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Funny / Lawrence of Arabia

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  • Lawrence singing "The Man Who Broke the Bank at Monte Carlo" in a canyon and enjoying all the echoes... only to realise someone else was watching/listening the whole time.
  • After getting his new Arab clothes, Lawrence (out of sight of the camp, and thinking he's alone) takes a moment to strike a few dramatic poses and admire his reflection in his knife. Then he spreads his arms like wings and starts running around... once again, only to realise he's being watched.
    Auda abu Tayi: What are you doing, Englishman?
    Lawrence: As you see.
  • Auda offering insults:
    Auda: Give thanks to God, Brighton, that when He made you a fool He gave you a fool's face.
  • Lawrence enters a military bar in Cairo with his Arab servant, ignoring the racist looks being given to them as they order their drinks....
    Lawrence: We want two large glasses of lemonade.
    Bartender: Th-This is a company of British officers!
    Lawrence: That's alright- we're not particular.
  • Auda and Ali's verbal duel:
    Auda: It is Auda of the Howeitat who speaks.
    Ali: It is Ali of the Harith who answers.
    Auda: Harith! Ali, does your father still steal?
    Ali: No. Does Auda take me for one of his own bastards?
    Auda: No, there is no resemblance. Alas, you resemble your father.
    Ali: Auda flatters me.
    Auda: You are easily flattered. I knew your father well.
    Ali: Did you know your own?
  • Lawrence trapping Auda into joining the Aqaba raiding force, and Auda's reaction:
    Lawrence: My friends, we have been foolish. Auda will not come to Aqaba. Not for money…
    Auda: No.
    Lawrence: …for Feisal…
    Auda: No!
    Lawrence: …nor to drive away the Turks. He will come… because it is his pleasure.
    [pregnant pause]
    Auda: Thy mother mated with a scorpion.
