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Funny / Kind Hearts and Coronets

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  • Louis' many observations during his narration.
    "The Reverend Lord Henry was not one of those new-fangled parsons who carry the principles of their vocation uncomfortably into private life."
    "It is so difficult to make a neat job of killing people with whom one is not on friendly terms."
    (On killing his cousin's mistress as well as his cousin) "I was sorry about the girl, but found some relief in the reflection that she had presumably during the weekend already undergone a fate worse than death."
    "The next morning I went out shooting with Ethelred - or rather, to watch Ethelred shooting; for my principles will not allow me to take a direct part in blood sports."
    (On Lionel being dull) "I must admit he exhibits the most extraordinary capacity for middle age that I've ever encountered in a young man of twenty-four."
  • When Louis visits the doddery parson under the guise of a missionary, he tells the Reverend Lord Henry that he was in Africa and translated the Bible into the local language of Matabele. The parson asks Louis for a Bible verse in the language, which Louis tries to avoid by modestly saying his Matabele is rusty. When the parson presses him for a particular verse, Louis lets out a string of hilarious babbling nonsense. The parson's face falls into one of utter bewilderment.
  • The hangman at the prison, lamenting that he now must resign because he could never go back to hemp after hanging the duke with silken rope.
    • He is anxious to address the condemned properly and starts to practice to himself.
  • Louis loses hope of killing the admiral, despondent as he looks at the large and complicated blueprint for a torpedo.
  • Lady Agatha struggling to hold on to the balloon she is riding in while pamphleteering. Also her introduction, where she is shown smashing shop front windows with her parasol.
