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Funny / Kara of Rokyn

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  • Being a Kryptonian has drawbacks. You can't let yourself cry too hard lest you be heard all across the country.
  • Nar-Es has a very no-nonsense approach to train wrestlers:
    Nar-Es: "You didn't blow it, you just lost, and if you don't get your head into a different space, you're going to lose this one! Listen. Kara. I've been a fighter, too. Want to hear about it? Good. I knew you would."
  • On discussing ways to protect your secret identity...
    Supergirl: Oh, you. You never give me credit for ingenuity and invention. Besides, if he really had learned I was Supergirl, I had a secret defense weapon for him.
    Superman: What kind of secret defense weapon was that?
    Supergirl: (laughing) I'd've stripped naked and he would've lost his mind!
    Superman: (laughing, too) Oh, you know, you know what I wanted to do to Lois one time? Just once, I wanted to lure her into the Planet storeroom, make believe I didn't see her, turn my back, take off my coat—and have a Flash uniform underneath!
  • After years and years of dancing around the issue, Clark Kent and Lois Lane get married. Superman can't believe it, though, and even after the ceremony he still fears he'll wake up, or the wedding will turn out to be part of some super-villain's plot, or the marriage shall be rendered null and void because of some convoluted nonsense, or...
    Clark: I still can't believe it's happened. I still keep thinking I'll wake up, or that Lois will be a robot, or I will, or it'll be a hoax, or somebody will tell me I've imagined the whole thing.
    Linda: Not a dream, robot, hoax, or imaginary story, Clark. It's for real.
    Lois: And if you're a robot, Clark, I'm going to dismantle you.
  • Wrestling trash-talking provides plenty of humorous one-liners:
    Jara: (snarling) I'm gonna knock you outta your panties, babe.
    Kara: Glad somebody reminded you to wear yours.
