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Funny / JLA Adventures: Trapped In Time

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  • Watching Karate Kid and Dawnstar, taking a taxi.
    Cab Driver: You need some place to go, I help you. The Hall of Justice maybe?
    Karate Kid: How do you know where we're headed?
    Dawnstar: Yes how?
    Cab Driver: (looks to Dawnstar incredulously) Um, I think the wings you have on your back kind of gave it away.
    • When they finally get to the hall and the cab driver tries to explain they have to pay for the ride. Dawnstar offers a blessing of good fortune for the cabby and his vehicle.
    Dawnstar: Bless and protect this man in his many travels. And give him total consciousness upon his demise.
    Cab Driver: (the cab starts to glow as it floats away) Ah! AHH! Put me down you crazy looking freaky people!
  • Robin getting bored while on monitor duty and playing an online dungeon crawler game to pass the time.
    • Robin is not happy when Batman tells him to stay in the batwing. Boy Wonder snarks every minute of it just about how much he hates it. It's great.
    Robin: (grumbles under his breath) I'm gonna touch whatever I want. (starts pressing buttons at random) Touch this button and this button and this button.
    Batman: I heard that.
    • It's just weirdly hilarious to hear Sokka saying things like "Justice League," "overdrive," and "Batman." Also, his fight with Karate Kid, for a similar reason.
  • Cheetah and Grundy's attempt to trick Ma and Pa Kent into handing over baby Superman.
    • And the fight over Superbaby manages to both be dramatic and funny...then suddenly terrifying.
  • Superbaby sending Bizarro flying with one punch.
  • While it's also frighting in the implications of how the timeline must have been badly altered. Seeing a statue of Lex Luthor, in place of the one for Superman (which even includes the majestic Bald Eagle perched upon Luthor's arm) near the end of the film, does look rather ridiculous.
