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Funny / LEGO Marvel's Avengers

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  • The Hulk punching a Leviathan is of course left in... with the addition of him taking selfies with it while continuing to hold it up.
    • Hulk selfies have apparently become an in-universe meme... even in Asgard, where Odin sets up guards around his throne just to keep people from taking Hulk selfies.
  • Tony can change his armors on the fly and how he gets them is quite hilarious:
    • Choosing the Mk I has Stan Lee run in WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS and toss the armor pieces on him, running off before throwing the helmet on his head (For added comedy, Tony does the same thing when Stan transforms into Iron Stan).
    • Choosing the Suitcase Armor has Tony put it on the normal way, only for the leg armor to get stuck.
    • Choosing the Silver Centurion has Tony throw his arms wide open waiting for it... only for him to realize it's late. When it lands, he turns around and starts jabbing his wrist, letting it know it's late.
    • Several suits land behind Tony, unintentionally spooking him, the Stealth Suit intentionally sneaks up behind him in stealth mode (on tiptoes), tap's Tony on the shoulder, then moves in front of him and deactivates stealth mode, to scare him.
  • When a speedy character like Speed is on the field, he doesn't walk, he shuffles.
  • The NYCC 2015 trailer:
    • Tony and Steve's little argument in The Avengers devolves into a Wimp Fight.
    • Coulson's final act before dying? Hitting Loki with a spring-loaded punching glove.
    • Loki with a mean handlebar mustache.
    • The Hulk falls in love with a chicken. Until the chicken pecks him in the foot.
  • The Open World Trailer
    • Thor pummeling a bunch of Ultrons before kissing his arms and declaring "I am mighty."
    • Another Thor moment has Thor hammering on a Chitauri and the Hulk getting jealous.
    • The Schwarma scene ends with Hulk hogging the food, except for one cupcake which he gives to Black Widow.
  • One side mission involves helping Luke Cage round up junior S.H.I.E.L.D. agents who had gotten lost, most of which are... pretty useless. One agent, in particular, forgot how to make a fist.
    "Do the fingers go outward or inward? (beat) OW! NOT OUTWARD! NOT OUTWARD!"
    • "Mr. Cage, I swallowed my comms device. Can I get a new one?"
  • Hawkeye's trick shot at the beginning of "Helicarrier Havoc".
  • The way Bruce turns into the Hulk in "Helicarrier Havoc". Funny as hell. We're not going to spoil it for you, Play it to find out. (Editor's note: Remove Lego Bruce Banner Hulks Out from Video Examples)
  • After Steve & Tony see what has happened to Agent Coulson, he then gives a wink to the audience.
  • The game's take on the "he's adopted" scene from the first film. In the original, Thor says this regarding Loki after Black Widow tells him how many people he's killed. In the game, he instead says it after Natasha shows him a video of Loki stealing a little girl's ice cream.
  • At one point, Thor makes Bruce nearly Hulk out when they fight over a bucket of fried chicken. Natasha pacifies Banner by giving him a teddy bear; he can even be seen sucking his (still Hulk-sized) thumb.
  • The game's take on Tony's almost-death in The Avengers: Thor pulls out a jumper cable, but before he can do anything, Hulk gives him mouth to mouth. When Tony asks if anybody kissed him, Steve just looks around awkwardly.
  • Tony and Bruce create Iron Pig... not kidding here.
    • Earlier during the Helicarrier segments, Bruce asks Fury why S.H.I.E.L.D. is using the Tesseract to build weapons of mass destruction and flips the screen he's looking show the picture of a pig with machinery on its back.
  • The Lock-and-Load Montage before the Battle of New York: Thor retrieves Mjolnir, Cap polishes his shield, Stan Lee gives Banner some pants, Tony's smashing the Mark VI helmet with a wrench, and Barton's filling a wheelbarrow with arrows.
    • And when leaving the Quinjet, Barton is pushing his wheelbarrow.
    • After the above piece with Tony and his Mark VI helmet, he has it on and looks ready to rumble—when the interface suddenly displays a Blue Screen of Death. He has to shake his head to clear the error message out.
  • When Iron Man gives Hawkeye a lift after the Avengers have assembled. In the film, it's Hawkeye's idea — here, Stark just picks a panicked Barton up by his ankle.
  • Instead of knocking Loki out of the sky with an exploding arrow like in the movie, Hawkeye instead fires a loaf of bread at him — causing him to get swarmed by pigeons.
  • When Scarlet Witch reads Ultron's mind, she sees a vision of him chasing down bunnies with a chainsaw. Inversely, when she reads Vision's mind, she sees him having a tea party with bunnies.
  • Maria Hill's briefing during Avengers Assemble? The word-for-word recreation of Cobie Smulders' "COULSON!!" spiel in the movie's gag reel, which is a bit more reserved than in the blooper.
  • Stan Lee's cameos are all good for a laugh.
