what he's doing, and Audrey, understandably stunned, can only murmur a monotone "he came to see us off...wave." Audrey then gives a weak two-fingered wave while Max excitedly waves to his dad.
  • "Some idiot's hijacked a flight of stairs!" Not a statement you hear very often...
  • At the end, Fletcher stops everyone before Max makes another wish.
    Fletcher: Wait, wait wait wait! Are we sure this is a good idea?
  • When Fletcher shows up at the airport trying to find Audrey and Max's flight, a baggage handler tells him he'll never make it since the plane is boarding and it takes at least half an hour to get through security. How does Fletcher get through? While the man has his back turned so he can continue to work while speaking, Fletcher finds a cello case and can be seen holding it as he rides the conveyor into the baggage sorting area.
