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Funny / Just Art

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The whole series is a comedic take on the lives of the Dokis so there are plenty of laughs to be had.

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    If the DDLC crew filmed a movie 

    I'm sorry, please repeat that! 
  • The whole video is nonstop laughter inducing from Monika trolling Yuri, to Sayori and Natsuki being utterly amused to the ending shot of Monika about to be hit with a book from behind by Yuri.
  • If you interpret Sayori starting the whole raccoon thing because Yuri gave her a Non-Answer when she asked for poem ideas, Monika's trolling becomes funnier.
  • There's also a meta example in Yuri's line: "It's not like [Natsuki's]] chipper squeaky voice is more clear than mine!" when you find out that Yuri and Natsuki are voiced by the same girl.

    Guy Time! 

    Car Ride 

  • Sayori's weapon of choice to fight a possibly possessed doll?
    Natsuki: Spoons? Seriously?

    Order up! 

    Zoom call 
  • Monika's reaction to her friends entering the call:
    • "I think there's something wrong with the camera..". "Your camera's fine, Yuri."
    • "Are you still eating lunch, Sayori?!". "No....(followed by munching noises)".
    • "Oh, Natsuki! Finally someone with organization.". She gets a Death Glare from Yuri that makes her Sweat Drop.

    DDLC Christmas special!! 
  • Natsuki (who's The Grinch in the story) taking offense to the narrator making her out to be honestly.
    • Honestly, all of the girls' interactions with the narrator here are golden.

    A tale of excellence!! 

    Cupcakes Vs Muffins!! 
  • The implication that the girls failed to notice the other club who look like them selling muffins across from their stand, basically.
  • When Jessica says "We're not copying you, we just want to get people to eat healthy...'cause muffins are healthy!", mostly because the last part is delivered like she just thought of that mid-sentence.
    • Directly after this, Monika attempts to insult Jessica, by saying "You're healthy!", but then she realizes directly after that she roasted herself.
  • While the Lub Dub Writing Club is distracted, their tip jar disappears. Yuki asks where is is, and directly after that, it cuts to the dokis running away with their tip jar.

    Dokis in the DARK 
  • The skit manages to be funny even if it's not animated. The Dokis descend into chaos arguing about the Boogeyman and other horror stories characters.

  • Sayori showing up to the sleepover in a strawberry onesie...while all her friends are animals.

    Summer Bummer 
  • When a kid calls Yuri fat, Natsuki comes to her defense.
    Natsuki: Hey! Yuri's not fat. She's thick.
    Yuri: Thank you, Natsuki. (Beat) Wait, what?
