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Funny / Leo

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Leo is a very funny movie, and here's why.

  • Any scene with Summer.
    • Summer is describing Big as best as she can, but she can't remember the movie's name. The drone (through Eli's account) tells her the movie's title.
      • This is happening over a group text. The drone repeatedly sends “Please take me off this chat”.
    • She says she's not allowed to watch horror movies, except for the furnace scene in Toy Story 3.
    • Summer's family watches Titanic, and Summer is talking so much that even Jack and Rose fall asleep.
  • The bus driver, who is also the gym coach, singing "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)" and doing the moves. Especially because he’s supposed to be driving.
    • Ms. Malkin is flirting with him almost every time they’re onscreen together, which is mostly while the above is happening.
  • During the animals’ escape from the party, the kids are holding doors open specifically for them. The latter crash through the windows instead.
    • "Stop that stopwatch! He's got my wallet!"
  • When Anthony asks Squirtle where babies come from, he gives them a rundown on turtle reproduction instead of human reproduction. As for why a terrestrial box turtle in a fifth grade classroom would know the mating habits of sea turtles, best not to look too far into it.
    • This gets a Call-Back near the end of the movie, when Mrs. Salinas comes back from maternity leave with her newborn, and Anthony is confused why she only has one baby.
      Anthony: I guess she didn't bury the other eggs deep enough in the sand.
  • While the rest of the class is reading to the kindergarteners, Anthony is being read to by a kindergartener who appears to actually be teaching him how to read.
    • Anthony has the book upside-down.
  • Mrs. Salinas stealing and eating a kid’s lunch due to being pregnant. Later, Ms. Malkin vacuums up the same kid’s lunch.
  • When the drone reads the "Dear John" Letter, it decides to fly itself into the trash can.
