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Funny / King's Quest V: Absence Makes the Heart Go Yonder!

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  • One of the possible deaths is getting punched out by a bear. Yes, you read that right.
  • The music in town is godawful, discordant calliope set so loud it actually drowns out the dialogue.
  • Also, after shipwrecking at Mordack's island, it's possible to fall off the stairs and drop 6 feet to your death. You even get Graham screaming like in his other falling deaths, except it lasts for about half a second before he hits the ground.
  • Defeating a yeti by throwing a pie in its face is so stupid it's hilarious.
  • The DOS version using the Windows CD.
    Cedric: NO MORE FOR TODAY!!!
  • Everything involving the POOOOOISONOUS Snake of infamy, including the hilariously mundane way you beat it after traversing through the first half of the game to find that the way you get rid of said POOOOOISONOUS Snake is by shaking a tambourine at it and spooking it away.
  • In the grand King's Quest vein of "this tiny thing now will massively screw you over later," Cedric can die about two-thirds of the way through the game if the player doesn't save him, which means that Graham will die in the ending. This was bad news to quite a lot of fans who deliberately let Cedric die as soon as they could just to make him shut the hell up.
  • It's possible to die before entering Mordack's castle just by walking forward. The path looks like it has a large step just before the door. It's actually a drawbridge slightly up, so if you continue walking, Cedric, useless as ever, says "No, Graham, don't!" and Graham falls to his death with his usual scream.
    Narrator: Uh oh. That last step was a doozy.
  • At the end, Crispin asks about Cedric. Graham just says "Oh, he's over there" and points to Cedric's corpse.