  • The Kamala Khan Ms. Marvel unlock mission has you helping her find the right boat for a Hulk Selfie. The entire time, she's busy being her usual fangirlish self. Once you get there, the Hulk will lift Kamala up by her ankle, a terrified look on her face as the Hulk just grins (To be fair, Hulk uses this same pose with every human-sized person who asks for a Hulk Selfie). She still declares that it's gonna be her cell phone background.
  • Lou Ferrigno's Hulk Out animation — he just spraypaints himself green. Stan Lee spritzes him clean with water when he goes back to normal.
  • A side mission in Washington DC has you and Winter Soldier try to recover his memory through flashback. Of course, Bucky's memory is still a bit hazy...
    Dum Dum Dugan: The ninja ballerinas are attacking!
    • Not to mention PRESIDENT BEAR! note  He's more bear than president!
    • Hydra Chickens. That is all.
  • One mission involves helping Kamala Khan fight some crocodiles with Frickin' Laser Beams strapped to their head. In Central Park. Kamala starts feeling guilty afterward:
    Kamala: Did we get 'em all? Man, now I feel kinda bad for the big ugly mugs. Maybe they're just sleeping... in pieces? Some animals do that, right?
  • A mission at Project Pegasus involves helping MODOK worm his way up the SHIELD janitorial ranks, via Hulk selfies. Alas, at the end of the mission, MODOK remembers something: SHIELD rookies don't have internet privileges!
  • Vision gains Thor's hair when he lifts the hammer.
  • One of Agent Carter's flashback missions takes place at the Daisy Clover Milk Farm, where you have to uncover a "terrible secret:" a robotic dancing cow.
    "The horror...the pasteurized, milky horror..."
    • After you complete this mission, the robot cow appears in Avengers Tower.
  • The post-credits scenes for each set of levels. The Avengers levels end with Thanos listening to Star Lord's mixtape, while the Age of Ultron levels end with Stan Lee lifting Thor's hammer while tidying up after the party.
  • An example of clever usage of in-movie quotes, when Captain America insists to Scarlet Witch that "Stark's not crazy," smash cut to...
    Tony Stark: We're mad scientists! (Said, of course, with a huge, crazed grin while wearing big ole googly goggles.)
  • Unlocking and playing as Squirrel Girl reveals she is Nigh-Invulnerable- but then, it fits someone who never loses. Not only that, but she also has her own Hulkbuster — and, of course, it's squirrel-themed!
  • "It's not a purse, it's a satchel! And it's mine! HELP!"
  • In the main story, Tony uses the Hulkbuster, based on the Age of Ultron kit. Outside of the game, two other characters get this honor, Squirrel Girl and Stan Lee (complete with shoulder-mounted pencil)
  • It's possible to unlock Fin Fang Foom in the game. How is this done? By helping him collect ingredients for him to start his own frozen yogurt chain. Yes, the giant alien dragon capable of destroying entire cities now just wants to sell some frozen yogurt.
  • The Ant-Man DLC level, which is entirely narrated by Luis in the same way he told Scott about Hank's house in the movie.
  • In the opening cutscene, both Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver look exceedingly bored.
  • Some of the redos of recruiting (or attempting to recruit) the Avengers are brilliant.
    • In the movie, the guy Coulson calls during Black Widow's interrogation has a standard issue ringtone. In this game, he has evil music.
    • Black Widow recruiting Bruce, despite having the same dialogue, gives the lines different and more hilarious context. Bruce asks Nat if Fury wants him to swallow what she's showing him because she accidentally showed him a picture of a fish dinner (and then has to scroll through pictures of her and Clint on vacation before finding the Tesseract) and Bruce finds out the place is surrounded by S.H.I.E.L.D agents, not because he fakes hulking out, but because the agents are so terribly incompetent that they fall through the roof onto the table in front of him.
    • The level for recruiting Cap starts with him punching a punching bag... being held by Stan Lee and when he stops punching the bag, it falls into poor Stan. Then, the flashbacks of the crash he has in the movie are replaced with a retelling of Captain America: The First Avenger which features, among other things, Red Skull’s fake face just being a pair of Groucho glasses and the painter he hires (who is also Stan Lee) painting a picture of him as a muscular Viking riding a lion.
  • Hawkeye being extremely over dramatic while breaking into the vault, much to the exasperation of his brainwashed colleagues. Then, instead of using a digital reconstruction of an eye he opens the vault... with a Key Arrow. As in, an arrow with an old fashioned key attached to the end.
  • When Cap shows up in Stuttgart to stop Loki, an eagle actually flies by.
  • Stan Lee cameos once again during the battle against Ultron on the train. In the course of the fight he falls off the train but manages to survive, though he's a bit grumpy about it.
    Stan Lee: Move to Korea, they said. It's safer than New York, they said.
  • The game keeps the "Made of plastic" quip Hawkeye makes in Age of Ultron and fully acknowledges the irony of that statement since he is now actually made of plastic.
